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All characters belong to DC. This story takes place after the reopening of the Daily Planet.

Luthor's Victory

By Maria Cline

I won. That's the truth. Even as I watch Superman put that accursed globe on that building with that grin on that face, I smile to myself as well. The fool doesn't know. No one does.

Perry was suspicious as everyone else on why I sold the Planet back. After all, I lost money in the deal and the Daily Planet had always been one of my greater displeasures. Still no one knows.

I won. Money doesn't truely matter to me. I can handle losing a mere few million dollars. The prize was mine.

For as long as I could remember, I tried to buy her... shatter her... and even... kill her; and still she prevails. She often was my greatest thorn next to Superman. She in some ways is just as powerful as Superman. The will, the determination, and the power of the press.

I try to awe her with my wealth and she spat at it. Once I bought her an expensive Paris orginal to wear at my party. I loved that look on her face when she said how much she loved it. The look turned disgusted when she found out it was a present and not a loan. She actually stood behind that Kent's back to be modest and took off the dress. She wore nothing but Kent's huge jacket and her high heels... and her pride. Oh yes, her pride means allot to her.

When she was getting too close to that story about me being my own son, I tried to shatter her life but she still kept her will to live.

Even when she was working for me, she kept speaking out against me.

I do admire her for her strength and the challenge of getting her. Only one other woman in my life had defied me so well. Supergirl was mine for only a while. She was my heart, my body, and my soul. The women of Metropolis and the world is at my mercy because of my wealth and my recently attained good looks.

Now, I got her. I got her soul. I won. I own Lois Lane now. At least until I can make her drop a story. Should I ever ask her to drop one? Knowing that she waits every day. Wondering, maybe even hoping? Or just keep her waiting? Maybe even let it strain that marriage with Kent. She couldn't resign from the Planet. That, will shatter everyone else's lives. Even if she dies, I will still win since I broke her. I have her. Not even Superman can save her. Not all the superheroes in the universe can save her.

I won.

The end
