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Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel Comics. They are being used for non-profit entertainment only. These poems belong to me, Magik, the author.

Kitty's Death Poems

by Magik

Inner Fire

Like a beautiful bird, you soar.

Painting the heavens red, orange, and gold.

What's it like to have ultimate power at your hands?

Do you feel the flame of desire licking at your mind?

How's it feel to die?


You lived life skating the edge cause you were afraid of the commitment it takes to settle down.

Oh and you liked to convince everyone that nothing really got to you.

But I show you huddled in the corner, crying.

Or at least I used to.


So, how's death?

What's it like to be nowhere at all?

How's the void?

And can you tell I'm just being sarcastic?


But why you?

Why is it that when you hang around people who have a team that starts with the name "X" someone has to die?

Where's that rule written?

And how the hell can I change it?

You burned so bright as Phoenix.

I've never seen a light that shone as long as yours.

But candles always blow out

And you were no exception.


So goodbye, Rachel Summers.

I won't cry for you.

I know you wouldn't want that.


Your glory's gone.

One life for another.

Balance the scales.

Yadda yadda yadda.

But the Phoenix always rises again.

Maybe you will too.


The Life You Led

You lived your life by the power of the mind.

Constantly caught up in your own thoughts.

Lost in a world of languages and computers.

A world I could gaze at but never quite reach.

And I wish you were here now because I need your advice.


You were always content to let others fight your battles.

At least on the outside.

Inside you were ready

Ready to be the hero no one would give you the chance to be.

Left alone in the shadows instead of being in the spotlight.


You never saw your own worth.

You never took the time to think that maybe everyone is special.

And I miss you.

Every night when my computer's on the fritz or I come across and encoded document, I miss you.

I miss your blue eyes drilling into me with a thousand questions.

I miss the strands of unrulely blond hair matted on your forehead.

I miss your laugh when my error is stupid and pointless.

I miss you.


But what's worse than you going is what's here now.




Everyone else is dying around me and here I am.

A ghost, all alone.


So you led your life using the power of your mind.

And you never thought anything you did mattered.

You wanted to be in the spotlight.

You wanted to be a hero.

And in the end you were.

You died so that another could live.

A hero.


So it no longer matters how you led your life

Or what you thought you were worth

Or how you died

Or whether or not you became a hero.

It doesn't matter to you because you're dead.

And it doesn't matter to me because even if you everything you weren't. I would still miss you just as much.


Goodbye Doug.

I miss you.


Standing in the Dark

Why did I feel like I was always standing in the dark when I was with you?

You were there in your glory

Strong and powerful.

And I followed behind, a wisp of a girl.

You were headstrong and hate filled

But you were somehow a light.


A light telling me what was good and what was wrong.

Which way my life should be heading.

Which paths I should steer clear from.

The paths you had followed were forbidden but they had a powerful lure.

I wanted to walk down them in your shoes

But your shoes never fit

My feet were too small and my heart too light.


Then you left.

The pain got too bad and you couldn't stand.

I wasn't even there for you.

I was gone away.



It was like life's blood for you.

It held you in check.

The primal rage, it fought off.

I never thought a metal could separate man from animal.

I never thought about the dreams it made real.


I remember when you were there to bash some sense into me head.

To teach me to fight.

Even though I felt it wasn't necessary, you knew.

You knew that one day I wouldn't be able to slip away.

You knew I'd need the strength.


And you're not dead, but it feels like you are.

The person I knew isn't the same.

So it feels like you've left me

Alone and afraid.


But I will remember the things you told me.

And I will remember the paths not to take.

I will remember you.

And one day when I am haunted by the sweet smell of cigar smoke

I will think of you again and all you meant to me.

I will remember how you were my beacon of light when I was standing in the dark.

I will think of you fondly

Now and forever.

Especially when I need guidance in the dark.


Enarmored Heart

I don't know how you lived through it.

I never could have been that strong.

Life and death became games you played every day.

And for you, there were no rules.


You lived your life locked away inside hiding from the pain

Of your tortured soul and your memories.

Blackness that danced in the depths of your eyes

And hung onto your soul.

