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I wrote this one night when I was totally bored, and it's about Luke and Leia, but the plot is pretty cool if there is a plot. Also, it's a little sick considering they are brother and sister but whatever...enjoy

Okay, I did it, I wrote this story after watching Corvette summer and Austin Powers (carrie fisher is in it) and all of a sudden I was hit with the idea for this story, so I wrote it. You probably won't like it, and it will be to fake for you to read and I know I stole leia's last thought from Cinderalla, but whatever, Enjoy, and write back with your honest opinion!!Disclaimer: Any characters in this story (luke and leia) obviously belong to george lucas and that wonderfull imagination of his. This story was written only for my enjoyment, Please enjoy!!!


******Warning******This story contains disturbing behavior and actions, you have been warned******

Where was she? Leia look around her, she was in a room, a small room,somewhere in the Imperial Palace. But this room, it was beautiful! Filled with tiny floating lights, that shimmered against the darkness. And there was a bed, a bed covered in lacy sheets, and an abundance of pillows. Soft music, that seemed strangely familiar was playing from some where in the almost warm darkness. Once again Leia asked herself: Where was she? Leia looked harder into the dark, using her Jedi enhanced eyesight to search the shadows.

Something moved from the corner, the tiny lights flickered. It was Luke. Why was Luke here? Why was she here? How did she get here? Where was Han and the children? Leia's mind raced with the same questions over and over, but some how, maybe because she was with Luke, or because the sense of the room was so comforting, she felt very safe and un-worried, Luke moved closer and the questions vananished from her mind, almost like they had never been there. He reached out his hand and she took it. Leia walked forward to where Luke stood, he reached out and ran his hand along her cheek. She grasped it, and held it there, they just stood there staring into each others eyes, Lukes so pale and blue, so inviting? But inviting to what? This is wrong, I'm wrong.... And Leia's eyes, warm and brown, eyes that looked frightend and afraid of what she was feeling. Luke slid his hand our from under Leia's and slowly moved it down her neck and chest. Then he reached down and grasped her other hand, he then took her other hand which still rested on her cheek and took in his hand. Luke wrapped her arms around his neck...What is he doing, doesn’t he relize just how horribly wrong this is, we are related Luke!! She felt like shouting, We are more then related, we are of the same womb!!!!!

Almost as if to silence her thoughts, he brought his face tohers and kissed her, gently, like a mother would kiss a young child goodnight. She kissed him back, harder, leaning into him and he held her tighter. All of a sudden relizing just how right this seemed...NO!!!!This isn’t right, not at all, wait, why havn’t I stopped him? Said something...... He stopped, and took her hand again, leading her from the shadows and on to the bed. Hereached for her hair, and slowy undid the the two braids that held her long brown hair.

"Luke, what are you....My hair..." He kissed her again. My hair?? My hair is all I can say...there is so much more I want to say. "Let me look at your hair, Leia, it’s beautiful. If I, we can break so many rules like this, I am certain I can touch and caress your hair...and you...." "No Luke you can’t, I..." Instead of finishing she just kissed him lightly on the neck, while he ran his fingers through her hair. How she longed to be touched like this... How much she wanted love and not just torid passion, for someone to love her like this...But this is Luke, my brother, my twin, and now my lover? "Yes Leia, your lover" she heard Luke whisper in her ear. She looked up at him, from where her eyes had falled on his chest. And the she understood, this is how things should have been, siblings maybe, lovers forever. "Yes" Luke said again, "lovers forever." They kissed again, the desire pulsing through their veins, opening parts of Leia she never knew were there. She let him undress her, his fingers moving slowly and carefully, caressing all of her with eyes and mind, with each breath she took she could sense his touch. With the emotional bond of brother and sister, and and the physical bond of lovers, Luke and Leia were one, each part of them pressed together to form one body and one soul...No, Leia thought, this wasn’t wrong, this was just what they’ed always wanted...


Leia woke up with a start, the words "Just what we’ve always wanted" echoched in her mind, she could still feel his touch, hear his rythmic breathing. Leia looked to her right, there Han dozing peacefully beside her, undisturbed by her nightmare, or maybe her dream, After all, she thought, a dream is a wish your heart makes.....


6 doors down, from Han and Leia’s apartment in the Imperial Palace...Luke woke up with a start, the words "Just what we’ve always wanted" echoed in his mind.......

"Yes," he wispered into the darkness. "I know." He then rolled over and put his arms snuggley around a sleeping Mara Jade

