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Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to Marvel Comics. They are being used only for entertainment and no money is being made. The other characters and the story belong to me, Magik, the author.

The Night Falls Awfully Fast Now

Part I

    `I've walked down the streets of New York City before and I must say the night falls awfully fast not that I'm used to it. Used to be the sunlight was here forever. Now it's like before I exhale I have to run in fear. Where's the sunlight? The sunlight. The light that keeps me alive. Where's the sunlight. That sweet, shinning light that keeps ahold of my fear.' A pale hand reached over and turned the knob of the stereo off.

    "Put that back on, Ria. I love that song," a high pitched voice whined.

    "Hush Gerildean. It's an insane song by an insane woman who just needs to get ahold of her life," snorted the girl who was laying on the sofa.

    "Maybe you're right, Ria. Maybe you're right," Gerildean admitted.

    "`Course I'm right. I'm always right," Ria muttered. She bowed her head slightly, letting the thick strand of dark red hair slide over her face, tickling her nose and poking her silver eyes. Biting one of her long fingernails, she turned her attention to the window and gazed out of it. New York, she though to herself with a grin. I finally got here and no one's ever makin' me leave. No one. Not even Cliff.

    There was a rap on the door and Gerildean ran to answer it. Ria watched her with bored eyes. Gerildean was short and slender with very light blond hair and sky blue eyes. Five years of her well-to-do life had been filled with gymnastics lessons and martial arts. Ria had been on the run since she was ten.

    "Mail call," Gerildean announced and ran back to the sofa.

    "So," Ria drawled, "it's not like it's nothin' but bills and junk mail anyway."

    "Oh, really, Ms. Cynic. There is a letter here to you from one Clifford..."

    "Give me that!" Ria snapped, grabbing the letter from Gerildean's hands. "He hates to be called Clifford. It's Cliff." She tore the letter open and they both watched a picture twirl and tumble to the ground. Ria looked down at it and arched her eyebrows.

    "Aren't you going to get that?" Gerildean asked.

    "Nah. Too much work. I'll get it later," Ria answered as she pulled out the letter. "Typical Cliff. I'll have to run the letter through the code machine to decipher it."

    "Oh, let me see it. It can't be that bad," Gerildean insisted.

    "Here, Gerildean, have a go."

    "It says...oh dear. ~tch tch~ What language does this boyfriend of yours write in, anyway?"

    "Cliffenese," Ria joked and took the letter back. Just then the red light in the back of the room started flashing.

    "No time for that letter now, Ria. You're wanted somewhere in New York City. Imagine all the possibilities. Criminals, Doc Ock. Oooooh, it's so exciting," Gerildean squealed.

    "It's a wonder you're not the superhero, Gerildean," Ria said as she pulled a black denim jacket over her short sleeved shirt. "Catch ya later. The world calls." With that the young girl easily sprang out the window.

    Gerildean watched Ria fly away toward whatever obstacle she to face next and sighed. I'm so glad I'm not the superhero, she thought, but I would like to fly. Gerildean sighed again and turned the radio back on. `And it's dark but it's home. But the night seems to fall awfully fast now. I just want to go home and see the light. Yes, the night falls awfully fast now. I hope one day I'll see your light.'


Part II

    Ria flew gracefully through the night air. She shut her eyes for a minute and muttered something under her breath. When she opened her eyes again they glowed with the light of a star.

    Nice power, she though as she flew, being able to have anything I wish for. Very handy too because it stays until I wish it away. Very nice. Kind of depressing though that I can't wish away any part of my life. I can't make my past better and it majorly sucks that I can't grant other people's wishes...yet, and that the Beast put that regulator in my brain that keeps my intelligence level down to just below genius. `Cept when it breaks.

    Ria sighed and starred downward, scanning the city from above. She didn't expect to run into anybody in the air so, of course, that's what happened.

    "Would you watch where you're going?" an angry voice asked.

