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Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel Comics and are being used for entertainment. There is NO money being made off them. The story belongs to me, Magik, the author.

Happy New Year

Part One

    Paige Guthrie was diligently working at clearing away the crumpled Christmas paper that was still strewn around the living room floor. With a hand she swept her blond hair out of her eyes and turned to gaze at the glowing tree.

    What a Christmas we had this year, she thought, filled with sadness and fear. Sometimes I just want to go home.

    *Why are you cleanin' up alone, sunshine?* the voice of Jonothon Starsmore invaded her thoughts as he walked into the room.

    "Well someone had to do it and Ah...I really didn't have anythin' else ta do," she answered him averting her blue eyes from his gaze.

      Jono watched her for a minute. Silver tinsel had fallen in her hair and made it gleam in the light. He ran a hand through his reddish brown hair and stooped down to help.

    Paige rocked back on her heels and stared at him as the boy started gathering up armfuls of crumpled wrapping paper. "Ya don't have ta do that, ya know," she told me.

    He laid the paper down and looked into her eyes. For a spilt second Paige thought she saw something in his eyes that could be described as a smile, then it just faded away. *It's no bother,* he sent. *I didn't `ave anythin' to do either.*

    "Thank ya," she replied quietly. Then the two returned to working in silence.

    They worked at cleaning up the living room for half an hour. Both Paige and Jono were covered in tinsel and tape when they were finished. Jono glanced up as he laid the last armful of paper into the garbage and saw Paige wipe a gossamer tear out of her eye.

    *You're still upset about Christmas, aren't you?* he asked.

    "Can't keep anythin' from ya can Ah, Jono?" she sniffed as he knelt down next to her.

    *I know what ya must be thinkin', sunshine. `ere this gel that we're supposed to trust goes and does somethin' that goes against everythin' she tryin' to show us.*

    "But Miz Frost wasn't even in her right mind then, Jono. It really wasn't her fault," she told him. "An' it was very wrong o' me to come down so hard on her."

    *Mustn't say things like that, luv. You were jus' doin' what your `eart told you was right. Nothin' to apologize for there.*

    Paige wiped a tear from her eye and pulled a strand of tinsel out of his hair. "Ah had a dream last night."

    *Oh, an' tell me, luv, what was this dream about?*

    "Nothin'. It was about nothin'. There was nothin' anywhere and Ah waz trapped there wit' it. This nothin' that kept growin'. And then...then it just swallowed me whole and Ah was screamin' the whole time. But no one helped me. They jus' let me fall. I woke up screamin'. Surprised no one heard me," she added as she stared at the empty space where the tree had stood.

    *I heard ya. *

    "An' you weren't worried?"

    *I was very worried, sunshine, but I didn't really think it was my place ta burst in on you in the middle of the night like that,* Jono replied, sincere concern in his eyes.

    She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Ah had another dream last night too..." she began.

    Just then the north wall of the room exploded in a flash of brilliant yellow light. Standing in the pile of rubble was the thin form of a woman. Her hair was short, light red, and brushed away from her face. Two hazel eyes burned like coal in their sockets. "Hi ya, Paige. Betcha didn't think you'd be seein' me again,. huh kiddo?" she laughed.

    *Who is that?* Jono questioned.

    "You didn't tell anyone, did you, Paige?"


    "Good. Very good." With that the woman light Paige with a fireball. The girl cried out as the fire touched her and quieted as the pain disappeared.

    *Whot the bloody heck's goin' on here!* Jono demanded.

    "Don't worry, pretty pretty. You'll find out soon enough." Then the woman faded from view taking Paige with her.
