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Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel Comics. They are being used for entertainment purposes only and no moeny si being made off their use. The poem belongs to Morpheus, the author.


by Morpheus,

What do I do?
Where do I go?
I have nothing here,
No family to bind.

I feel alone,
On my own.
Illyana is gone,
My little snowflake.

She was my hope,
My light, my rope
To cling to life.
What now?

I have to stay here,
I owe it to my peers.
My life is in tatters,
I feel dead inside.

There was nothing I could do,
I know.
But I have lost faith,
In all I held dear.

Xavier promised to keep
Us safe from evil that seeps
Into all our lives.
But what about Illyana?

She was not safe from the Legacy,
A child not given mercy.
Xavier's promise broken,
As I feel inside.

Fate has no heart.
And I can play no part
In a world which claims
An innocent life.

Xavier betrayed me,
Desicrated my family.
But he kept me safe,
For so long,

I owe him something,
But Illyana is not living.
That is a price,
No debt can override.

The death of an innocent child,
Makes my pulse race wild.
I tried to protect her,
But I failed.

The dream failed me,
I failed me.
My expectations beyond
What I could acheive.

I brought her here,
But Xavier kept her here.
We are both at fault,
For killing an innocent.

She had no place,
To fight in our race.
We were both ignorant,
To her naivite.

But Illyana is here no more,
And staying here is a chore.
I would fight to justify,
A cause I do not believe in.

I have to go,
Do something so
I stay sane.
My life needs purpose.

What do I do?
Where do I go?
I have nothing here,
No family or friends to bind.

Xavier betrayed me,
I need to flee,
This place of hurt,
Where my snowflake died.

He is the one I despise,
For his promises and lies.
I stood true to the dream,
But his dream failed me.

I am not to blame,
He should carry the shame.
I despise Xavier,
And everything he stands for.

I despise Xavier,
And everything he stands for.
I know what to do now,
Why did I not see before?

I know.
