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Disclaimer: All characters belong to DC Comics. Being used for entetainemtn, no money is being made. The poem belongs to me, Magik, the author.

The Journey On

by Magik

Laughing through the blight of indifference,

She dances in a meadow of yellow.

The child met the demon and he vanished

So she laughs like the lark in the trees.

She spins on wings of gold across the field

The wind will never keep her down

For her wings stretch out too far.


I watch her feeling like a spy

As she time dances.

Just once she pauses to gaze at me

And my heart falls below my knees

Because this is what innocence looks like.

She spins on her toes


The multicolored strands of hair flying

And the mismatched eyes singing.

Butterflies touch her fingers

Becoming gossamer bubbles.

With a laugh, she spins round to face me...


But I have gone.

Fled the field of yellow flowers

With a bag slung on my back

And my red hair uncombed.


She stands perplexed in the meadow

Surrounded by flowers and birds

But she doesn't feel much like dancing anymore.

My dog runs to her and licks her face.

Reminding her that I did not plan to stay long.


My journey continues.

It leads me down paths my siblings would never walk.

It takes me places that they won't follow.


Yet, as I escape my duties

I see her eyes,

One blue the other green

And I wonder if I have done something wrong

Because she never dances in the field anymore.

The larks never sing with her and

Her smile is upside down as she pets my dog.

I wonder...and then continue walking.
