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© 1999 Ana Lyssie Cotton

Disclaimer: They're all owned by Marvel. Companion peice to When Life is Common, and I Have No Doubts.

No Angry Drama

by Ana Lyssie Cotton

Moira McTaggert sat sipping her drink and watching as her daughter, Rahne Sinclair, Douglock and Meggan all chatted rapidly. The blonde lassie and the techno-organic boy had found fast friends in the other as both learned to adapt and grow in their environments.

Moira's eyes grew thoughtful as she continued to sip and the other people seated around the table laughed and chatted. Pete Wisdom, that horrible man, sat chatting with the woman he loved. She didn't like the man, though he was beginning to grow on her--for Kitty's sake, she reassured her conscience. Although she had saved his life, way back when.

Kitty herself suddenly stood up, laughing at Pete, then stalked for the bar. Moira's lips twitched. Even if she disapproved of Pete, Kitty adored him immensely. Besides, the lad was good for her. They were good for each other.

With that couple out of the way, she turned to see Kurt drag Amanda to her feet, both laughing as if they were teenagers again. They went towards the jukebox, Kurt's voice arguing that they should try swing-dancing. Moira smiled. They'd do well at the new-fangled dance, based on the old style.

Absently, she wondered if Brian would ask his fiance to dance. Meggan was looking wistfully after Kurt and Amanda. Both of the engaged couple were looking vaguely out of sorts. And then Meggan shook her head and smiled and plunged back into the animated conversation with Douglock and Rahne.

Rahne. Moira smiled. She was so proud of the girl who had been her daughter and was now a woman. It suddenly occured to Moira to wonder if Rahne missed Piotr Rasputin. That young man had gone back to the X-Men in New York several weeks before.

Moira knew that he and Rahne had been close, the girl had wandered about the first few days after he was gone as if bereft. She'd bounced back quickly, though.

And then there was her own leaving. Moira fought the melancholy, then sighed softly. The beer wasn't helping, she hurt. Inside and out. How long did she have? How long before her component molecules discorporated and she left this mortal veil?

"Mum?" Rahne's voice penetrated the slow, depressed fog that had begun to descend. She fought out of it to respond to her loved one.

"Yes, daughter?"

"Would ye like tae dance, mum? We're going to learn this new 'swing' dancing. Kitty an' Mr. Wisdom an' Kurt know it." Rahne's eyes were eager to please, eager to see her mother enjoy life.

What else can you do under that sort of plea? "Sure, love, just a minute." Moira replied, smiling at the happiness that response evoked. The use of the word, love, seemed to be one of the few good things Wisdom had started, she observed as she stood up to follow her bouncing child to the jukebox.