    Ria looked up into a pair of dazzling blue eyes. "Who are you?"

    "Tanar Dial. Now, watch where you're going."

    "Why should I?" she questioned, studying the figure in front of her. Tanar was tall, his eyes a glowing blue, his hair long and blond. A large pair of electric blue wings spread out behind him.

    "You're not the only flyer in New York, girl. It will help you popularity tremendously if you consider the safety of other flyers," he said.

    "Fair enough," Ria answered.

    "Who are you?"


    "Ria? That's it?" he asked confused. "No superhero name?"

    "No. You?"

    "Sure. I'm `Lectric."

    "`Lectric?" Ria laughed.


    "What's your power, `Lectric?"

    "Please, it's Tanar."

    "Fine. So, Tanar, what's your power?" she questioned with a smile.

    "That, my dear, is a secret," he said, smiling. He frowned for a second. "Look I gotta go, Ria. Maybe I'll catch you later." With a wave of his hand, Tanar flew off.

    "Yeah, later," Ria murmured under her breath. He's so cute, she thought.

    Down girl, the voice in her mind hissed, you have Cliff.

    Cliff's...well he's.. Tanar's a mutant like me.

    What's wrong with Cliff? You don't even really know the boy. And you don't know for sure that Tanar's a mutant. He could just be a human with some technological wonder or something like that.

    I just have this feeling, Ria protested.

    A shrill whine broke through her concentration. Ria looked down at the busy city. Her eyes flashed yellow and the dark disappeared. There, near a big warehouse, was a group of people fighting...well she couldn't tell who they were fighting.

    Ria flew down to the ground. She tied her dark red hair into a bun, leaving a few careless hairs loose, and walked into the fray.

    The man who was fighting the group of people was dressed in yellow and blue spandex. His hair was strawberry blond, his eyes green and that shrill whine was coming from his open mouth. The group of men, a common group of thieves most likely, was advancing on him with chains and knives.

    "Hey guys!" Ria yelled. "I see you can pick on an old man but let's see if you can take me!"

    "You ready to bleed, girly-girl?" the gang's leader asked.

    "You're welcome to try," she joked.

    "Nae lassy!" the man in spandex cried out.

    "Relax, Gramps, and catch your breath," Ria replied. She closed her eyes, blew a breath across her hand and when she opened her silver eyes again, the gang was gone.

    "Who are ye?" the man asked his eyes wide in surprise.

    "Just call me Surreal," Ria said with a smile.


Part III

    "Surreal, eh? Are ye a mutant, lass?" the man asked.

    Ria ran a hand through her hair and smiled. "Sure am. Who are you?"


    "Sean Cassidy, aka Banshee, formerly of the X-Men, currently a headmaster for Generation X at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Powers include a sonic scream that allows you to fly, shatter glass, etc. Living relatives, daughter Theresa Cassidy aka Siryn, member of X-Force."

    "How d'ye know so much about me life?" Cassidy asked.

    "That's my little secret, Mr. Cassidy," she replied and her silver eyes glowed slightly.

    "What's yuir power, lass?"

    "I can have anything I wish for. Powers, material possessions, stuff like that. They're real too, no illusions, and all my wishes stay until I wish them away."

    "Impressive. So, what's yuir name?"

    "I go by Ria."

    "Ria, do ye want ta join Generation X?" he asked. Cassidy studied her. This girl was not your regular superhero. Her outfit consisted of black jeans, a black short sleeved t-shirt, black boots, and a black denim jacket.

    "Nah. What would I tell Gerildean? Tell ya what, Mr. Cassidy, I'll stop by Massachusetts some time."

    "Okay Ria, we'll be expecting you," he replied.

    "No! Don't expect me. Don't tell anyone about me. `Kay?" she questioned as she floated up into the air.

    "Okay, lassie. Okay," he agreed as he watched the strange girl fly away. Wishing powers, he thought. What a strange mutation.

