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Magik's Fanficion Archive


Welcome to Magik's Fanfiction Archive where you can find fanfiction from various comic book, movie, and television sources. I accept submissions and you can find the guidelines listed under the Contact menu above. The guestbook has also been moved under that designation. The Fanfiction section has been divided into easier, smaller pages under specific divisions, ie. Marvel, DC, Other Comics, Crossovers, Other Media, which includes the television and movie fanfictions, and the Old Feature Stories. Under Fun Stuff you can find my various time consuming projects that keep my from doing homework and provide you with interesting things to look at and download or make fun of, whatever you wish.




As you can see there have been some revisions in the look of the page. There are a number of reasons for the change. One is that I was really inspired by the new format my roommate is using for her page. However, we've been dealing with the other version for years now and it's got on my nerves. It was hard to navigate and, according to some people, hard to read, even though I did try my best to ensure that the font color was of the maximum contrast to the background. I've gotten read of kd's banner, sorry kd, but it will be featured as one of the buttons that you can use if you wish to link to me and will be available at the bottom of the links page. As you can see, I've gone with the same kind of top navigation bad set-up that is featured over at The Darkest Light. I like the look of the navigation bar and it does make navigating so much easier.






New Stuff: I'm going to try and start getting this thing rolling again sometime before the new year. The dial-up connection I have at home is just too slow for me to deal with so I'm currently working on talking my father into getting DSL. Keep an eye out. this page is not dead.


All the picture found in the following pages have been scanned in by yours truly except for the ones on the Links page. The only pictures on the site that belong to me are the ones on the Dedications, Dolls, and Wallpapers pages. Please do not go around copying my pictures and claiming them as your own. I do not own any of the characters in the following pages. They belong to respective companies and are being used for non-profit entertainment purposes only.


This page was last updated on March 20, 2002