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All characters are property of Marvel Comics and I didn't get theirpermission. So don't tell them about this story. They might get some ideas.


By Maria Cline

Rogue opened her eyes. She woke up to see a pale face with red eyes."Sinister!!!" Rogue yelled as she attempted to throw a flying punch at the scientist only to realize that she was wrapped up in a metallic cocoon.

"Temper, temper." Mr. Sinister said as he patted her cheek with his gloved hand. "You must save your energy."

"For what?" Rogue demanded.

"You are a very interesting mutant, Rogue. Did you realize that when you absorbed Ms. Marvel that you got her powers, but left her genetic potential untouched?" Sinister explained as he grinned and pointed to a collar around her neck.

"Yeah. Why did 'ya ask?" Rogue asked as she tried to get herself freed.

Sinister gestured to two marauders as they moved to a table. Rogue glared at a table. A tall man was lying there unconscious wearing nothing but a pair of briefs and a Genosha collar.

"Scott!" she yelled out loud knowing what Sinister had in mind.

She struggled as Sinister grabbed her by the hair. "That collar is very unique. You see, instead of disabling all of your powers, your collar will only disable certain powers that will be of a nuisance. It's not as popular as the normal collars, but in cases like these it could prove to be quite useful. Magneto willingly brought us these special collars for information."

"What are ya going to do to us?" Rogue demanded trying to buy time.

"Simple, I wanted Scott's body. Unfortunately, I also wanted to experiment with his powers. A clone might be useful, but I thought that I want to experiment with you as well. Your DNA is very unique. It seems that it contains bits and pieces of DNA of your previous 'victims'. Then, I realized why bother with a clone when I could just kill two birds with one stone. I could experiment with Scott's body and with his powers in you at the same time." Sinister put a ruby quartz blindfold on her.

Arclight and Scrambler held Rogue down as Sinister grabbed her head and forced it on Scott's lips. Rogue was still trying to break loose, "Ah'm sorry, Scott." she said before she was forced down.

An eternity passed for the two as Rogue absorbed more of Scott. She went limp as she tried to contemplate what was going on. She felt his soul and mind in her's. Sinister smiled as the Rogue seemed to go unconscious. "Take her to the holding cell." he ordered.



A green cloud of mist appeared and a group of mutants came out. Magneto said, "Turn off the collars. I pray that we are not too late." Amelia nodded and click on some buttons.


Rogue felt stronger. She has her superstrength back. She jerked up, broke the wrappings and shoved herself away from the two marauders. "It doesn't work! Damn that Magneto!" Mr. Sinister said as Rogue tore off her mask and fired several optic blasts.

"Yes!" Magneto said as he and his Acolytes blasted through the wall and attacked them. Rogue closed her eyes as she heard the various battle sounds around her. She could hear a magnetic buzz around her as the sounds of the battle got more distant. Magneto pulled out a ruby quartz visor and placed it on her head. She opened her eyes to see that she was in a magnetic bubble hovering over the base. "I apologize Rogue. When Sinister ordered a specific use collar, I thought that it would be an excellent method to justify the Morlock Massacre. I didn't know that it would be for you and Cyclops. When Ifound out, I had Amelia send the others and me to attack this place." he said as he tried to comfort her.

"What will ya do when the X-Men come to rescue Scott and Ah? Ah still gotta get Scott out of that place. The Professor could help him like he did the original Ms. Marvel." Rogue asked as she tried to step away.

"Scott is gone. He's dead. His body was destroyed in the battle. Come with me, Rogue. I can help you." Magneto said as he gave her his hand.

Rogue smiled. "Maybe... NOT!!!" she said as she punched him. The magnetic bubble faltered and she flew off.

Exodus flew to Magneto "May I chase her?" he asked.

Magneto looked on, "No. Let her go. We have the Marauders and Sinister. Let us leave before any more interlopers come." he replied.


The Blackbird streaked across the sky. The X-Men watched as Jean paced back and forth and without warning, she collapsed. "Something happened to Scott." she whispered.