    Gerildean busied herself with cleaning up the apartment. She had swept her blond hair up into a ponytail and music was blaring in the background.

    Humming along to the catchy notes of Sugar Ray's `Fly', she wandered over to the couch and Ria's fallen letter. With a trembling hand, she picked up the picture. Staring back at her was a sixteen year old boy with shortish blond streaked brown hair. His eyes were a clear hazel and a great look of indifference was plastered on his face.

    So, that's Cliff, Gerildean thought. He looks like someone Ria would hang out with. Kinda punkish and on the edge. Sorta cool and collected. Now, if I could only decipher the letter...

    Ria was back to flying in the open sky above New York City. From this height the city looked peaceful. It almost made her wish that she was down there, living in a boring little house with a boring little family.

    Families weren't Ria's thing, though. She had been transferred from one foster family to another until she was ten. Then she hit the road. Sure, it was hard out on her own but Ria knew she was strong enough to make it. It helped that she knew where she was going; New York City. From California it was a long walk but a walk that had quite possible been the best time of her life.

    On her cross country trip she had meet Clifford and his family. His family had loved her, the had even invited her to stay with them. Ria knew she never would have been happy there. It was too country. Ria thrived in the city. She also didn't want to make things difficult for Cliff. So, she had left in the middle of the night, never to be seen again.

    Yeah the city looked peaceful but all the peaceful appearances in the world couldn't lure her back into a happy family. That just wasn't meant to be.

    Gerildean heard a knock on the door and she ran to answer it. When she threw open the door, she saw a tall, thin boy with blond streaked brown hair and hazel eyes.

    "Is Ria here?" he asked.

    "Oy va," she muttered.


Part IV

    "Well is Ria here?" Cliff asked again as a look of semi-annoyance crossed his face.

    "Um," Gerildean licked her lips and moved aside so Cliff could enter the apartment. "Not presently. She had to go out. The alarm went off."

    Cliff studied Gerildean for a second with his hazel eyes as though he was trying to decide if she was telling the truth. Then he shrugged his shoulders and sat down on the couch. "Is it okay if I wait for her?" he inquired.

    "Sure," Gerildean answered. "I was just cleaning." She quickly grabbed the picture and letter off the table and put them away.

    Cliff glared at her for a second then pulled a book from his coat pocket. So, while Gerildean cleaned, he sat there, reading and waiting for Ria.

    Meanwhile, Ria was flying high above New York. Somewhere in the distance she saw a faint blue glow. With a few muttered words, her vision increased a thousand fold and she was able to see the flying form of Tanar, aka `Lectric, the mutant she had meet earlier that day.

    "Tanar!" she yelled at him. "Wait up!"

    The form of Tanar slowed and then finally stopped. Ria flew gracefully up beside him.

    "Hey," he said. "I didn't think I'd see you again today."

    "Yeah. I have a strange habit of running into people at the funniest times," she said with a smile.

    Tanar smiled back his eyes glowing that heavenly electric blue that matched his wings. "I like running into people."

    "You want to come meet my friend Gerildean? I'm sure she'd be thrilled to know of another way-ward teenage superhero. She gets worried about me."

    "Sure. Sounds like fun," and with that the two took off towards Ria's apartment building.

    A few minutes later Ria and then Tanar stepped through the window into the apartment. "Gerildean, I'm back!"

    "Well, it's about time," Cliff said as he got off the couch.

    "Who's that?!" Cliff and Tanar asked at the same time.

    Ria bit her lip and felt the beginnings of a headache. Gerildean rushed into the living room from the kitchen.

    "Oh, Ria, you're back," then she saw Tanar. "Who's that?!"

    Ria closed her eyes and sighed. Opening her eyes she indicated Tanar. "Gerildean, Cliff, this is Tanar Dial. Tanar this is Gerildean and that's my boyfriend, Cliff."

    "Boyfriend?" Tanar questioned puzzled. "Ria, you never hinted that you had a boyfriend."

