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Disclaimer: Anything recognizable, like the pale man with the wild hair and the bottled city, belong to Vertigo/DC comics and to Neil Gaiman. I do not own this stuff. I am just using it for non-profit entertainment. The man, woman and the poem belong to me.

Note: This hasn't been spell checked. The second part is meant to be like that. I hope it doesn't confuse you too much.

Promises and Wanderings

by Magik

I waited for you

Somewhere past the edge of tomorrow.

I sat by the side

Of the neverending road, eyes open.

I was looking for you,

For some sign of you in the distance.

I listened for you

And the deep boom that is your voice.

But I never heard you,

No, I never saw any sign of you.


I gave up on you

And turned away from the cold path.

I had never expected

That you would come anyway.

I never let myself

Be carried away into that delusion.

For I am strong,

Stronger than you gave me credit for.

I am even stronger

Than I gave myself credit for.


So I packed my bags,

Threw them over my shoulder and walked.

I was sure that

Nothing would stop me on this road.

The wind blew my hair

Around my face, into my eyes.

It didn't really

Bother me all that much.

But I knew that

It would have greatly bother you.


We parted company

Ten years ago on a summer night.

I kissed your eyes

While you slept and whispered to you.

I told you dreams

Of castles in bottles and gods.

I promised to wait

For you at the end of the highway.

When I left I thought

That you understood our agreement.


Now I walk alone

Down the road that leads everywhere.

I am still chasing

Those long ago dreams that haunt me.

I won't give them up,

My wonderful fever dreams and visions.

Not for you, dear,

And not for the whole wide world.

But I did wish

To see you for it has been too long.


I arrived at the station

Breathless and panting

I looked around to try and find you

But you weren't there

There was just a note

Written on plain white paper

About how you wished it was better

And how I should see through your eyes

But the neverending road was empty

And the sun had swallowed your tracks


I sat down on the bench to cry

For I had lost you once again

When a man pale as moonlight

With hair as wild as a baby bird's feathers

Told me to just pack my bags and walk

Everything on the path runs together

And I would find you in no time

Well I wanted to thank him

But he had already disappeared

As fast as he had come


I shrugged my shoulders

Then I picked up my bags

And started walking down the road

I began to think of your whispers

Of all the things you told me about

While I was sound asleep and you were real

I thought about the bottled city

And the shards of green glass in the sand

I dreamed that I saw you in the sun

Your warm smile shinning down on me forever


You have probably given up on me

And decided that I'm best left alone

To be willed away by the tickings of society

And the harsh hand of capitalism

I swear to you that I have not died

My heart is in my chest my soul with you

Just like it was ten years ago

When we kissed under the summer sky

Back when my dreams where my own

And you stayed up all night talking to yours


I have come for you darling

Walking the road whose name you left me with

Feeling the pull of your soul on my eyelids

And the whisper of your voice in my ear

It has been ten years yet nothing has changed

If I squint into the distance and the sun

Then I see your outline wavering and lost

So far ahead of me but still so close

I won't run though I won't quicken my pace

Because we'll be together eventually and I can wait