"What?" asked Logan as he pulled her up.

"I don't know. It's like a sudden drain and then nothing." Jean muttered as she tried to mentally search for Scott.

Remy, who was staring out of the window, saw a familiar sight. "GUYS! It's Rogue! She escaped!"

"Aww... we came all this way to save Rogue and she saved herself. Oh well, we could still save Scott." said Bobby.

Rogue tapped on the door. Jean walked up and opened it. Rogue stumbled in and everyone gasped. A sheet of Ruby Quartz covered her eyes. She looked up. "Where's Scott?!" Jean demanded.

"He's gone." she replied as everyone stared at her in silence. They knew what happened to him.


In the Med. Lab, Xavier examined Rogue. She felt confused due to all of the memories that were pouring into her mind. Jean was standing to the side. Rogue felt that she should hold her and tells her that everything will be all right. She fought that feeling. It was insane. She wanted to stare at those green eyes and that red hair and that curved body. "No! Stop thinking like that!" she muttered as she banged her head on the table several times leaving a big dent.

Xavier asked, "Are you all right, Rogue?"

"Not exactly," she said as she straightens out the dent.

"I'm sorry. I can't remove those memories from your mind, Rogue. They are worst than the time you absorbed Carol Danvers' memories. How do you feel?" said Xavier as he held his head.

"Like shit." she replied as she stood up. "Ah'm tired. Do y'all mind if Ah go out for awhile?"

"No." Jean said, "Go ahead. Just don't wander."

Rogue nodded and flew out of the window. Jean watched as she flew off.


It was dark when he woke up. Scott felt a strangest sensation as he floated in a vast void. "Where am I?"

"In Rogue's mind." a voice said. Scott gasped and saw a tall Cajun man with a cigarette in one hand.


"Not exactly, Mom ami." Gambit said as he sat down, "I am a collection of all the memories Rogue got from me."

Scott looked up and saw that he was in a city similar to New York City. "I have to get out. The others need me. I need to tell them that I'm not dead."

Captain America showed up. "You're nothing, but a group of memories. You can't get out. None of us can." he said.

Scott ignored him and went to a car and entered it. "You can't just drive away." said Gambit.

"Gambit, shut up!" Scott yelled angrily as he pressed on the accelerator and drove off. The car swerved and stopped. He got out and stared at it.

"Told you," Remy said smugly.

Scott looked around and started to run. He had to get to the mansion. Maybe it was the embodiment of her consciousness.


Rogue flew into the sky. She needed time alone with her thoughts and the thoughts and feelings of Scott. She flew up into the clouds and then raced down. She loved flying. She cherished the power ever since the day she got it. However, every time she flew, a part of her remembered that she stole the powers from another. She was not born or given the powers like most of her teammates. She stole them.

She looked up into the sky. She then let's out a powerful blast towards the ground, leaving a charred hole. She was forced to steal her friend's life and possibly his soul. Scott's dead. She felt the stares of everyone, especially Nathan and Jean's. She didn't see Alex yet. If she did he will probably stare at her too.

She saw Nathan sitting alone. In the moonlight, he looked like a lost little boy. She hovered there remembering when Nathan was a small boy and he would stare out into the stars and the moon. **But it's not your memories.** she reminded herself.

She sighed as she flew down to him. Nathan looked up and said, "Hello,Rogue."

"Hello, Nathan." Rogue said as she sat down beside him. "What'cha doing?"

"Nothing." he did a look-over at her and then just stared at her face.

**Damn it! He's staring at the glasses.** she said out loud, "Ah'm sorry about Scott."

"I know." Nathan said, "It's not your fault. Sinister was the one who forced you to absorb Scott. You had no control over your powers. Don't worry, I'm not mad at you."

"Thanks. And quit starin' at me like that. Ya're making me feelso...freaky." she said as she puts her arm around his shoulder.

"I was kind of expecting to Slymm to rear his head." he said jerking his head down.

