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(orig. released Aug. 1, 1953)

Even by the broad-comedy standards of the later McDoakes shorts, this one is as out-there as they get. It starts in flashback, telling the story of Joe's "faithful" dog Dusty who, unbeknownst, to Joe, is the biggest turncoat since Benedict Arnold. Despite the fact that Dusty is an aide to the enemy through two wars, and almost manages to help a burglar steal Joe's precious bonds, Joe refuses to doubt Dusty's loyalty.

This is a one-joke premise if ever there was one. But the permutations through which the joke is put (just for kicks, one morning Dusty unlocks a railroad track and derails a train) make it pretty funny -- not to mention the fact that Joe places all his bets on the only sociopathic dog in history.

Our rating:

(C) 2012, Steve Bailey.

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