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Magik's Fanfiction Page

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Welcome to the page where all the fanfiction is going to be kept.  That means ALL the fanfiction, stories and poems alike. The first thing you need to get a hang of is that all unfinished works have a  blueswirl.gif (899 bytes)  next to them. All finished works will have no symbol next to them. Onward to the fanfiction. Happy reading.


1. I no longer have the individual parts to the stories. Now all parts are on one page and when I update I'll simply say that part so-and-so has been added to the story.

2. All stories are Rated PG or PG-13 unless otherwise noted.

3. Clicking on the Author's name will allow you to e-mail them.

4. Okay. I wanted to try something new with this page, too. I'm going to put it in a table format to makes things easier on myself and to make the thing look a little better. Enjoy.

Barbie Fanfiction
Fanfiction Author Description
"The True Confessions of Barbie" Magik The truth about Barbie and it isn't very pretty. Told in a poem/story format. WARNING: Involves adult concepts such as drug abuse, neglect, etc.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fanfiction (from the movie)
Fanfiction Author Description
"Forgetting the Past" Magik Buffy helps Pike lose some of his emotional baggage in the months following Benny's death. WARNING: CONTAINS M/M ROMANCE THEMES.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fanfiction (from the television series)
Fanfiction Author Description
"Dear Diary" Wily Coyote A newcomer to Sunnydale relates his experiences with Buffy and the Scooby gang via his journal.


Crossover Fanfiction
Fanfiction Author Description
(Hellblazer/Excalibur) "Con Job" Dr. Benway Pete Wisdom seeks help from John Constantine.
(Marvel/Sandman)  "A Dream Worth Having" Andraste Xavier finds out what happens next.
(X-Files/Animorphs) "The Fox and The Hawk" Corrine Jordan It's time-line impossible but it's a really great piece of fanfiction.
(New Mutants/Sandman) "Heads and Tails" Phil Foster Illyana gets a little help from the Dream King
(Hellblazer/X-Files) "Hellfire and Cigarettes" Ken Cockrel Jr. John Constatine and Mulder join forces after Constatine is approached by Cancer Man
(Marauders/Sandman) "Revolving Karma" Rossi A fanfic that proves Death likes everybody.
(Endless/X-Men) "So Long, Farewell..." Alicia McKenzie Cable gets a visit from Dream's older sister.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) (Buffy (TV)/Marvel/Nest Freemark) "The Truth" Wily Coyote An interesting crossover. No possible explanations. Must be read.
(Endless/New Mutants) When They Say Goodbye Magik Death visits Illyana.


Crow Fanfiction
Story or Poem Author Description
"The Crow: Afterward" Magik Eric and Shelly have a talk, in heaven
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes)"Blood is Thicker Than Water" Magik A Crow story involving a girl who comes back from the dead to avenge her death and the death of her boyfriend. WARNING: This story as a heavy R rating for violence and language.
"Forever" Raven11780 A poem about a crow thinking on his renewed life.
"Love Never Dies" Magik A poem in which a crow tells a little bit about love and his new life.


Dawson's Creek Fanfiction
Story or Poem Author Description
WARNING: The Dream Walker series continues some sexual content. I'd give it an R rating for some of the scenes in Joey's Fantasy and Pacey's Revenge
"Dream Walker: Joey's Fantasy" Mina Ryan, a dream writer, lets Joey write one of Pacey's dreams
"Dream Walker: Pacey's Revenge" Mina Ryan lets Pacey infiltrate one of Joey's dreams.
"Dream Walker: Dawson's Discovery" Mina When Dawson realizes what Ryan is doing, he wants to get into the act.
"Dream Walker: Jen's Awakening" Mina Finding herself in an unfinished dream, Jen gets involved in the whole Pacey/Joey/Dawson mess
"Dream Walker: Ryan's Gift" Mina Who will Joey pick? Will Jen ever confess her feelings for Dawson? Why is Ryan such a hottie?
"Wishes" Mina Joey and Pacey talk about making wishes.


