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Disclaimer: All characters belong to whatever TV station owns My So-Called Life. They are being used for entertainment purposes and no money is being made off their use. The poem belongs to me, Magik, the author.

The Dream

By Magik


I had a dream of you

And in my dream you were beautiful.

Like an angel

Tossed from heaven above.


So when I think of you

I'll think of my angel.

And then I'll love you more.


Because without you

There'd be no sunshine.

Yes, without you

The birds would sing no more.

Without you

My heart would die.


I know you'll never love me.

I've tried

Yet you can't see.

All I do, all I've done

Is for you.


Every picture,

Every pencil sketch

Is a beautiful redention of you.


Because without you

There'd be no moonlight.

Yes, without you

The world would die in fear.

Without you

My soul would die.


In the halls

You pass me by.

Never glance at me

With your callow eye.


Yet I cannot say

That my love has died.

I still love you.

I do more every day.


Because without you

There'd be no falling stars.

Yes, without you

The paint would never dry.

Without you

My mind would die.


Look my way just once

Fair angel.

With your red hair

And your sweet eyes.


Gaze at me just once

Dear savior.

Once is all I ask

But even that's too much.


Because if I had you

There'd be no reason.

Yes, if I had you

Everything would change.

If I had you

My life would be complete.


I had a dream last night

About an angel.

Her hair was fiery red

And her eyes were heaven.

But it was just a dream

It was a just a moment.

A simple boy can never own an angel



Because you are music.

You are starlight.

You trip the light fantastic in my eyes.

You are fleeting.

Like a childs attention.

You are not mine.

You never will be.


But without you

I have no one to dream about.

Yes, without you

There'd be no hope in my life.

Without you

My heart would surely die.


I had a dream last night

About an angel.

Her name was Angela

She flew away.
