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This story is the unofficial sequel of Seeing Red and Shades of Red part one. I have full permission from Kaylee the author. I am not making any money.

All characters except for Burst are property of Marvel Comics.

Burst is a character of my own, so there!

A Brother in Need

By Maria Cline


"Alone." he thought "Alone and freezing." The cold didn't bother him. He was so used to the cold. It is the alone part that hurt him. Scott Summers stood at the cliff in Alaska. It had been a couple of months since he left. He hid from the X-men well. All those years of experience enable him to hide from his own "family". Logan had been tracking him on his own. Scott had the hardest time evading him. He couldn't face Logan. At least not yet. Even with the telepaths at full strenght, he hid. "Why am I hiding?" He thought. He asked himself that questions several times and he had no answer.

He stared off at the Alaskan wilderness. The tall pine trees swayed at the breeze, the silence is deafening. He remembered this spot too well. The spot where his life both ended and began. The spot where he and his younger brother Alex has been orphaned. The plane was crashing and his parents threw them off of the plane in only one parachute. They survived but he was brain damaged. Thanks to that brain damage, he couldn't control his optic blasts, his gift and curse. Alex was adopted since he was younger and cuter. But Scott was a brain damaged ten-year-old, no one wanted him. He learned in his childhood, that he will never be accepted. That he will never beable to know love. He thought that he was wrong when he met Jean Grey. Her ravishing beauty attracted him. From the second he laid eyes on Jean ,he knew what love felt like. She gave him strength. She gave him love. Most importantly, she gave him hope.

The second that she betrayed him she took it all away. She left him a mere shell of a man that he was once was. He have no one. Cable, his son, didn't need him. His father Cosair didn't care. He was off cruising the galaxy. He didn't even know about Alex's death. His brother Alex had died around the same time he left. "At least we made peace before you died bro." he thought.

He pulled out a knife and he kneeled down on the white snow. "And I am going to join you soon." He thought as he plunged the knife inward.


Prologue 2:

Alex Summers stood at the cliff. "Home, I'm comming home." he thought sweetly. A young woman walked up to him. Her hair is a long and light brown. Her eyes were a cross between a sky blue and a faint hint of rose pink. She is strong and athletic. She asks "Ready?". Alex smiled.

He had been waiting too long for this moment. Since he was shunted to an alternate universe after his "death", he tried to go back. He couldn't until he met Burst. She can and will bring him home, to his friends and family. She will bring him home to Scott, his brother. "I'm ready," he said. "And I am going to join you bro." he thought as she held on to his hand and in a flash of lavender colored light they disappeared.

They arrived back on a cliff in a different universe. "We're here!" Burst announced. Alex cried out "Yes! Thank you!" His eyes looked around in hopes to find his brother. "Oh no!" he cried out as he saw a body in the snow. They ran over to find Scott Summers lying on the ground surrounded by red snow.



Part 1

Scott opened his eyes in a familiar setting. He was in his Alaskan home. <How did I get here?> He wondered. He tried to get up, but found his arms tied to the bed. The bands were loose but strong. He looked down to find his stomach completely healed. <My wound is gone. Am I dead?> Then he looked up to find a strange woman asleep on a separate bed. "Miss?"

"Huh?" She stirred and saw him. "Oh good, you're awake." Burst rubbed the sleep from her eyes. They were a light shade of pink. "Alex! He's awake!" She yelled.

Then a blond hair man ran in and smiled. "Welcome back to the living." He greeted with a slightly somber tone.

"You're alive." Scott amazed stated. "Is it really you? Prove it!"

"Remember the cliff where the you stabbed yourself? The accident happened there when we were kids. I went there when I lost control of my powers. You came to me and we talked. Afterwards we went to a bar, got into a fight, you got off with barely a scratch while, I ended up with a black eye!" Alex reminisced.

"It is you!" Scott happily cried out.

"Yes, I'm alive and thanks to Burst you are too."


"He means me." Burst said as she sat up on the bed.

"So Scott now that we established the fact of my existence, what is this?" Alex asked as he took out a note. He read:

"To anybody who found this note: I have no life. Please bury my body in an unmarked grave and tell no one about this. If anybody came around asking for Scott Summers tell him/her or them that I am dead and to forget me."

"My note to the authorities. I can't go on Alex." Scott bitterly said. "I tried to kill myself several times: poison, a gun, and the knife. But every time, something happens."

"Why Scott? I mean you have friends, a family, and your wife Jean." Then his face lit with awareness. "It has something to do with Jean, right?"