DC Fanfiction
Story or Poem Author Description
  "And Then She Woke Up" Joan Milligan Some people experience the death of the Dream King in different ways.
"Blood and Dreams" Carlos A Sandman story about a man who cannot hear anything in his dreams and the strange, little town he just moved into.
"Borrow My Heart" Mona Daniel, aka "The New Dream" as I call him, finds a mortal love.
"A Brush With Death" Mona A young boy's life takes a turn for the worse and he has to make a decision.
NEW: "Burned" Carmen Williams Starman reacts to the events depicted in the trade paperback Starman: Sins of the Father.
"By the Time You Know it's There, You're Gone" Magik A short story written for the "Never enough time to say I love you" challenge on OTL. Pre-Zero Hour Legionnaires story.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "Chance Encounter" Magik A Sandman story that involves not only the Endless but also the workers of Kelsey's Dinner.
"Christmas with Despair and the Faimily" Carlos Well, here's another little gem by Carlos. The title pretty much says it all.
"Church Dark" Mona The new Dream (Daniel) helps a woman find her way out of a cage.
NEW: "Done Wrong" Yona Sometimes even the Endless can't help you that much.
NEW: "Editorial by Clark Kent" Carlos Clark Kent's editorial on Five for Fighting's song "Superman (It's Not Easy)."
"Grace be Damned" Magik A short story about Lucifer Morningstar and his fall from grace.
"Gift of Delight" Mona A long time ago, before Delight became Delirium, she gave humanity a wonderful gift.
"Hole In The River" Rossi An Endless story about a girl whose good at hiding and the one who finds her.
"I Am Me" Mona An Endless story that focuses on Delirium and her thoughts.
  "Immortality Bites" Smitty The Shade, a popular Starman character, finds out that immortality is not it's cracked up to be.
"Into the Sunless Lands" Jeanne M. A poem about everyone's favorite Endless character, Death.
"The Journey On" Magik A poem about Delirium and Destruction in which Destruction is the narrator.
"Just One Dance" Mona What's a shy girl supposed to do the night of her senior prom? Dance the night away with the Dream King, of course.
"Like, Love and the Bat" Chameleon Batman and angst.
"Lila's Mirror" Magik The Endless all meet Lila, one of Del's, over the problems concerning a certain talking mirror.
"Living Someone Else's Nightmare" Magik A fanfic using the characters of Andromeda and Brainac 5. It explores the relationship (?) or lack thereof between them, along with a few strange dreams.
"Luthor's Victory" Maria Cline Lex Luthor gloats over his victory. What victory, you ask? Well, read the story.
  "Magic Land"  Joan Milligan Death and amusement parks.
"Moonstruck" Mona Delirium cheers up some kids in London and does a little bonding with Dream.
"Ode to the Endless" Magik A short poem about the Endless.
"One Day" Carlos A short story involing a member of the Endless. Another gem from Carlos this a must read.
"Persephone" Acetal A woman's encounters with members of the Endless.
"Promises and Wanderings" Magik A journey with two souls, looking for what was in their dreams.
"Sandman: Mine" Thistle Dream requests the audience of a young woman who belongs to his and Delirium's realms.
"The Seven" Magik Seven short stories, each one featuring mortals and a member of the Endless.
"The Sky Has Become a Butterfly" Magik The youngest of the Endless, Delirium, sits and ponders some things about her family.
"The Sleepers" Carlos The Sandman (Daniel), Nightwing, and Starman join forces to stop a crazy old witch.
"Starman: Dark Creatures" Carlos Another wonderful romp in the land of Starman brought to us by the one, the only, Carlos.
"Starman: The Walking Dead" Carlos A Starman story about voodoo and zombies and, of course, Starman.
"Stories By the Fire" Joan Milligan Destruction tells a couple of traveling monks a very old, very important story.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "A Silver Thread of Conscience" Magik A Sandman story about a young girl waiting to speak with Dream.
"So Much to Live For" Mona Endless story. We all lose a pet at some point in our life. Sometimes we need a little convincing that we can continue on.
"Through the Dreamer's Eyes" Magik A poem about how a sleeping person may see Dream and his realm of the Dreaming.
"To Be" Thistle Sometimes the dreams from our youth can change our lives.
"Touching" Maggie the Cat Poison Ivy learns some things about life and herself.
"What We Used to Know" Magik The story of a god and a goddess, long forgotten by us but not by the Endless.
 "Youngest Son" Smitty Tim Drake reflects on his life as Robin.
"You Can Cry If You Want To" Joan Milligan Dream helps a troubled writer to see the truth.


Image Fanfiction
Story or Poem Author Description
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes)"Hope Lies in the Heart" Magik A story in which Roxy gets beaten by a group of local thugs. How will this affect Grunge and how far will he go for revenge?



