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Disclaimer: Wolverine is Marvel's. I'm not making any money. Don't sue.

The Edge
by Suzene Campos,

There are too many dark corners
In this old head
Too many blind spots that
I can never see coming
And they make me so tired
I want them to shred them
Make them not matter

The scent and taste of chemical liquids
Flowing in and out through my lungs
Drug hazy memories
A gentle proud face
Misted by a cloud of fine silver strands
A sneering face and matt of yellow hair
Claws slicing through flesh
And the thought that half of 'em aren't real
Hits my brain like a bullet
All driving me right to the brink
I find my toes hanging over the edge
Just take that one step, Logan
You won't have to worry anymore
And God, but I want to

I came here alone
So why is there a crowd dragging me back
Pulling me away from the abyss?
Flaming red hair and glints of green
Reminding me that I'm human
A stern voice in my head
Telling me that I'm needed
A wild ronin, patch of shadow within shadow
Slapping at me for even thinking of quitting
Soulful brown eyes
A flash of sparks
My "daughters"
Am I willing to hurt them
Just so I don't have to keep the beast at bay?

I step away from the drop
Never completely
It has too much of a hold on me for that
Just enough to make them feel safe
And then I stare into my own wishes
I see them in there
Freedom from everything
I want all of 'em
But not now
Not if it means forgetting what it is
To be human
One day, I know I'll drop over that edge
And I won't be able to climb back out
But until then...
Do your worst, bub
