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 - Frequently Asked Questions -

(If your question is not answered here, please feel free to contact me at lucas@riseofthemolecule.com)

What is LAB Ideas?
LAB Ideas is...I dunno.  It's basically the company under which I, Lucas Antoniak, publish/distribute all of my artistic projects.  I "started" LAB Ideas when I was about seven or eight --- sometime around 1988.  Originally, this was because I was writing books about dinosaurs and drawing comics for myself and wanted my own authentic-sounding publishing name.  This was in competition with my brothers and sister, who had their own respective publishing names.  Seventeen or so years later, I'm still using using the name for all my creative endeavors.

Why is Burnt Orange Peel called Burnt Orange Peel?

Burnt Orange Peel actually takes its name from the Beck song "Burnt Orange Peel," which is found on his superb album One Foot in the Grave.  When I first went to work for Sidelines, I didn't really have a name for my strip, so the morning I drew what would become my first published comic, I decided to name it in honor of one of my favorite songs on one of my favorite albums by my all-time favorite artist.  I wanted a title that didn't make any sense or have anything to do with the strip itself.   Occasionally people think Michael's name is Burnt Orange Peel.  Oh well. 

For more info on the song "Burnt Orange Peel," click here.

What's with the Wally drawing on the goat on the intro page? Is that real?

Yes, that's real. (If you missed the intro page, click here to see the picture in question.) I used a dyed hydrogen peroxide made for animals. Totally harmless, it washed off a few weeks after that picture was taken. 
Unfortunately, the goat broke free a few months ago and hasn't been seen since.

To see what the other side of the goat looked like, click here.

Will you design/draw/etc something for me/my company/my publication?

For a negotiable fee, I'll more than willingly design/draw almost anything you want.  Just contact me at lucas@riseofthemolecule.com and tell me what you want.

Who is 'Inky Fingers?'?

'Inky Fingers' is a pen name I gave myself and use pretty often.

Who designed this web site?

See technical information.
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Technical Information

This web site was designed on an Apple iBook using Netscape Composer 4.6.  Almost all of the graphics were hand-drawn and scanned into my computer, where they were tweaked and properly sized before being uploaded online. 

This web site could not have been made with the contributions of the following people and companies. Please check out their sites. 

Microfrontier's Color It! 4.0.1,  was and is used for all of my digital tweaking needs, including every graphic on this site. Very inexpensive and the best.

 John A. Vink's Photo Page 1.5 is an easy-to-use freeware program that I relied on countless times in making this site, particularly the portfolio section. Highly recommended.

My parents' web site The Attic Corner hosts the intro page, giving me an easier-to-remember URL than the long scribbles of angelfire.com.  Thanks!

Lanny Campbell, Andrew Gustin, and Sarah Antoniak were all testers for this site before its "official" launch. Chad Pirtle typically proofreads every BOP before it's uploaded to this site, while my younger brothers Matt and Pete (who are the only 'real' people to have appeared in the BOP universe) are also the only other official LAB Ideas staff members besides myself and LAB Ideas! security guard, Charcoal M. Pig. All are greatly appreciated for their assistance.

A special thanks to anyone who's
inspired me or helped me along the way. 

You know who you are.  Or maybe you don't.

Oh well.

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About "ABOUT"

"About" is a word.  It can be found in the dictionary and has many definitions. 
Here's what Webster's Dictionary has to say about "about. . ."

about (avd.)  1. all around.  2. near.  3. in an opposite direction. 4 . nearly: as in, about ready.  (adj.)  astir: as in, he is up and about now. (prep.)  1. on all sides of.  2. near to.   3. with.  4. intending; on the point of.  5. concerning.

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