You can see this one coming a mile away. Just to get us in the mood for some no-brainer comedy, the prologue establishes Joe as the guy hated by all of the neighborhood kids. So what news do you suppose his wife Alice has ready for him?
This short has probably suffered from the endless sitcom variations since, in which a male doofus finds out he's going to be an expectant daddy and reacts in predictably stupid ways. The best element of this dull short comes early on, when it appears that Joe is willing to take all of the credit for this upcoming newborn at the expense of his suffering wife. But that theme is discarded quickly in lieu of a long slog through Clicheville. Joe wants a boy at all costs. Alice gets weird cravings at odd hours of the night. And look at how nonchalant Alice is when she realizes that The Moment has arrived! Tra-la-la, better grab the coat and head on out to the doctor. That reaction was dictated by 1947 censors more than by any reaction any pregnant woman has ever had to her water breaking.
Worst of all is the movie's final attempt at a sight gag. I won't disclose it here, on the off-chance you make it all the way through this silly movie, but...poor George O'Hanlon, what you wouldn't do for a paycheck!
Our rating:
(C) 2012, Steve Bailey.
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