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DC Fanfiction:
Fanfiction Author Description
  "And Then She Woke Up" Joan Milligan Some people experience the death of the Dream King in different ways.
"Blood and Dreams" Carlos A Sandman story about a man who cannot hear anything in his dreams and the strange, little town he just moved into.
"Borrow My Heart" Mona Daniel, aka "The New Dream" as I call him, finds a mortal love.
"A Brush With Death" Mona A young boy's life takes a turn for the worse and he has to make a decision.
NEW: "Burned" Carmen Williams Starman reacts to the events depicted in the trade paperback Starman: Sins of the Father.
"By the Time You Know it's There, You're Gone" Magik A short story written for the "Never enough time to say I love you" challenge on OTL. Pre-Zero Hour Legionnaires story.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "Chance Encounter" Magik A Sandman story that involves not only the Endless but also the workers of Kelsey's Dinner.
"Christmas with Despair and the Faimily" Carlos Well, here's another little gem by Carlos. The title pretty much says it all.
"Church Dark" Mona The new Dream (Daniel) helps a woman find her way out of a cage.
NEW: "Done Wrong" Yona Sometimes even the Endless can't help you that much.
NEW: "Editorial by Clark Kent" Carlos Clark Kent's editorial on Five for Fighting's song "Superman (It's Not Easy)."
"Grace be Damned" Magik A short story about Lucifer Morningstar and his fall from grace.
"Gift of Delight" Mona A long time ago, before Delight became Delirium, she gave humanity a wonderful gift.
"Hole In The River" Rossi An Endless story about a girl whose good at hiding and the one who finds her.
"I Am Me" Mona An Endless story that focuses on Delirium and her thoughts.
  "Immortality Bites" Smitty The Shade, a popular Starman character, finds out that immortality is not it's cracked up to be.
"Into the Sunless Lands" Jeanne M. A poem about everyone's favorite Endless character, Death.
"The Journey On" Magik A poem about Delirium and Destruction in which Destruction is the narrator.
"Just One Dance" Mona What's a shy girl supposed to do the night of her senior prom? Dance the night away with the Dream King, of course.
"Like, Love and the Bat" Chameleon Batman and angst.
"Lila's Mirror" Magik The Endless all meet Lila, one of Del's, over the problems concerning a certain talking mirror.
"Living Someone Else's Nightmare" Magik A fanfic using the characters of Andromeda and Brainac 5. It explores the relationship (?) or lack thereof between them, along with a few strange dreams.
"Luthor's Victory" Maria Cline Lex Luthor gloats over his victory. What victory, you ask? Well, read the story.
  "Magic Land"  Joan Milligan Death and amusement parks.
"Moonstruck" Mona Delirium cheers up some kids in London and does a little bonding with Dream.
"Ode to the Endless" Magik A short poem about the Endless.
"One Day" Carlos A short story involing a member of the Endless. Another gem from Carlos this a must read.
"Persephone" Acetal A woman's encounters with members of the Endless.
"Promises and Wanderings" Magik A journey with two souls, looking for what was in their dreams.
"Sandman: Mine" Thistle Dream requests the audience of a young woman who belongs to his and Delirium's realms.
"The Seven" Magik Seven short stories, each one featuring mortals and a member of the Endless.
"The Sky Has Become a Butterfly" Magik The youngest of the Endless, Delirium, sits and ponders some things about her family.
"The Sleepers" Carlos The Sandman (Daniel), Nightwing, and Starman join forces to stop a crazy old witch.
"Starman: Dark Creatures" Carlos Another wonderful romp in the land of Starman brought to us by the one, the only, Carlos.
"Starman: The Walking Dead" Carlos A Starman story about voodoo and zombies and, of course, Starman.
"Stories By the Fire" Joan Milligan Destruction tells a couple of traveling monks a very old, very important story.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "A Silver Thread of Conscience" Magik A Sandman story about a young girl waiting to speak with Dream.
"So Much to Live For" Mona Endless story. We all lose a pet at some point in our life. Sometimes we need a little convincing that we can continue on.
"Through the Dreamer's Eyes" Magik A poem about how a sleeping person may see Dream and his realm of the Dreaming.
"To Be" Thistle Sometimes the dreams from our youth can change our lives.
"Touching" Maggie the Cat Poison Ivy learns some things about life and herself.
"What We Used to Know" Magik The story of a god and a goddess, long forgotten by us but not by the Endless.
 "Youngest Son" Smitty Tim Drake reflects on his life as Robin.
"You Can Cry If You Want To" Joan Milligan Dream helps a troubled writer to see the truth.