The Golden Seashell, Part 1

by Lilac~The Fainting Queen

Deep blue shafts of bright light streamed from my bedroom’s stained glass window, waking me. I yawned and patted my dog, Sparkles, on her head. I peered through the only clear pane in my entire window, thinking that it must have been pretty late in the morning for it to be that bright out. But as my sleepy eyes regarded the outside world more closely, I realized that something was not right. For one thing, not a soul was moving. In fact, the only thing moving at all was the ceaseless pattern of waves crashing onto the gorgeous Sparkle Bay seashore. Now, I was wide awake and quite alarmed. It was not day yet, I realized. There were still stars in the sky! It was night! But over the Isle of Asalene, there was a strange light in the sky, brighter than any light that ought to have been burning above Asalene at that time of night. And rather high in the sky as well. The light was golden, with red and silver flecks in it. However, the most unusual thing about it, by far, was that there were only two beams of light coming off of it. The rest of the country was as dark as usual, dotted with the flickering torches and lamps of the various guard towers and sentries. One of the beams was shining directly onto my window. That was where the light in my room was coming from. The other beam was shining onto a spot just out of view down on the beach. As I witnessed this, a tingle of terror ran down my spine.

“What in tarnation is that?” I muttered under my breath. My heart pounding, filled with fear that nearly overpowered my excitement, I stealthily crept down the stairs, my curiosity overwhelming my cautiousness. I hurried across the back lawn and down the tree lined path to the seaside cliffs. The light was beginning to fade and I had still not yet discovered what it was shining on on the beach. I just had to know! I quickened my pace and rushed down the cliffside on rickety steps, the cool breeze penetrating my robe and chilling me to the bone. My feet touched the soft sands of Sparkle Bay Beach, and soundlessly I ran to where the now barely visible golden light shone down. There, on the beach, far above the tide line, lay a golden scallop’s shell, shining as if it had a pure gold light hidden inside of it. Quickly I picked it up. It was warm. Grasping it tightly in my hand, I hurried home. Hoping fervently that I had not been missed, I gently placed the still glowing seashell into a drawer, safely tucked away in a necklace box. All was dark again outside, except the stars and the usual flickering torches. I crawled back into bed, tired out from all the excitement, and was fast asleep within seconds.

The next morning - and this time, it really was morning - I was awakened by the loud yet squeaky voice of Nurse Aeva shouting, “Milady Princess Ellmene, get up this instant! Do you not know that you have the Sparkle Bay Kingdom’s Beach Ceremony in a mere sixty minutes, at which you must appear, fully clothed in royal attire, I might add? Up and out of bed now, dearie.”

I sighed loudly and sat up on my elbows in bed.

“Aeva,” I whined groggily, “Please, do not call me ‘dearie.’ I’m practically nineteen for heaven’s sake!”

I really didn’t want to get up, not having gotten the amount of sleep I was used to.

“Hurry, or you’ll be late and unkempt!” Nurse Aeva continued.

I groaned, wondering why in the world I was so tired, and rolled out of bed. Stretching and yawning, I glanced out the window thoughtlessly, and then, suddenly, I remembered. The seashell! The odd lights! Just to make sure I hadn’t dreamt it all and wasn’t going mad, I opened the desk drawer and grabbed the necklace box. I flung back the lid and gasped. The golden seashell was gone!


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