"No, in some ways worst."

Alex looked at the knife that Scott had stabbed himself with. Jean and Logan is printed on it in fine print. He looked up and asked. "Jean and Logan?"

"Jean asked him. She lost her telepathy several months ago, due to the Psi Wars. I..we always had our psychic rapport. We lost that link. I tried so damn hard to express my emotions, but I can't. At least not as well as Logan. They did it and I heard them. I had to leave. The X-men have been betraying me so many times. The time when Colossus joined the Magneto and the Actocles. The time when Psylocke used her powers on me because she had this crush on me. The time when you pushed me out of that plane. And that time when the Professor himself became Onslaught. All those times, I had forgiven them and you. But when Jean and Logan did it, that was the final straw. I had to leave. I have no faith in me, in the X-men, now."

"You pushed Scott out of a plane?" Burst asked

"Yeah, but I was undercover and I knew a little thousand foot drop couldn't kill Scott."


"Hey it's the past."Alex said "Now we gotta talk about Jean and Logan's little affair."

Burst got up and said "I better leave you two alone. This is way too personal for me."

"I can't go on without Jean. I can't face her again."

"But," Alex commented "You had lived without Jean, before. Remember when we all thought that Jean died on the moon?"

"This is different. Back then, I had the belief that she loved me. That she will always love me even when she is "dead". Jean has no faith in my love, now. She chose Logan because he is so expressive."

"Oh, god." Alex muttered. When Alex and Burst found Scott in the snow, she immediately teleported the two to the cabin. There was no phones and the nearest hospital was miles away. Burst put her energies in Scott and healed him. It weakened her a great deal. With the dimensional jump, the healing and the teleport back to the house, Burst was too weak to teleport again for a while. So Alex placed the two in the bedroom in separate beds, he tied his brother's arms to the bedposts. Then he place the sunglasses back on Scott's head. At the time, he thought that a supervillain had attacked. But there was no sign of struggle and no sign of combat. Evidence suggested that is was a suicide attempt. The missing wedding ring, the note and the dagger. But he thought that it was a mistake, maybe he was possessed. Alex couldn't get hold of the authorities, not even the other X-men, yet.

"Alex?" Scott asked.


"How did you get back from the dead?"

"It's a long story." Alex replied <At least he is not thinking about suicide.> he thought. He explained about the alternate dimension, his adventures, and how he got back. He told about Burst's abilities, she could travel from one dimension to the next. She can heal others. The healing comes from the fact that she can alter biological matter and DNA. He tells about how they met.

"Interesting," Scott replied. "So now you're back, what are you going to do?"

"Get X-Factor together again. After I deal with a certain suicidal brother of mine."

"I have another plan that has nothing to do with suicide. But it will require Burst's help. Can she be trusted?"

"Yes, she can. She is an honest person." Alex wondered, "What are you planning?"

"A way to gain faith in myself, and maybe back in the x-men."

Alex called out, "Burst! Can you come here?"

"Yes?" Burst said as she entered the door.

"Burst," Scott said with determination, "I need your help in a plan, I have been thinking of for a while but I couldn't figure out a way to complete it, but now I think I can."

"What's your plan?" Alex and Burst asked simultaneously. Scott told them the full detail of his plan. Alex is shocked. "That's crazy! Please tell me this is a joke!" Scott stared at him. "It's not a joke." Alex realized. Burst sighed. "It's better than suicide." She logically stated. "Not much." Alex muttered. <But Burst is right, it is better than suicide.> He thought to himself.

"So," Scott asked "Will you do it?"

Burst nodded "Ok, I'll do it."


Part 2


Burst explained to Scott, "I must have your complete trust. The alterations are going to take time and I can't completely control the details."

Scott pondered "I will but only if you will tell me your origin."

Burst explained, "You see Scott. I am from an alternate world very much like this one. Only I existed in that one. I was an X-man for a while. I quit because my brother's shadow overcast me. At the time, all I can do is teleport whenever I would run. I tried to live a normal life but when your a Summers, life is anything but normal."

"Summers?" Alex and Scott asked.

"Yes, I am a Summers. I know that our family tree is more twisted than a pretzel! But let me continue, I kept on going until Galactus attacked. Every superhero went up to stop the behemoth, but it's no good. I saw every one of them fall to Galactus' power. I attacked Galactus partially hoping to die valiantly. But it didn't happen. When I got through with Galactus I changed. My powers increase and I instantly left Earth. I (sob) went back to find Earth a mere husk of rock. I am an orphan to an entire world. I started to travel from one alternate world to another. Trying to find a new home. That is when I founded Alex. I tried not to contact any of my alternate relatives. But I couldn't deny Alex the right to be in his home universe. And when I saw you bleeding and dying. I felt history repeating itself. I had to save you." She broke down in tears.