"Ah don't know if he will come out. His memories are very strong in me." She smiled a sad smile. "I got allot of memories of changing your diapers and toilet training you. You were always such an a cute little fella."

"Oath." Nathan muttered.

"Don't worry. Just don't call me Daddy or Slymm."

"No problem." Nathan said as he looked away again.


Scott ran along the unique landscape. He ran as the scenery changed from lush jungles to barren wastelands in seconds. Rogue's mind was in turmoil. Storms appeared in the sky as he ran. Rain beaten down on his visored face. He removed the visor when it was covered in so much rainwater that it blurred his vision. No optic blasts came out so he trudged forward. He saw the various people Rogue absorbed over her lifetime wandering the various roads. They were ignoring him. The winds blew against his wet skin chilling him to the bone. Then finally he reached the mansion. He tried to get in to find that the door was locked.

He looked in his pockets to see that there were no keys. "The mansionmust've represent Rogue's consciousness." he said out loud.

He knocked on the door loudly and Gambit appeared. "She won't answer."

"Who asked you?" Scott asked as he looked around for an open window.

"Hey, I'm just letting you know."

"Listen, whoever or whatever you are, I will find a way in there." Scott said determined as he went to the back door.

Gambit followed him. "Maybe you could. Rogue absorbed you much more than she did me. You might be able to get in. I t'ink."

"Thank you for the encouragement." Scott said sarcastically as he went up to the trees.


Rogue went up to her bedroom and closed the door. It had been a long hard day; filled with tests and mixed feelings. She had to sleep. She was fearful to sleep and to face Scott's memories. She lay down. "Scott, if you're in my brain, you better reveal yourself now." she muttered to herself.


Scott looked over the complex to find no way in. He had to get in. He fired an optic blast at the front door and it blasted open. "Yes!" he said. Then, the door reappeared. "Shit." He muttered.

"Dat's the way." said Gambit.

Scott sighed and came closer to the door. He blasted again and ran in before the door reappeared. "Good luck, mon ami. You will need it." Said Gambit from the outside.


It was identical to the real mansion. The furniture, the carpets, and even the burnmarks are identical. He ran to Rogue's bedroom. He opened the door to see her sitting on the bed alone.

"Rogue?" he asked as he entered the room.

She turned, "Scott! Ya're here!"

They hugged each other. "Ah'm so sorry. Ah didn't mean to do this to ya." she said.

"It's not your fault. I'm not bitter." He said as he stroked her hair.

"It's Sinister's." Rogue said as she pushed him away. "It's his fault that we're like this. When Ah get my hands on him...." she said as she held her hands up in a strangling position.

"Yeah." Scott said as he looked out of the window at the wandering souls outside.

"You know Magneto was the one who rescued me- Ah mean us."


"He was the one who provided the specialty collar to Sinister. He and his Acolytes attacked because they wanted justice for the Morlock Massacre."

"Of course." Scott said, "He probably wanted justice for all those mutants killed. I was wondering when he will attack Sinister."

"You want to take over for a while. Jean and the others missed you."

"How long has it been? Time seem to go slower here."

"A day."

Scott looked at her, "I'll go and tell the others."


He felt disoriented for a second. He woke up in the real bedroom. He stood up and went downstairs.

He passed several of his teammates, but said nothing. Logan passed by him and did a whiff. He glanced at Scott and Scott nodded. Logan said,"Jeannie's in the boathouse."

He is going to Jean first. He went to the boathouse where Jean was sitting on the front porch. "Jean?" he whispered softly.

Jean looked up. Rogue didn't have that accent in her voice. The way she stood was different and yet familiar. "Scott?" asked Jean trying not to sound too desperate.

"Yes, it's me." he said as he opened his arms.

Jean ran to him and held him tightly. It felt like him despite the body change. She knew from within her soul that he had come back to her. She was careful not to touch Scott's skin. "I was wondering when you will come back."

"Sorry, but I had the hardest time getting here."