    "Would it have mattered?"

    "It sure does matter," Cliff spoke up. "You're my girlfriend and I don't know if I like the idea of you bring strange men into your apartment!"

    "You sound like you have control of what I do," Ria said to Cliff. "Which you don't! My life is my own!"

    "I don't appreciate you hanging around with other guys!" Cliff was even starting to raise his voice.

    "You jealous Neanderthal! If you trusted me and loved me, you'd know that Tanar is just a friend!"

    Gerildean sighed and sat down to watch the scene. Tanar bit his lip and walked over to the window.

    "I'm going now," he said.


    "Get the hell out!"

    With a feeble wave Tanar left. Ria and Cliff were still screaming and Gerildean sat quietly on the couch.

    "Out! Get out!" Ria screamed.

    "I will!" and with that Cliff stormed out.

    Ria dropped onto the couch and started to cry. "Oh, Gerildean, I love him so much."

    Gerildean sighed and comforted her friend, glad that she was single.


Part V

    Ria sat slumped on the couch, channel changer in her hand. She flipped through the channels quickly without even letting the pictures on the screen sink in before she hit the button again. The black denim jacket was pulled tight around her and her dark red hair lay in mats and tangles. It had been days since she'd taken a brush to it.

    Gerildean paused in the middle of her daily weight workout to wipe the sweat off her brow and stare worriedly at Ria. She bit her lip and tucked a strand of loose blond hair behind one of her ears. Ria had been like this for days. Living so close to the edge of sorrow that she had only but completely pulled away from the outside world.

    Now she lived in her dream and fantasies that were fueled by snatches on television shows and a twisted reflection of the real world. It was distressing but Gerildean didn't have any idea how to help her best friend other than by just being there if Ria needed something.

    Gerildean put the towel down and started back at working with the leg curl. The house was a mess. Abandoned attempts at embroidery and empty pop cans covered the thick, plush coral carpet. Dirty plates and glasses were stacked up on every table, counter, or cabinet. The place had become a...disaster area but not without Gerildean continually battling the forces of uncleanliness. The fight had just proven to be a little too much for the girl.

    Finally, the audible *click* of the changer stopped as Ria finally found something worth watching. The dim buzz of dialogue was in the background as Gerildean counted her legs curls. "One," she puffed. "Two..."

    There was a stifled scream and then most of the dirty dishes in the room flew from their resting places to smash up against the television. Open mouthed and eyes wide with horror, Gerildean turned to find Ria yelling at the TV while her mutant power granted her the wish for telekinesis so she could hurtle whatever she wanted at Gerildean's Sony.

    "Ria, what are you doing?" Gerildean asked as she took her feet off the leg curl bars, letting the machine bang against the floor. She was off the exercise bench and by Ria's side in a flash.

    "I hate him! I hate him!" Ria hollered as she continued her attack on the show.

    Grabbing Ria's wrists, Gerildean snuck a peek at the television. Dawson's Creek was on and who was Jen talking to but that Cliff guy. "God," Gerildean whispered under her breath. The one show that contained Ria's estranged boyfriend's name just had to be on right now. It figured.

    "I hate him. I hate him, Gerildean," Ria muttered her voice devoid of any emotion as she sunk back onto the couch. Her angry fulfilled the flying objects stopped as her power took away the telekinesis.

    It was all Gerildean could do not to glare heatedly at her. Ria was crouched on the couch in a pair of torn, dirty blue jeans, a tattered Gin Blossoms T-shirt and her denim jacket. Now the heart-broken girl picked up the channel changer and started surfing again.

    "Ria, this can't keep happening. The house is a wreck. You're a wreck. Why don't you just call him?" Gerildean semi-snapped, annoyance and disbelief evident in every word. With one hand she swept some of the blond curls from her face and glared at her seemingly comatose friend. "Sometimes I just hate you, Ria," she muttered uselessly and then started back to the weight bench to work on her leg curls.