Scott and Alex stared at their crying 'sister'. "I'm so sorry, Burst," Scott apologized "What's your real name?"

"Kathy Summers, after my mom."

Alex put his arm around her shoulders and said, "Im sorry too Kathy."

"Burst!" She rebottled. "I want to be called Burst."

Scott sadly said, "You can go ahead and do the operation if you want to.""Yes, Scott I do." Burst and Alex ate silently at the table. It had been a week since Burst performed the "operation". The alterations that Scott wanted is hard for Burst to do. She had to use a method of alteration that requires time and luck. Burst created a cocoon around him. She gave the cocoon instructions and allowed time for Scott to change.

Alex spoke up, "Well, how is he?"

"He's due to 'hatch' any time now."

Alex stared down.

"What?" Burst asked.

"Nothing, it's just that ..."

"You're worried about Scott."

"Yes, I trust you but I don't know how he will turn out."

"Well," Burst stated, then a hum emanate from the other room. "It's time!" She announced.

Alex and Burst ran to the next room where the cocoon stayed. The edges started to crack and a bright light cracked through. In a boom, the cocoon broke open to reveal a young naked teenaged boy bathed in light. Burst put her hand over her eyes and walked out of the room, as Alex put a bathrobe over the youth.

"Scott? Can you hear me? Are you ok?" a concerned Alex asked.

"Ye-yes," Scott said "I'm starving though."

Burst walked back in with a tray of soup. She said, "Here, this should help you."

She gave the tray to Scott and he gulped it down since he hadn't eaten in a week. When he was done he asked, "Well, how do I look?" Alex handed his brother a mirror.

"Like this bro."

Scott stared at his new face. It is lean and young. His eyes were unique. One eye is a black pupil on white while the other is white on black. His hair is in a unique fashion. His shoulder length hair is black with several white streakes. His once tanned complexion turned into a more ghostly white. "Wow." he murmured. "It's different," he smiled "But I like it."

"Good," Burst said "But you would have to wear sunglasses around other people."

"So," Scott said "I always wear sunglasses before." He laughed. Alex and Burst laughed too. Then Alex realized "What is your powers?"

Scott pondered "I don't know." The two brothers looked over at Burst. She shrugged "I don't know myself. It is solar powered like before. But, I don't know what the power is."

"Great." Scott murmured.

Burst overheard and said, "Hey, you wanted new powers."

"Yes, I do." Scott recalled, "We better go and see what my powers is."

Outside in the Alaskan weather, the trio attempted to find out Scott's new powers. They tried the various 'popular' powers. They tried telepathy, telekinesis, superstrenght, and phasing. Scott tried suggested, "How about flying?"

"FLYING?" Burst and Alex chorused.

"Yea." Scott climbed a tree and cried out "If I can't fly. Catch me!" and he jumped.

He fell like a stone. So Alex and Burst scrambled around to catch the falling teen. Scott felt Deja vu and he felt a surge of power going through his veins. "It's happening!" Scott realized. He saw the air around him turn into a bright yellow. Then he vanished.

"Scott!" Burst and Alex cried out.

"I'm ok." Scott cried out as he stepped out of the woods unscathed. He looked down at himself to check for injuries. Their were none.

"Teleportation." Burst said happily. as she, Alex, and Scott entered the house.

"And all it took is a fall from a tree." Alex mused. "Remember when we got out of a falling airplane with only one parachute supporting us?"

"Yes, and that is when I manifested those damn optic blasts of mine."

Alex looked at his (older?) brother with disbelief. "YOU said 'damn'!"

"So, what are you going to do ground me?" Scott asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"Yeah, If you keep on talking like that." Alex rebottled.

Burst snickered a little and said, "While you were 'asleep' I created your past." She pulled out a series of papers. "You are a mutant from an orphanage. You had no idea who your parents are and you have little memories of your childhood."

"Sounds simple enough," Scott commented. "But what if they probed my mind?"

"They can't. I have some telepathic power. But when I tried to put up some walls, your mind repelled me. Your're mind is unreadable."

"Great," Scott said happily " Then I can go and accomplish the next step in my plan."

"Are you sure Scotty?" Alex asked.

"Yes! I need to regain my focus. I need to rebuild it as an Generation X member!"

The end (for now)

Send comments at Maria Cline