Marvel Fanfiction
Story or Poem Author Description
"Acrobat" Eiluned Pain, pity and vodka. Vignette, Angst, POV (Remy).Remy/Jean, Remy/Rogue
"Act As If" Northlight A story about Betsy (post Psi-War), Warren, and a party.
"Aftermath (Cyclops)" Maria Cline Cyclops tries to deal with the aftermath of the battle against `Poclips.
"After Midnight" Amanda Sichter After Scott's death, Jean takes a turn for the worst and odd things ensue.
  "Again, This Time" Cherry "She’s tried to find herself, separate the essential *her* from everyone else, the part of her that started, that’s something less and something more than what she’s become..."
"A Gift of Life" Maria Cline Sam performs a very selfless and giving task.
"Alone No Longer" Northlight A story about Songbird and M.A.C.H. 1 from Thunderbolts. Answer to Never Enough Time to Say I Love You Challenge.
"Alternate Decisions" Magik Having just defeated Belasco, Illyana choses the other road.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes)"Am I Getting Through?" Maria Cline Scott has to learn to deal with some transformations he suffers at enemy hands.
"And They Shall Have Stars" Alicia McKenzie Thoughts before the funeral of some of the members of X-Force. Narrated by one of their ex-teammates.
"At the Crossroads" Alara Rogers The trials and tirbulations of a rather unexpected relationship.
"A Thousand Paper Dragons" Karen Psylocke deals with her various transformations.
"Before the Sun Rose" Cosmic A prequel to "Don't Look Back", Domino takes a look at her life.
NEW: "Below the Canopy and Above" Cynjen In an alternate reality, Jubilee and Cyclops meets in dire circumstances.
"Beyond Forver" wreality24 It's a X-Men/Avengers crossover. Chapters one and two are available.
"Beyond the Window Proper" Magik A short story in which the X-Men are still in the Land Down Under.
"Blood on My Hands" Magik Amara and the Professor disagree on something.
"Boredom and Caffeine Make a Bad Combination" Maria Cline Cable gets bored and drinks some coffee. Embarassing moments ensue.
"Brick" Rossi Paige must deal with her somewhat unhealthy relationship with Jono.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "Broken Beads" Magik A story about a new student joining the ranks of Generation X. A new student who will change the team forever.
"A Brother in Need" Maria Cline A kind of ending to one of Jaya's stories. Deals with a new character.
"The Brother of Sleep" Kristina Sennvik Sometimes the only safe harbor is inside ourselves
"Burning White" Cherry Ice It's Christmas and Angelo finds out that everything is harder to deal with during this "joyous" time of the year.
"The Change in Me" Magik A poem about Illyana Rasputin, nothing less, nothing more.
"A Chink in the Armor" Sequoia Swennes A story about Havok and Psylocke in the Land Down Under. WARNING: Contains some bad language.
 "Clay Images" Northlight Songbird must deal with MACH-1's new appearance.
"Confrontations" Maria Cline The next story in the "Brother in Need" series, flashes over to Havok and someone who desperatly wants answers.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes)"Counting Down the Days" Magik The answer to a "Kill An Original Character" challenge. Melissa and friends in an alternate reality run by Sentinels. Part one is up.
"The Darkchilde in Me" Magik A story about the Illyana Rasputin that we never got to see, the side wanted to be human.
"Day On a Bridge" Magik A young mutant gets help understanding the way life is from none other than Scott Summers.
"Dearest Mother" Magik Set during Inferno, Margaret Powers (mother of Power Pack) has to deal with the fact that her children are super-heroes.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes)"The Death of Angels, the Birth of Humans" Magik Is the story of the relationship and mental states of Psylocke and Archangel after the Crimson Dawn limited series.
"Descent" Morpheus A poem about how Illyana's death drives Peter, her brother, insane.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "The Devils Term" Magik An AOA story focusing on Generation Next after they were left to die in the Core. Paige is the main focus.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "A Different Kind of Magik" Arkhaine Illyana receives help from a stranger in Limbo but can she trust him?
"Distant Voices" Andraste After Cyclops' death, Xavier retreats into himself. Can his X-Men save him?
"Don't Look Back" Cosmic Domino and Cable part ways.
"Down the Drain" Magik Written for the Old Age Challenge. One of the X-Men must deal with the affects of time.
"The Dream Malfunctions" Brutal The intervention of a stranger calls the X-Men to take a new look at their dream.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "The Dream Malfunctions: Revenge" Brutal Cole Alexander's twin brother seeks revenge for his brother's demise. Part one is up.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes)  "Dream World" David Guffey A boy from our world crosses over inot the Marvel Universe and straight into the lives of the New Mutants. Part 1 is up.
"Duality" Maria Cline An alternate version of "Partners"