Part two

Scott Summers had been in all sorts of situations in his short lifetime. He had been killed and resurrected. He had been captured god knows how many times. He even had a bomb implanted in his chest and lived to tell the tale. If anyone were ever to tell him that he would be sharing the same body with another woman he would say that they are insane.

Unfortunately, he's sharing the same body with Rogue. And he's married to Jean. This had got to be the most unusual situation since... ever.

He and Jean walked down to the med lab as Jean told everyone about what happened. Everyone gathered around the two. Gambit ran ahead of everyone and stopped infront of Scott. "Scott? Where's Rogue?" he asked.

Rogue took over and said, "Don't worry, Remy. Ah'm fine. Ah thought that Ah had better let Scott take over for a while."

Scott took control, "I'll let Rogue take control in an hour or so. At least until Hank examines me- I mean us."

Gambit sighed in relief. "Sorry, Scott. It's just that I was worried dat Rogue had been killed or somet'ing."

"Would I kill her?" Scott asked, "Honestly, I thought that you had more faith in me than that."


Hank looked over Rogue as Jean and the others watched. "Well, except for the schizophrenia you two are in perfect health."

"Can you do anything, Hank?" Scott asked.

"I wish I could say yes, my friend. Unfortunately, the transfer is quite permanent. It could be some time before we could find a way of getting Scott into a different body."

Bobby looked over at Jean, "So, how does it feel to have your husbandtrapped in a body of a gorgeous woman?"

Everyone stared at her and she felt everyone's anxiousness. She sighed. "Scott and I have been through many different things before. This is something that we can handle."

Scott took Jean's hand, and held it smiling gratefully. Gambit looked at Jean and commented, "You know. We'll have to share them on dates."

Scott's scowl showed on Rogue's face. Then he smirked. "We could go on double dates. Of course we'll have to explain ourselves; two women and one guy on a double date."

Gambit grinned. "Don't think about it," said Rogue.

"Sorry, Chere." Gambit apologized.


Jean watched from a distance as she watched her husband trying (emphasis on trying) to use Rogue's flying ability. She sighed heavily. She tried to see Scott as her beloved husband. But, in Rogue's body, he looked so different.

It was bad enough that he had to share the same body with a beautifulsouthern woman, but she couldn't touch him, hold him without fear of being absorbed, and even kissing.

She watched as Scott akwardly flew up into the sky. He immediately fell. He slowed down from his decent and hovered in mid-air.

Jean smiled as Scott started to fly forward. He darted up and down atastonishing speeds. Jean watched as he flew lower to the ground. Warren watched from higher up as Scott flew into the woods. Scott tried in vain to control his new body. He often relied on air currents to fly, flying using some unseen, unfelt force is harder. He looked down to see Jean and waved at her.

Jean blushed and smiled. Suddenly, Warren yelled out, "SCOTT! WATCH OUT FOR THAT-" Scott looked up to see several trees coming his way. He put his arms up to protect his face and... CRASH!!! Several trees fell down to the ground. Scott skidded down to the earth through several trees. He spat out the dirt he had forced in his face.

Jean grimaced, "Ouch." She flew down to the woods where Scott got out with twigs and dirt in his hair. "Are you okay, Hon?" she asked.

"We're fine, Jean." Rogue replied as she took several broken branches out of her long curly hair. "Scott, that was some of the worst flyin' Ah had ever seen."

"It's not that bad." Scott insisted.

Warren, Hank, Bobby, and Jean got out some poster board and drew somenumbers. Scott watched in interest as they looked at him and wrote. They showed their scores.

"1? 0? 3? -15?!"

Jean smiled helplessly. "You were fairly bad."

"I thought that you were a natural at this," Bobby said.

"Flying with an airplane and flying without one are two different things."

"How?" Warren asked. He had been the 'main flyer' of the X-Men. True, Jean had learned to use her telekinesis to fly, but he always felt that he was the first flyer of the X-Men.

"I always think of flying as air currents and using outside forces. I don't know what Rogue use to fly."

