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All characters are property of Marvel Comics. Used without their permission.

Lost Twin is Here

By Maria Cline

Dr. Henry McCoy was doing some DNA research and some random DNA comparisons among the X-men. His keen blue eyes darted from one screen to the next seeing the results. Then two X-men's DNA showed up on the screen that had a great deal in common. Hank looked down to see if it is any of the known blood relatives on the team. It's not. Hank's eyes widen as he double checked the results. "Oh my stars and garters." he muttered to himself.

Hank walked out of the lab still in disbelief. "Should I tell them? Of course I should tell them. They have a right to know. They should know." Hank pondered how he should tell them. If should he tell them? The news he have was not bad. It was not good. It was just...odd. If he told them, how would they react? "I guess that inquiry will be answered." Hank thought to himself as he entered the danger room.

In the danger room, Scott Summers a.k.a. Cyclops was training with Remy LeBeau a.k.a. Gambit. For a while, Hank just stared at the two. Scott was the first to notice. He paused the program, and asked "What is it Hank?" Remy asked, "Why were you staring at us Henri?" Hank took a deep breath and said, "I have something to tell you. It is a shocker so I suggest you sit down."

The two sat down. Hank explained "I was doing some cataloging of DNA of the X-men. I was skimming along when I noticed that two sets of DNA were similar. So, I compared the two several times. It is apparent and somewhat obvious if thought of enough. You and Scott are related. Scott, Remy is the third Summers brother."

The two stared at Hank for a second. "Hank, if you and Bobby are attempting to pull some sick joke.." Scott said casually. "I most assure you this is no prank. You and Remy is related." Remy imputed "But Gambit and Scott have nothing in common. If we were related, how come you didn't realize it sooner." Hank explained, "We never did a blood test. It was never really necessary. You two are the same build, the same approximate height, the same hair, and as I once recalled you, Remy, can charge things up with your eyes. I _did_ check the results and I am right."

Remy and Scott look at each other again. For once they realize that their was a definite family resembles. They just never truly saw it. Scott asked Hank, "Does anyone else know?" "No. You two are the only ones who know besides me." Scott asked Remy, "Who do you think we should tell?" "Why tell anybody?" Remy asked. "It dos not matter." Scott refused "I think it does matter. We have to find out about you and why dad never told us about you." Remy put up his hands "Fine, we shall tell the others. But a few at a time. I do not want to be called Remy Summers." Scott repeated, "Remy _Summers_ hmm. Or Scott _Lebue_." Remy rolled his eyes. "Oui, we must tell the others."

Later Jean, Storm, Rouge, Alex, and Cable met Remy, Hank, and Scott in the briefing room. "Scott, what do you need to tell us?" Jean asked. Scott nervously scratched his head in habit. "Well, Jean I have something to tell you all." Everyone stared at the three. "Well?" Someone asked. Scott was tongue-tied. How will he tell his family that he was related to Remy? Remy is not the most well known person on the team. He is one of the most enigmatic characters in his life.

Remy didn't know what to say as well. Scott Summers is one of the most 'clean' people he knew. He very rarely drinks, and he is too loyal. Will people expect this from Remy?

"Oh, um Alex, Nathan, you have another relative." Hank said, "Remy and Scott are fraternal twins." Everyone started to laugh and Alex said between gasps "Okay Ha-Hank WA-what's the real announcement?" Scott said, "That is the real announcement. Remy and I are twins." Everyone stopped laughing and did a double take. Everyone looked from Scott to Remy to Scott again. Jean shocked asked, "How come we didn't tell before?" "'Tis the accent Cherie." Remy answered. Nathan looked at his father and said, "You two may look a lot alike, but not identical." "Hank said _fraternal_ twins." Scott reminded, "We are just born at the same time. That explains our different powers." Alex now calmly asked, "So, now I have _two_ brothers. And one of them is Cajun." "Oui." Remy said.

Rouge said, "So, Remy and Scotty is _really_ fraternal twins. And If Ah got married to Remy, Ah will be Scott's and Alex's sister-in-law." Storm asked, "Should we tell the other X-men?". "Yes, we should tell." Scott said. "But, we will not make such a big deal about it." Alex disagreed, "I don't know. I mean Remy and Scotty twins. I think the others will make a great deal about this. I know that Bobby and Jubilee will have a field day with this. And I am kind of shocked that _Gambit_ is my brother." Remy shook his head. "Hey, Gambit will not change because of dis. Gambit will not want to be treated differently because of dis." Storm agreed, "I am sure people will treat Remy the same. This is not a dangerous secret." "Then it's settled," Scott said, "we will tell, but we will not make a big deal about this." "Fine." Remy said. Alex asked, "So, are you going to change your name Remy?". Remy shook his head, "Non! Gambit has been Remy Lebeau for all of his life. Gambit will not change his name."

Later, Alex, Scott, Remy, and Nathan were up at Harry's talking about the revelation. "So Remy," Alex asked, "do you think that the others know about you and Scotty?" Gambit opened his mouth when Bobby came in, stopped and stared. "Whoa! I'm seeing double! Are you two twins?" Remy and Scott looked at each other. Scott replied, "Yes, we are. Is their anything wrong with that?"

The end

Author's notes: This is the perhaps beginning of a series staring Scott and Remy. Their has always been rumors about the possibility of Gambit being Scott and Alex's brother. The family resemblance is there. Remy is a thief and a charmer. Corsair is a thief as well. Alex and Remy is also had some of the same interests. Mr. Sinister is as interested in Remy as in Scott. I also think it would be more interesting to have Scott and Remy as twins. Fraternal to explain the difference in powers. So send in comments, I dare you. Just no flaming please. I have low self-esteem.
