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Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel Comics and are being used only for entertainment. No money is being made from their use. The story belongs to me, Magik, the author.

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

by Magik

    It was December 24 and all through the mansion everyone was stirring, even a brain who knew better because there were finals in a couple.

    Paige Guthrie aka the Generation X member Husk, sat on the living room couch, twisting a strand of hair around her finger and starring off into space. Why am Ah here? she asked herself as she brushed the lint off her blue sweater. Paige sighed and glanced around the room, looking at the others who were stuck in the nightmare.

    Jubilation Lee aka Jubilee, was curled in the recliner by the fireplace. She tried not to let it show but everyone knew she was still very upset over the whole kidnapping and torture ordeal Zero Tolerance had put her through. The scars on her soul were deep and Paige hoped Everett could help her overcome her fear.

    Right, gal, right. Like Ev is in any condition ta be helpin' people right now, Paige thought, glancing at the young man sitting in the recliner away from the fireplace. The firelight played off Everett Thomas's, aka Synch, face, which was tired. It shone off his dark skin. His eyes had bags under them and there was a worry line between them. Paige sighed. Ev was still blaming himself for what happened to M. As if her splitting into twins could be blamed on anyone.

    Paige's eyes traveled to the next victim of this low-down scheme. Jonothon Starsmore, aka Chamber, sat next to her on the couch. His fingers pulled restlessly at the loose strings on his leather jacket. With what could be interpreted as a psionic sigh, he ran a hand through his hair and turned to face her. His green eyes shone brightly for a second than faded.

    *Some fun, eh, luv?* he sent psionically.

    "Loads," Paige said sarcastically. Then she sifted her eyes to the next person.

    Angelo Espinosa, aka Skin, was slumped in the high backed blue chair that was off to the side of the couch. His eyes were closed but Paige could tell that he was awake. Knowing Angelo he was probably trying to get out of it.

    "That won't work, Mr. Espinosa," the torturer said as she walked into the room, ushering the last two victims with her.

    "Hola, chicha. What's the point?" he asked crossly as he sat up.

    "The point, Angelo, is that it's Christmas Eve and no one in this house seems to care. I plan to make you care," Ms. Frost, aka The White Queen, said as she guided Penance and Mr. Cassidy, aka Banshee, to their seats. Then she sat down in the high backed red plushed chair that faced the room.

    "Begging your pardon, Ms. Frost, but you can't force us out of our funk," Ev said as he turned toward her.

    "Don't push me, young man. I...," she started but was interrupted by Paige.

    "Actually, Ev, she can," Paige whispered, tucking a strand of her light blond hair behind her ear.

    *Whot d'you mean by that, luv?* Jono asked and Ms. Frost seemed to pale a bit.

    "Sam tol' me about the time he an' the other New Mutants were murdered an' resurrected by th' Beyonder. They all went inta this terrific funk an' Magneto had no idea what ta do," she paused and drew a breath.

    *Whot happened?*

    "He was bein' controlled by Ms. Frost's prize pupil, Empath. Empath made Magneto send th' New Mutants ta Ms. Frost because she had him convinced that she was th' only one who could help 'em," Paige answered her voice hard with held back anger. She glared at Ms. Frost, who had her head in her hands. "How could you!?" Paige hissed.

    *Paige, gel, whot happened next?* Jono prodded, laying his hand gently on her arm.

    Paige grated her teeth together. "Why don't ya tell them what ya did ta mah brother an' the rest of the New Mutants, Miz Frost? Ah'm sure they'd be thrilled to learn your distinctly different mental techniques."   

    "That's quite all right, Paige. You're doing a fine job. Just stick to the facts," Ms. Frost answered with a calm smile.

    "Witch," Jubilee muttered.

    "What was that, Jubilation?"

    "Nothin', Ms. Frost."

    *Go on, Paige,* Jono said. His green eyes were filled with bittersweet understanding and that understanding gave her the strength to carry on.

    "When th' New Mutants arrived at th' Massachusetts Academy she began brainwashin' them..."

    "I was trying to help your brother and his friends, Paige. Would you rather have Sam still walking around like a zombie?" Ms. Frost asked with a deep sigh.

    "Your version of help meant that ya was allowed ta brainwash them. In your deranged mind they were jus' puppets needin' a master! Now we're like that! Now we're grieving! Does that mean you're gonna mind-zap us, too?! Does it? Answer me, Miz Frost! Answer me truefully or so help me, ya won't be answerin' the next question!" Paige raved as she stood up and stepped toward Ms. Frost's chair.

    "Don't demand me to do things, girl. Despite your ego and your formidable powers, you can not even hope of threatening me."

    "With a snap of ya fingers, ya put them under one of ya mental spells. But mah brother is nothin' if not thorough. Illyana Rasputin fought, didn't she? She kept ya out of her mind. She wasn't ya puppet! If she can fight ya, I can try, too!" Paige yelled, standing right in front of Ms. Frost's chair.

    "You're nothing like Illyana Rasputin. You wouldn't stand a chance."

    "Try me, Miz. Frost. Try me."

    "I helped them," was all Ms. Frost would say.


    "Never, Paige. Witch? Maybe. Sneaky? Definitely. Evil? In some people's twisted minds, yes. But a liar? Never."

    *Gel, come sit down and finish the story,* Jono interrupted, grabbing Paige's arm and pulling her back over to the couch.

    "Nothin' more ta tell, really, Jono. Magneto found out Miz. Frost's plan and rescued the New Mutants. He had ta go through Cap't America ta get them, but he never gave up. It took awhile for them ta get over th' traumatic shock but in th' end they were fine," Paige finished with a sigh as she watched the falling snow through the window.

    "They were all fine? No ill side effects? Not ever?" Ev asked, looking over at Paige.

    "Well, none of them trust th' White Queen," Paige answered, using Ms. Frost's codename.

    "Gee, I wonder why?" Jubilee joked.

    The students all sat still for a full minute. Ms. Frost was sitting in that high backed chair, her expression blank and cold. Paige watched the snowflakes outside the window. They were all still sitting there when the clock struck twelve.

    "Merry Christmas, students," Ms. Frost said as she left the room.

    No one answered her. Mr. Cassidy and Penance had snuck out during the verbal war to check on the St. Criox twins. Ev and Jubilee were moping again, Angelo had fallen asleep, Paige was watching the snow fall and Jono was gazing at Paige.

    The strains of `Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas' played in the background as each student zoned out. The snowflakes were still falling as the room began to empty. It was as though no one could bear the glow of the Christmas tree.

    Jono was the last to go. He paused in front of Paige, who was still starring out the window. *You gonna be okay, sunshine?*

    "I don't know, Jono," she answered.

    *That was a long time ago, gel. She was a different person then.*

    "I don't know, Jono. Remember what she did to Monet, Jubilee, Ev and me during the whole Onslaught thing? Can we trust her, Jono?" Paige asked uneasily as she gazed into his green eyes.

    *Can we ever truly trust people?*


    *There's your answer.*

    "Merry Christmas, Jono."

    *Same to you, Paige.*

    And in her room Ms. Frost was sitting at her desk thinking back on everything she had done in her life. A single tear rolled down her cheek. I always hated Christmas, she thought as she turned out the desk lamp. Bah humbug!
