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I wrote this in some insanely early June morning back in 98. I found it while I was rifleing through boxes in my office. I think it's one of my better poetry-type writeings, since of cource, poetry is NOT my forte.. far from it. Seems like most of my better owrks have come from the morning twilight. Mayhap I should try writeing part 3 to Recesses then, and maybe I might even like how it comes out! Ah well, judge for yaselves.

,,V, ^_^ Onyx Frost


Disclaimer: Psylocke and Angel aren't mine.. no, sadly, they belong to Marvel instead of the writers who could actualy do them justice. Ah well, since I'm makeing no money off of this, they really should have no reason to get mad about me barrowing them for a bit. :)


Never Fly Alone Again

Onyx Frost


I walk,

Footsteps everchangeing.

I run,

Feet barely touching the ground.

I fly,

Swift as ever,

No one can touch me.

My feet never touch the ground.

A Swoop,

A dive,

A spiral;

Ever graceful,

Impossible to follow.

I am one with the wind,

One with the sky.

Never on the same course.

All the choices I make,

Don't mean a thing.



No, that doesn't work.

I don't think,

I move rythmicly,

My heart my only guide.

The wind lashes at me.

I am startled by this change.

Nonetheless I fly on,

Always fighting.

The wounds bleed relentlessly.

Soon I am just a crimson veil.

Life can be so unfair.

I must stop.

Still I fight,


Mocking the wind.

It pushes harder,


I lose my gracefull control,




Forever I fall,


Eternity passes,


Suddenly I stop.

Someone is holding me,

You are holding me.

You knew my distress,

Stopped my downward spiral.

You lifted me,

Helped me to fly again;

Fly free again.

You are my love,

Always there,




You never question me,

Never ground me,

Only help me fly.

We fly together,

Mocking the wind,

It can't touch us now.

We are one,

One soul,

One mind.

Good dreams come from bad.

We'll never have to fly along again.