"Ah just fly. Nothin' to it. If ya excuse meh," Rogue said as she took over, "but Ah have to go and take another shower."

"Every man's greatest fantasy," Bobby mused with his eyes in a daze.Everyone glared at him. Gambit was waving some glowing cards menacingly. Rogue's visor glowed with energy.

"I won't be watching," Scott insisted to the others as they walked inside.

Bobby muttered, "Yeah right. Who wouldn't want to see Rogue naked?" Gambit and Jean glared at Bobby.

Warren whispered to him, "I think you better run, Bobby."

Bobby iced up and ice slided away.


Rogue ran into the bathroom with a pair of goggles and a spare uniform. In Rogue's mind, Scott shut his eyes as Rogue get undressed.

"You know, ya really gotta practice with that flyin' of yours." Rogue said as she took off her gloves and then her top.

"I'm sorry." Scott apologized, "But it's not like flying in an airplane."

"Ah know, ya told me already."

They remained silent as Rogue started to lather her hair in the shampoo. He could feel the wet water hit his bare body. Scott had his hands over his eyes the whole time. "How's Gambit taking this?"

"Ah don't know. He said that he feels okay for it. He said that as long as that ya didn't try to control meh too much he's fine by it. What about Jean?"

"We'll manage," Scott replied firmly. "We've been through death, timetravel, time traveled kids, and even mad scientists. This will take some more adjusting than usual."

Rogue was finished with her hair and began to work on washing her body. "Ah hope so. Ah don't want to get in the middle of yo' marrage."

In her mind, Scott smiled. "Like it or not, you are in the middle of this now. How did you feel when I'm in control?"

"Wha'cha mean?" Rogue asked as she scrubbed her body.

"I mean, physically, do you feel Jean when I held her." Scott inquired with some fear in his voice.

Rogue paused as she let the water rinse her off. "I felt somethin' when you held her. Ah kinda tried to block it off mentally. Ya kinda took me by surprise. Why?"

"I don't know. I'm going to think for a while. About our situation. Go ahead and control your body for the rest of the day."

Rogue got out of the shower and dried herself out. "Hey, if ya feelin' guilty fo' controling mah body. It's okay." she said, "It's mah powers that got us in this mess."

"It's not that," Scott insisted. "It's just that I need to think. Tell the others that I need to do some thinking."

"About what? Tell me, we're in the same boat here!" Rogue exclaimed as she put on her uniform. She didn't want to be left in the dark when dealing with her 'roomie'.

"I can't say right now. Let's just say that maybe we could turn thissituation more to our advantage." with that Rogue sensed Scott retreating further in her mind.


Rogue explained everything at the dinner table. "And so he's out fortonight." she concluded.

Jean frowned. Scott had seemed somewhat distant ever since he had come back. Hank noticed her displeasure. "Is Scott listening right now?"

"Nope. He's deep in mah mind. He said that you guys could talk behind his back as long as ya like."

"What do you mean?" Jean asked innocently.

"You know what Ah mean." Rogue insisted, "The names, the stiff leadercracks... the X-Files jokes. He heard them all."


Bobby whispered to Hank, "I thought he never heard them."

Hank whispered back, "Our fearless leader have been known to not let anyone else know about what he heard."


Scott sat down in the chair as he ignored the conversation just outside. He needed to think; alone. He had to find a way around the barriers that his new 'situation' created. One barrier was the most obvious. He is trapped in a body of a woman. The second barrier was the one that Rogue had to deal with ever since she manifested her powers.

He can emphasized with her. He had to deal with his uncontrollable powers virtually all his life. He had never killed anyone by accident due to his uncontrollable powers. Rogue had been more unfortunate. Her very psyche had been twisted and burdened by memories of others.

The woman thing he had to cope with. The superpowers are different. He knew that Rogue's powers could be controlled. Unlike his, he was brain damaged. But he no longer had that brain damage. He also had experienced control over his powers back when he was raising Nathan. He had been reluctant to see if he or Rogue could control his optic blasts. He had to try.