"Dumb Feast" Cherry"He watched her silently as she ate the macaroni and cheese, the grilled salmon. Neither had ever been his favourite, but this wasn’t about him."
"During the Night" Mari Rose A series of vignettes about the characters from the X-Men.
"Duty Calls: Lifelines" Asican An alternate future in which Wolverine and Jubilee battle the Brood-Kree and protect the S'hiar galaxy.
"The Early X-Men in Studio 54" Maria Cline The originals head out to the den of sin itself and Scott shows how kinky he can be.
"The Edge" Suzene Campos A poem about Wolverine and his struggle with the beast inside.
"Endings" Magik Illyana has a hard time dealing with Doug's death.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "Excerpts" Magik A series of journal entries from some of our favorite mutants. Parts one through three are up.
"Exit Lines" K-Nice Psylocke and Warren go thier separate ways.
"Failures" Latex While in Australia, Rogue and Alex do some bonding after the events of Inferno.
"Fallen Angel" Lady Kate Warren Worthington the third reflects on the major turning points in his life.
"Fallen Angels: Rehearsal" Samy Merchi A story in Samy's Fallen Angels storyline (you don't have to read the others to understand it, trust me) is a short story about Roberto and Illyana.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes)"First Genesis" `Miko A Marvel Elseworld. Has to be read to be believed. First two chapters are up.
"Flight" Northlight Songbird of the Thunderbolts reflects on some recent occurrences.
"4 AM" Alara Rogers Tension errupts between the X-Men and Kitty after she becomes involved in a relationship.
"Freedom on a Night Breeze" Northlight This story was partially inspired by my own "Never the Way I Intended" and deals with Brian and Meggan.
"Gen-X Untitled"   Impar A story about Graduation day for the Gen-X students.
"The Gentlest of Demons" Magik In a "What If" story, Illyana took Limbo from Belasco and ruled it.
"The Greatest of These" Tangerine A story about the intimacies of Warren and Betsy's relationship. Slight warning for sexually sugestive content.
"Heart's Desire" WGSarah Paige has problems dealing with her relationship with Jono. It's not what you'd think.
"Here There Be Dragons" V. Hayrabedian The X-Men have died. It is the future. A poem about life.
"Hopelessness" Raven A Common People story where a girl can tell the future but can't do anything about it.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "Hushed Secrets" Magik A story about a girl named Lucienne who was found on the streets of Paris and raised by someone called "The Master" who sends her on a quest for her brother.
"I Get So Lonely" K-Nice Rogue's thoughts about her life.
"i live" Tangerine Warren thinks about Betsy and his life after she is mauled by Sabertooth.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes)  "The Ice Queen" The Spitting Dragon Illyana mopes and meets someone very much like herself.
"If I Turn This Way Maybe You Won't See My Pain" Magik A story involving the pain suffered by Illyana and Roberto and how it brings them closer together.
"If Your Heart is Not On My Side" Ana Lyssie Cotton The sequel to "Justifiable Homicide". Can be read separatly. Betsy and Warren's anniversary. Kitty and Alex get to know each other better.
"Illyana's Waltz" Jeanna M. Even though she has left them, her spirit lives on.
"Impossible" or "I'm Not Going on a Date with Peter Rasputin" Magik Fluff piece. Kitty and Pete Wisdom get back together; Ororo learns something important.
"In the Shadow of an Angel" Manda Tillman A Common People story that features a girl trying to deal when her life inexplicably changes.
"Interlude in a Church" Kassia A churchgoer eavesdrops on a conversation between Wisdom and Psylocke after Betsy flees the mansion.
"Into Your Light" Magik Instead of sacrificing her soul after Inferno, Illyana sucked Limbo's evil inside herself. But what happens next?
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the  Year? Magik In this Christmas story, Betsy looks back to her childhood Christmases and makes a decision.
"It's Too Bad We Ended like This" Magik The answer to Alara's Heartbreak challenge, Bobby and Tabitha have a change of heart when Illyana enters the picture.
Ana Lyssie Cotton's "It's Only the Wind" series (I am actually using that name for archiving purposes. Don't be mad Ana.)
"When Life is Common" Ana Lyssie Cotton First in the series. Focuses on Meggan and Brian of Excalibur.
"I Have No Doubts" Ana Lyssie Cotton Second in the series. Focuses on Kitty and Pete.
"No Angry Drama" Ana Lyssie Cotton Thrid in the series. Focuses on Moira.
"The Storm Blows Itself Out" Ana Lyssie Cotton Fourth and final in the series. Focuses on Nightcrawler and Amanda.
"Just Another Day" Magik A  story that takes a challenge off OTL (Outside the Lines) to "kill your favorite character"
"Justifiable Homicide" Ana Lyssie Cotton WARNING: Bloody, graphic violence. Read at own risk. Psylocke, Shadowcat, and Havok deal with Sabertooth's return.
"Kitty's Death Poems" Magik My  explanation for how Kitty deals with losing all the people that she has during her short life.


