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Title: Flight
Author: Northlight
Summary: Songbird fic
Disclaimer: Marvel owns everything mentioned below. I mean, really, could you see _me_ coming up with the characters? I thought not.
Notes: I think I'm regressing - this one didn't even make it past one page :)
Writen: Jan. 14, 1999

The wings were thin, delicate looking things. They were pretty, but barely looked strong enough to lift her body off the ground. The first time that they'd formed around her, a delicate pink construct of solid sound, they had utterly terrified her.

Up in the air, with nothing to keep her there save the power of her voice channeled through the carapace at her neck, Songbird had felt utterly, terrifyingly vulnerable.

In the air, she had none of Abe's expertise, none of Moonstone's grace. She was a wobbly bird, unused to it's new element.

The wings were stronger than they looked. They'd held her up, kept her alive, in battle after battle. She'd learned how to use them to her full advantage, until finally, they were as much a part of her as anything.

They held memories, those wide pink creations. She remembered learning, Abe at her side, showing her how to soar.

He had given her the ability to fly by herself, and now, she had no choice but to do so.

He was gone now, his own wings clipped, _caged_.

But he had shown her how to fly. She flew for both of them, spiralling upwards.

The wind whipped past her as she climbed into the sky on fragile wings made strong.

Yes, I know. This is short, even by my standards :)
(Whee! All those notes did manage to inch me into a full page :)