Darkness that was completely disguised.


Smile again, enarmored heart.

Just smile and watch the world float away.

Your smile could lighten up the darkest day.

And what I wouldn't give to see you smile again.

What I wouldn't give to see you alive; here beside me.


Some may have called you cold.

They may have said you died years ago.

But I know, I knew, that deep inside of you

Was the child that never got to live.

The girl who just wanted to see sunlight.


You lived like everyone should.

Day after day, taking it one step at a time because you knew

How hard it can be to plan a life when there isn't to one to plan.

It didn't bother you or at least you didn't show it.

Those of us who knew could see your pain.

Your pain.


Breathe again, enarmored heart.

Just breathe again and let your cares disappear.

Your breathe could stir the gentle leaves.

And what I wouldn't give to see you breathe again.

What I wouldn't give to see you alive; here beside me.


In your heart you were already dead

So acting like the loner

Separating yourself from everyone

Was the best thing to do.

Better no one know

What dark and twisted demons were hidden in your soul.

Better no one learned to care for you

Because then they wouldn't mourn when you were gone.


You lived life like it was just a memory

And the world knows you can't change your past.

The strength that you had

I wish I had gotten it

Because at times like this I feel so alone.

A little piece of you would comfort me so.

Your power's gone and so's your life

But your memory will survive.


See again, enarmored heart.

Just see again and let the picture focus.

Your sight could cause the tears to fall.

And what I wouldn't give to see your eyes again.

What I wouldn't give to see you alive; here beside me.


A child's soul

Locked into a body corrupted by a dark demon's dream.

A child with blue eyes and blond hair

Her heart as pure as any heart could

And filled with the strength

Of the person she never knew she was.


You lived your life like it was a novel

Every page was adventure

Every day a new start.

And when you got your second chance; I smiled.

But when the book was torn to shreds

When you died.

It was then that I saw who you really were.

And I let the tears fall.

I cried for days until I couldn't anymore.


Live again, enarmored heart.

Just live again and face the world.

Your life could change the future.

And what I wouldn't give to see you live again.

What I wouldn't give to see you alive; here beside me.


Enarmored heart, you are just a memory.

A child who's been laid to rest.

Another friend I've lost.

Enamored heart guide me in the night when I'm lost

And my strength is not enough.


Your life has ended.

The book has been closed.

I cry on the creased pages.

But I know someday I will see you

Just as you were.


Be yourself, enarmored heart.

Just be yourself.

You could have anything you want.

And what I wouldn't give to let you know you're with me.

I can wait to see you because you never really left me.


Enarmored heart.

Illyana, my tears for you have dried.

I can finally say goodbye.


Nature's Mistress

You were the wind

Graceful and fleeting

Untouchable and serene

The Goddess they had always called you

Soaring above the mundane world

On wings of the sky.


Who could have imagined

That you would fall so fast

And hit so hard

Like an angel with it's

Wings torn off,

You fell.


You fell to Earth

And landed in the lap of humanity

Becoming what you had never been before


From Goddess to Rebel to Human

And all the changes

That took ahold of you

Were too much for me to take


I felt like you betrayed me

Little did I know

How torn you were

Between life and duty

Love and hurt

And had I known

I wouldn't have been do hard on you.

(At least that's what I'd like to think.)


I know it hurt you

When I ran to others for comfort

To you I was the daughter

You'd never have

Maybe that fragile link

Was the reason I was so deeply hurt.


I was losing you to humanity

And you were losing me to others

The memories of you I had

As the regal Goddess

And the untouchable Queen

Kept me from seeing the turmoil in your soul

The desperate need for change

And rebellion.


But I saw you at the end

You were beautiful

You were the Goddess again

Only this time a Goddess

Who knew humanity

And was better for having known.


Yes, it was then

Just before you died

That I saw you.

The you that I knew

The Goddess and the human

Had become one

There was no separation line


So goodbye Goddess

The wind cries without your presence

Goodbye Windrider

The cold rains are here

They drip from my eyes

And land on a picture

A picture with smiling

A picture of the best times of my life


Goodbye Ororo.


I love you and I miss you.