`Inner Fire' the first in the series dedicated to Rachel Summers.
`The Life You Led' second, and is dedicated to Doug Ramsey.
`Standing in the Dark' third, and is dedicated to Wolverine who isn't dead but the man Kitty once known has kinda symbolically "died".
`Enamored Heart' fourth, dedicated to Illyana Rasputin.
`Nature's Mistress' fifth, dedicated to Storm after her alleged death after fighting the Adversary.

"Know Thy Self" Cherry Some cliches happen to be true. Not everything is as it seems. Not everyone is either.
"Lace and Steel" Magik A poem written for a challenge to pair up odd couples. Guess who I'm using in this one.
"The Last Meeting" Maria Cline Scott Summers is dying and he and Cable talk.
"The Light at the End of the Tunnel" Magik A short story that focuses on Jubilee during her capture by Bastion.
"The Living Ghosts" Maria Cline A sequel to "A Brother in Need." Follows Burst and Havok.
"A Longing for Wings" Amanda Sichter A sweet Betsy/Warren story. Betsy writes Warren a letter.
"Long Night" Magik A poem about Gambit after his "trial" with the X-Men.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "The Long Waking Dream" Magik A Kitty Pryde, Illyana Rasputin, Excalibur story.
"The Long Week" Maria Cline Cable and Jubliee team up, but not in the normal way. A must read.
"Lost Twin is Here" Maria Cline Speculation becomes fact as Gambit is discovered to be the third Summers brother.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) Magik/Illyana Series:
"One Starry Night" Magik The last night of Illyana Rasputin's life written in her point of view.
"Like a Ghost from the Grave" Magik Begins the twisting saga of Magik and the child Illyana to put things right.
"The Sound of a Child's Breath" Magik The continuing journey of Magik and Illyana and along the way Magik tells Illyana a bit about how the stars move.
"The Truth Isn't Always Pretty" Magik When Illyana gets a bit pissed at Magik because they don't seem to be making ANY progress.
"What Isn't Forgotten" Magik It's birthday time for the girls and they want to see who remembers and who just doesn't care.
"A Man in the Garden" Harper Nightcrawler learns something when he attends a funeral.
"Melissa's Story"   A  trilogy that follows a young mutant girl named Melissa Burgross. Costars a bunch of X-Men and a slew of new characters.
"When the Walls Fall Down" Magik The first in "Melissa's Story.
 blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "The Course of Time" Magik The middle story
"Molting" Manda Tillman Remember Angel from "In the Shadow of an Angel"? Yep, she and her sister are back.
"A Moment of American Beauty" Tangerine Jubilee has a painful revelation.
"Monarch Mother" Tangle Toy A TCP focusing on a woman who is abused by her husband and, finally, flies away.
"Never Fly Alone Again" Onyx Frost A poem about Warren's past and how Betsy has changed his life.
"Never the Way I Intended" Magik An Excalibur story in which Meggan finally grows up.
"The New Kid" Maria Cline Another in the "Brother in Need" series, this goes back and fills in the gaps between "Brother in Need" and "One".
"The New Mutants and I" Starsky Sarah Dillion gets thrown into her favorite comic book by a weird guy. Can she survive `Berto's resentment and Doug's advances?
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "The Night Falls Awfully Fast Now" Magik The story of a young mutant in the Marvel Universe who has a totally new perspective on life and catching the bad guys.
The "Nightmares" series
"Nightmares: Angel" K-Nice Warren Worthington the thrid must learn to live and accept his wings.
"Nightmares: Cyclops" K-Nice Scott isn't happy with the present and is being haunted by the past.
"Nightmares: Gambit" K-Nice Gambit must deal with himself and things from his past.
"Nightmares: Marrow" K-Nice Marrow deals with her new ability to pull her bones back into her body.
"Nightmares: Psylocke" K-Nice Psylocke deals with her transformation from the Crimson Dawn.
"Nightmares: Storm" K-Nice Storm deals with some very personal problems.
The "No Steps Left to Take" series
"No Light, No Sound" Magik This is my first story about this character but she really is one of my favorites. It's a sad and kinda depressing but powerful piece.
"For Love Betrayed" Magik Sequel to "No Light, No Sound" in which Longshot faces the music.
"Obligations" Indigo Magneto must deal with the repercussions of one of his spilt-second actions.
"Of Futures Yet Untold" Magik A story where I re-write the history of the X-Universe from Inferno to the present and into the future.
"One" Maria Cline Another sequel to "A Brother in Need". This ones follows Chris (Scott) to Gen X.
"One Touch" Poi Lass On their way to discover the truth behind the images she sucked from Remy's head, Rogue and Bobby (Iceman) bond.
"The Only Thing I Have Left" Magik A Melissa Burgross story and an answer to Jaya's Challenge that answers the question what if Melissa lost her powers after the Psi-War.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "Onward to Adventure" Magik My response to Kielle's challenge to write yourself into Generation X.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "Partners" Maria Cline Rogue is forced to absorb Scott and strange things ensue.
"The Paths We Walk" Magik An Illyana poem set in a dark and twisted future.
NEW: "Points of Interest" Cherry Ice Emma must learn to deal with the things that she has seen.
"Poison Light" Persephone The X-Men must destroy the evil in their midst.
"Psylocke: Blind" Jaya This is the story that made Jaya offer up her challenge. The first story telling about how Psylocke is dealing with the loss of her powers.
"Red Wine" Magik A story written for Alara's Elseworld's challenge on OTL. Rated R for content
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "Reflections on Sara" Magik A story about a young girl with mutant powers whose life is being controlled by forces out of her control.
"Reflected" Alix Kellher Paige's thoughts after a somewhat tramatic event.
"Regrets" Maria Cline Jean suffers a great loss and learns to overcome it and go on.
"Resolutions Series"
"Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" Magik The first in the story line that diverts from the Gen X comic book.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "Happy New Year" Magik The second in the story line.
