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In the 1930's a group of people joined forces to bring 
a NEW kind of entertainment to the American 
people. The art form was called: Comic Books.  

Through the years comics have changed drastically. 
Funny animals were all the rave in the beginning, then 
love stories took over. Soon, horror comics took off 
like a BAT OUT OF HELL, bringing with them the end 
of an era. The Comic's Code set forth to destroy 
comics and it nearly succeeded, but something stood 
in their way… the Superhero. With the likes Super-
man & Batman, new adventures thrilled a hunger public.
The Fantastic Four, Spider-Man and the HULK made a 
generation stand up and take notice of comics again. 
These were books produced by creators who loved them, and all was good. Then, after many years of hard work a DARK cloud loomed over the industry… greed. Now, it didn't matter what team produced a certain title, who did the cover or what the fans wanted. The only thing that mattered was how much MONEY a book was making. The creator's of popular titles were given the "boot" in order to make way for the new "Editor's" favorite people. Worse yet, the distribution "system" of comics was slaughtered by "Major" publishers pledging allegiance to ONE distributor. As one indie distributor fell after the other… the industry cried.