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mY sO cALLeD Lyf

fiNd d' mEaNinG oF Lyf ThrOugh TheM

u DoNt waNna kNow...
La uNiOn
PiPoL's pRofiLes
ThE vAmPirE
BiTchEs RuLe!!!!

All that stuff about happy endings is lies. The only ending in this world is death... Sometimes in this world things come easy, and you tend to lean back and say, "well, finally, happy ending. This is the way things is supposed to be." Like life owed you good things. And there is lots of good things. But you just fool yourself if you expect good things all the time. - nobody owe 'em to you... Nothing to make you happy like doing good on a tough job..

LyF iS sHoRt. sO eNjOy eVerY MiNuTe Of iT!THANK YOU!