"Return to Sender" queenb Answer to Alara's Break-up Challenge; Betsy and Warren are splits-ville.
"Road Not Taken" hetros Late night talks that should happen but never do.
"Scared" Morpheus A poem that took the strange couple challenge by throwing together Nightcrawler and Sabertooth.
"Subreality Cafe: A Night Out" Magik A stressed writer takes a night off to find herself, only to be mobbed by her own fictives.
"Seeing the Light" Magik A poem written in Illyana's POV on the night she sacrificed her life to close the portal during Inferno.
"Shattered Glass, Broken Dreams" Magik A story in an alternate reality where Doug and Illyana are a couple.
"She Has Issues" K-Nice Gambit's thoughts on his interesting relationship with Rogue
"Silver Lining" Maria Cline The lighter side of the Psi-Wars.
"Silent Conversation" Maria Cline (Artie Challenge) Thersa has lost her voice. Can Artie cheer her up.
"Sinister Help" Maria Cline Cyclops died, didn't he? Did he?
"Sinister Recations" Maria Cline Scott and the other X-Men have to deal with what Sinister has done.
"Skintones" Lise Warren goes through a dramtic change
"X-Men: Small Cages" Jaya A story about Storm and her control over her powers.
"A Snowflake's Chance In Hell" Acetal Young Illyana fic. The title pretty much says it all except for the fact that this thing rocks.
"Some Hurts Just Won't Go Away" Magik A story written for Jaya's Challenge that takes Betsy dealing with the loss of her powers during the Psi-War and lets you see them through Warren's P.O.V. WARNING: Some bad language.
"Sorrow", or, "The Transience of Memory" Amanda Sichter Jean suffers a breakdown after Scott dies
"Sparks and Shadows, Shadows and Sparks" Lise Williams Psylocke and Jubilee share a speical relationship.
"Spilled Blood" Midnight Rose The answer to one of those wonderful "Kill Your Favorite Character" challenges, Meltdown meets a tragic end.
"Stars Always Shine Again" Magik Is it a dream, an alternate reality or the truth? Who really cares, it's an answer to Poi's Happy Ending Challenge and it features everyone's favorite underused character, Dazzler.
"Still Here" Maria Cline Occuring after the events in X-Men #97, Scott's not gone yet.
"Still Here: Violations" Maria Cline The sequal to "Still Here" Scott is willing to do almost anything to get a semblance of his life back.
"Still Here: Dead Man's Journey" Maria Cline Scott meets a woman who has had a great impact on his life.
"The Summers Family Reunion" Maria Cline A sequel to "Lost Twin is Here" in which Remy and Scott learn some interesting things about their past.
"Sun Through the Leaves" K-Nice Storm and Gambit enjoy a nice day out of the mansion.
"TCP: The Seven Colors of Sight: Mended Butterflies 1" River A TCP about what it's like to be different. The pain it brings and the beauty.
"TCP: And Nothing But: Mended Butterflies 2" River A TCP about dealing with the past and the future and differences.
"TCP: Small Town Trap" Magik A short TCP story that gets to the point about life in a small town.
"TCP: What's at the Core" Magik A  TCP (The Common People) story about a young girl who has the power of back-tracking and what some people will do to protect their own children.
"There Was a Time" Arial Dagger A poignant character study into everyone's favorite purple haired telepath, Psylocke.
"This Guilt" Magik After her powers get out of control, Illyana begins to let her guilt consume her.
"A Thousand Wounded Butterflies" Magik Psylocke reflects upon some of the moments in her life.
"Threads" Amanda Sichter In one of the most powerful and wellwritten fics I have read, Amanda explores a dark future.
  "To Be Loved" Kaylana The things that you mourn are sometimes only the things that you remember in dreams. Can be viewed aw somewhat slashy.
"To Watch the Water Bleed" Bailey A bittersweet, lovely poem about Gambit.
"Traveling Companions aka The Limbo Story" Magik Told during Illyana's stay in Limbo. "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" can be mighty influencing sometimes.
"Triple Date" Fenix A Gen X story in which the other students take Jubilee up on a dare and go out on a triple date. Chaos ensues. Rated PG
 blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "The Truth About Me" The Spitting Dragon A look into Illyana Rasputin's diary.
NEW: "Truths--Spiral and Sinister" Victor Moore More chaos in the life of Betsy Braddock ensues.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "`Tween the Darkness and the Light" Magik My first Cloak and Dagger story and maybe the only C&D fanfic on the `web. (Please DON'T take my word from that because I really don't know.)
"Twist and Turns" Tarot A very heartfelt story about a lesser known/used character. WARNING: Some bad language and a few adult situations.
"Under a Blue Kentucky Sky" Dr. Benway After a tragedy strikes, the X-Men are there to pick up the pieces and enact vengeance, if necessary.
"Unexpected Reunion" Maria Cline Cable runs into his father who's in the body of a teenager. Sequel to "One"
"Untouched Now Touched" Maria Cline After fighting Mr. Sinister, Scott and Rogue lose their memories. What happens next you'll have to read to find out. Not available because it is currently undergoing a rewrite
"Unwound Clocks" Mel Moira must learn to deal with the disease that has infested her body--the disease she plans to kill.
"Wasted Life" J.S. Brandis The story of a Marauder.
"Welcome to the Sky" Poilass Warren begins to hear strange voices.
"Left on the Ground" Poilass Sequel to "Welcome to the Sky", it's been a year and Betsy's still waiting.
"What Dreams May Come" Cosmic An interesting relationship with a bittersweet ending. MM slash but not explicit.
"What I Found on the Nightstand" Magik Inspired by queenb's "Return...", yet another story in which Betts leaves Warren.
"What I See" Pebblin A poem about a couple in the X-Men. See if you can guess who.
"What's Left Over" Magik The sequel to "Shattered Glass, Broken Dreams: in which Illyana deals with Doug's absence.
"When the Light Washed Me Away" MagikWhen you die it's not always death that takes you away.
"The Whole Story" Ana Lyssie CottonA number of vignettes on the X-Woman all tie into one amazing story and impending threat.
"Wind Blown" K-Nice An alternate reality in which Storm accepts Gambit's help somewhat differently.
"Words Lost in the Silences" Magik Dreams reveal everything and they can't even be controlled by brain washing.


