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Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel Comics. Being used for entertainment, no moeny si being made. The poem belongs to me, Magik, the author.

Seeing the Light

by Magik

I remember standing in the snow as a child.

Throwing snowballs and laughing.

I remember the taste of blood in my mouth as the demon slammed my head up against the wall.

Angry and screaming inside.


I remember peace.

I remember joy.

I remember death.

It seems I was always surrounded by choices, none of which were right.

There was no golden road for me to walk.

No path of glory.

I was stuck on a no win situation.

And I toughed it out.


I remember tears.

I remember pain.

I remember evil.

Some nights it seemed that the darkness couldn't get any closer.

At other times I felt so alone without it.

What could I do to kill the darkness consuming my soul?


So I toughed it out.


I remember arguments.

I remember friendship.

I remember teammates.

They called me a demon at least once.

They were right.

But it wasn't my fault.

I didn't know how to stop it.

I remember something huge, dark and foreboding, leaning over me.

I was no longer a child so why did I still tremble like one.


I remember sorrow.

I was never given a chance.

I became what I was meant to be.

But I won't forget everyone who touched me.

I won't forget all the people who gave me something to remember.

I won't forget that I die so that a light may live.


At last I have a choice.

At last I can be free.

Goodbye Darkchilde.

Hello Piotr.


I remember nothing.

I am a child.