Rogue sat down as she and he talked in her mind. "Rogue, I got an idea about how you and me could touch others."

"What is it?" Rogue asked hopefully. She wondered what Scott had in mind. She also wondered how Scott could figure it out so quickly. But, sometimes other people could figure out potential uses for powers that the powers' owners haven't thought of.

Scott replied, "I think I could help you control our powers. But I need you to um... test my theory."


"You have to try to absorb (not too much) someone here."

Rogue rose her eyebrow in interest. "Okay, but we better pick the right one, sugah."

Scott was relieved that she will help him help her with her powers. He knew that Rogue had been using her absorption powers more lately. But he was afraid that she wouldn't want to absorb any more since he had been permanently absorbed into her mind. "We need to pick a mutant that's not too dangerous powerwise."

"And willing to do this." Rogue added.

"I think I know who." Scott said as he looked out of the window to seeLogan.


Xavier, Logan, and Hank were in the med lab. "And so, if Scott's theory is correct. We could touch skin-to-skin with others," explained Rogue.

Xavier nodded. "Hmmm... it does seem to be a good theory."

Rogue said, "Will ya help us, Logan?"

Logan nodded and rolled up his sleeve. "Sure, just don't absorb too much. Two's company, three's dangerous."

Rogue took off her glove, "Ready, Scott?"

"Ready," he said firmly.

Rogue placed her bare hand on Logan's arm. They both tensed up inanticipation.


Jean was practicing in the Danger Room. She had to keep her mind occupied. As she blasted several Sentinels, she sensed another presence. She sighed as she turned off the program.

Scott entered the Danger Room wearing a blue version of Rogue's uniform. Jean sat down. "Hello, Scott. Where had you been?"

Scott could feel his wife's somewhat conflicting feelings. "I'm sorry, Jean. I just had to do some thinking."

Jean went to him. "And?"

"I love you, Jean," Scott said as he walked up to her and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"I love you too, Scott," Jean said as she put her arm around Scott's neck. "But, what about Rogue?"

"She understood. Right now she's deep in her mind. She won't feelanything."

"Feel what? All we could do is hug."

Scott grinned evilly and pulled her close to him and pressed his lips to hers. Jean stunned started to kiss back. She could still see her husband as a man she cared for. Jean felt strange kissing another woman's lips. After the long kiss, Scott let go, "Well?"

Jean took a deep breath. "I didn't feel anything."

Scott pouted. "I was that bad?"

Jean snickered. "No, it's just that you didn't absorbed me. Can you control Rogue's absorbing powers now?"

"Yes. That is one of the reasons I've been somewhat distant. I've been thinking about how to control Rogue's powers. How was it?"

"You know, this is the _first_ time I had ever kissed another woman on the lips. It's different. I'll adapt."

"Good," Scott said as he let her go.

Rogue took over and Jean frowned. Jean wanted to talk to Scott somemore."Sorry, Jeannie. But Ah wanted to talk to Gambit. Ah bet that he'll be happy to know that Ah could touch him."

Jean sighed. She knew that even if she had to go pass Scott's feminine looks, she still would have to share with Gambit. "Of course. We will go out for dinner later, Scott?"

Scott took over. "Of course."


Gambit was brooding on the roof. He had to compete with a married man who is head over heels of his wife, who is trapped in Rogue's mind. It's not truly competition, since Scott showed no interest in her other than the fact that they are good friends.

He saw Rogue flew up to him. "Why'cha always brood on the roof, sugah?"

Gambit flung a cigarette away. "It's quiet. "

Rogue sat down next to him. "Ah got a surprise for ya." she said with a sneaky look in her eyes.

"What is it?" Gambit asked as he noticed that Rogue was getting closer to him.

"Close your eyes." Rogue said as she placed her hand over the cajun's eyes.

Gambit complied and closed his eyes. He felt a long kiss on his lips.Gambit opened his eyes to see Rogue kissing him. Gambit, forgetting about Scott, wrapped his arms around Rogue and embraced her.

To Be Continued...