Alternate X
otherwise known as "Marvel's Hidden Dark Side." All stories in here should be rated R for violence and story content. Hey, I won't stop you from reading if you're under 18, but I do have to warn you.
Story or Poem Author Description
"Bruises Aren't Forever" Magik A story in which the New Mutants find out about how Illyana is often abused by her drunken brother.  Rated R


My So-Called Life Fanfiction
Story or Poem Author Description
"The Dream" Magik The kind of poem that I think Brian Crakcow would write for Angela.


Star Trek Fanfiction
The Next Generation Fanfiction:
Story or Poem Author Description
"So Long, Good Friend" Benjamin Scott Heckel A story about the Traveler, Wesley's friend, getting killed by Q.
The Voyager Fanfiction:
Story or Poem Author Description
"And If I Were to Remove These Walls" Magik Tom reflects in the Delta Flyer. (Takes place during the episode in which the Delta Flyer was buried beneath all that rock.)
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "Catch Me if Ever I Fall" Magik A P/T story set around the first or second season in which Tom helps B'Elanna get over a horrible experience she was subjected to in a prison camp. WARNING: Has subtle mentions of rape and torture.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "How Long I've Waited" Magik A  P/T story set after "Blood Fever'. This is a story I've been secretly working on for a while.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "Reasons for Living" Magik A  P/T story that comes a few weeks after B'Elanna was captured by the Mari. WARNING: NOT FOR YOUNGER READERS, mentions suicide.
"The Voyager Love Poems" Magik A series of poems that Tom and B'Elanna write back and forth between the TV episodes "Day of Honor' and "Revulsions.'
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes) "When Nothing Goes Right" Magik Yet another P/T story, this one deals with the long term affects on B'Elanna from when the Vidiians separated her into her Klingon and human halves.


