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© 1999 Ana Lyssie Cotton

Disclaimer: No, Marvel owns them. This is sort of a companion piece to When Life Is Common... And, no, I have NO idea where this is going. If anyone does, please tell me, ok?

I Have No Doubts

by Ana Lyssie Cotton

"You can't tell me you've never thought about it." Kitty Pryde looked teasingly at her boyfried as the smoke from his cigarette whirled about them.

"Oh, come off it, Pryde. Don't tease a man about things like that." Pete Wisdom snorted and gulped another mouthful of his drink.

Around them, the pub swirled with life, people talking and laughing, the jukebox going. At their table, a semi-pool of silence seemed to be seeping into the room. Kitty snorted back at the man she loved, wrinkling her nose as she did so. "What? Three weeks until Meggan and Brian get married and you're telling me you haven't ever thought of it?"

"Fine," her lover growled, stubbing out his cigarrette. "I 'ave. Happy?"

"No." She pouted, her eyes twinkling. "I want all the gory details. AND, I want to know what you guys are planning for Brian's bachelor party."

Pete threw back his head and laughed. "Incorrigeable, that's what you are. You should come with a warning label, Pryde." He gestured with the hand that had paused in the act of lighting another cigarrette. "'Warning: inquisitive as a cat.'"

It was Kitty's turn to laugh. "Pete, Pete, Pete. Words will get you nowhere--well, flattery will, if it's the right kind." She corrected herself, eyes gleaming with laughter.

He snorted and downed a gulp of the scotch in his glass. "Tell me, Pryde, would you give ME the info on Meggan's bachelorette party?"

"Of course not." She said indignantly. But her eyes were twinkling and she also paused to take another sip of her own drink. "That would be *hic* unethical. *hic*" She blinked.

"Got the 'iccoughs, have you, Pryde?" He snickered.

"It's all *hic* your fault! *hic*" She accused while scrabbling for her drink. Kitty yelped as she realised it was empty, then hiccoughed again. "Get me ano-*hic*-ther drink, boyo."

"Get it yerself." He downed the last of his drink. "And get me one with it while ye're at it." He added as she stood up.

"I will *hic* NOT fetch your *hic* drink for *hic* you, Pete Wisdom! *hic* You can *hic* bloody well *hic* get it your-*hic*-self!" Kitty Pryde nodded decisively, glaring. Though the pose was quite marred by the fact that she was still hiccoughing as she turned and stalked to the bar.

Pete chuckled softly to himself and got up to go after her. After all, he considered her one of the best things to happen to him. Even if she didn't always agree with him.

