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Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel Comics and are being used for non-profit entertainment. The poem belongs to me, Magik, the author.

Lace and Steel

by Magik

She stands in the night's embrace

Unaware of the dangers

And uncertain of her future


From the window I watch

As she kisses the cold

Night wind and laughs


Time has etched away

The school girl facade and

Now she looks like a woman


Never have I felt so

Never would I have dream

But then she looks at me


Her eyes turn

Purple on yellow skin

And I am caught in a spiderweb


I want to cry and scream

"I didn't mean it. I'm sorry."

Then she smiles


She smiles and presses

A finger to her lips

"Shh. Our secret."


Then she is gone

Melted into the shadows

And I am alone


Alone with my memories

And the portrait I painted of her

When her hair was pale purple.