Star Wars Fanfiction
Story or Poem Author Description
"How Far Have I Traveled to Fall Now" Magik   A story that involves Han Solo on his way to Hoth to meet with the Rebellion. Takes place between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back.
"Star Wars: Futility" Sean Bonner Occurs a little before and during Star Wars: A New Hope. Helps to fill in some spaces.
"Untitled" Anonymous Luke and Leia have an...encounter. WARNING: CONTAINS SEXUALLY SUGGESTIVE CONTENT.


Strangers In Paradise
Fanfiction Author Description
Bodies Kaleko Kitty Katchoo and David manage to talk about a lot of things but never address their problems.


The X-Files Fanfiction
Story or Poem Author Description
"Amazing Grace" Emmy Riley Can Scully save Mulder with her love?
"The Box in My Closet" Aimee Cronan Scully puts on her other side
"The Canvas Bag" Bradon D. Ray Surely she cannot pack everything she needs, everything that matters, into a plain, canvas bag.
"Cheating Death" Meg Brown Mulder and Scully at their best--together.
"Chaos Rules When We're Apart" Elizabeth L. Iacono Choas rules when they're apart.
"Clinging to Threads With Shakespeare" Jillan D. Bassamo Mulder thinks.
"Clinging to Threads With Shakespeare II" Jillan D. Bassamo Scully's thoughts on Mulder quoting "Sonnet 60" in the first part of what could end up being a series *gasp!*.
"Disconnection" Ten The Dakota Indians say that when you discover you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount. After Linda Bowman's revenge in "Kitsunegari", Mulder decides it's time to get out of the saddle.
"How Soon" Alcott Scully says goodbye to an old friend.
"Ineffable" Birgit   Mueller Ineffable (adj.): Incapable of being expressed; indescribable or unutterable.
"It's Over" Angel-Wings Gaskins Scully left Mulder to accept the Truth.
"March 5, 1993" Bradon D. Ray He comes to her at night.
"Milkshakes at Midnight" Bradon D. Ray Post-ep for "Millennium". Yeah, yeah, everyone's writing Kissfic, and I had to get in on the fun. :)
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes)"My Alibi" Arial Dagger Mulder comes back to find that a lot can change in eight months.
"My Angel Unaware" Joylynn Wing Scully's thoughts about her lost daughter Emily.
"My Constant" Angel-Wings Gaskins Life has changed.
"Patches of Blue" Ten I am alone. Everything is white and sterile around me. So many tests. Mulder will be looking for me. But do I want him to find me?
"Perceptions" Janis Mulder and Scully have a difference of opinion. (Like that's new.) Very sweet little work.
"Refrain" Exley_61 In one instant, everything changes for Mulder. With one look, he is prompted to search for a different truth. A truth as seemingly elusive and as obscure as any X-file......
" Singing in My Sleep" Arial Dagger M/S romance. Our two favorite agents get closer after a night of bad dreams.
"Sunsets" Arial Dagger Mulder and Scully reflect on each other and themselves.
"Synchronicity" Bradon D. Ray Scully muses on the damage done to her belief system by her work on the X-Files.
"Thoughts From Beyond the Sea" Teagen Riley Even death cannot stop a father from watching over his sick child
"The Way You See Me" Heather Mulder finds strength in himself as he sees himself through Scully's eyes.



Xena Warrior Princess Fanfiction
Fanfiction Author Description
"The Bell Tolled For Me" SerianaJoxer has to deal with the aftermath of the circumstances from the episode "For Whom the Bell Tolls".
"Come by the Hills" Nancy Lorenz Gabrielle, Joxer, and Xena met up on a hill after more unexpected adventures.
"Edge of Heaven" Excalibos Struggling with her inability to write, Gabrielle has a strange dream.
blueswirl.gif (899 bytes)"Hallowed" Savannah In an alternate, and definitly darker world, Gabrielle seeks Joxer's help. Parts 1-5 posted.
"Innocence" Lori Bush A young Joxer meets the girl of his dreams during an outing.
"It's All Been Done" Melanie Lakey Joxer helps Gabrielle oversome her writer's block.
"Scars and Nightmares" Magik Gabrielle helps chase away Joxer's bad dreams.
NEW: "Sometimes it's Not Easy" Susan Owens Set right after the episode "Married With Fishsticks" and dealing with the repercussions of said episode.
"Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word" Melissa Flores Joxer and Gabrielle, involved in a relationship, have difficulties.
"When You Say Nothing at All" Raye Gabrielle realizes something
"Wish You Were Here" Melanie Lakey Messages from beyond the grave...


Note: Yes, I whipped up a new background. Nice, huh? Anyway, while I scanned most of the pictures, some of them I procured off the internet at places I can't recall anymore. So, the Han Solo pic and the P/T pic aren't mine. I didn't scan them. All the others I scanned, however. I don't own any of these characters. I am using their likenesses for non-profit entertainment purposes only.

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