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All characters are property of Marvel Comics. I am not making this for money only for feedback.


By Maria Cline

It was a beautiful spring day. The weather was perfect thanks to the residential 'Weather Goddess'. The birds was singing and chirping at the dawning of the new day. A beautiful hawk with a unusual mixture of brown and gold feathers watched as a wedding was being prepared below. Jean Grey-Summers didn't notice. Her mind was in constant turmoil and confusion.

Today, she will be marrying someone else. Today, is the day she will say a final good-bye to her departed husband Scott Summers.


It all began so innocently in Alaska. She donned on the costume of the Phoenix. The entity who had lived out part of Jean's life as a perfect replicate of Jean herself. Jean insisted to Scott that she was just renewing herself. That it was the symbol of hope and love. She wanted to recover from the damage that Bastion had done to the X-Men, to Scott. She wanted to feel more in control and to feel more powerful.

"It's not a symbol of power. It's a symbol of rebirth." Jean said to her husband with the costume on.

Even though the visor hide his eyes, she could see the worry within them.


"You're thinking about him again?" A male voice asked from behind. Jean turned to see her son standing there in full tux.

"Nathan? What are you doing here?"

"Just checking on you. I am giving you away after all. Or are you having second thoughts about your little wedding?"

Jean stared at her dress. She was getting ready but her dress required some time to get prepared. "I just feel like I'm going to jump out of the window, get Logan, and elope."

"Please don't," Nathan said, "we have about all of your friends and relatives, Logan's friends and relatives, and about every person who had ever worn an X. Do you realize how much trouble it is separating all of the people who would kill each other? If you two leave right now, how are we suppose to stop the riots?"

Jean smiled sadly. **Nathan has Scott's sense of humor.**


"Jean!" Scott yelled angrily. "Why did you do that?!"

Jean had just defeated the Friends of Humanity by bashing the group with a car.

"Because I wanted to."

Scott sadly frowned and said, "Jean, we represent the very mutants of the world. How are we suppose to give mutants a good reputation if we can't give ourselves a good one?"

"Very funny." She hissed. She telekinetically tossed a car out of her path.


Jean snapped out of it to find herself getting dressed. Her best friend Ororo was helping her into the wedding dress. It was the same wedding dress that she wore several years ago.

"Please Jean stop fidgeting." Ororo said as she attempted to fix the dress.

"I'm not fidgeting. I'm breathing." she muttered.

Ororo could see the guilt in her friend's eyes. "It's not your fault." She said.

**Is it?** She thought.


Jean now as Dark Phoenix was lying on the biobed in anger. The various power restraints keeping her powers in check. But even those were gradually wearing out.

Scott looked at Dr. Strange and asked, "Well Doctor. Can you cure her?"

"She is possessed by the entity again. It will be hard to get it out without hurting your wife. I have a device that might cure her. It will be dangerous."

"Get it."


Jean stepped out onto the aisle. The song was playing. The moment she had been waiting for and dreading for has arrived. She scanned the area. She felt the love and hope of everyone here. Rachel the flower girl was nervously prancing down the aisle.

**What's a wedding without a Rachel?** She thought happily.

She walked down the aisle with her son at her side. To the average person, Nathan looked like Jean's older brother or even an uncle. But average people are rare at superhero weddings. She looked at Logan waiting with his tie on.


Dr. Strange got out the magical device and said, "This device will cause the entity to exit Jean. But it will cause the user great loss. I cannot use the device because the user must loved Jean."

"That's me." Logan said as he leapt out of nowhere to snatch the device.

Scott saw him and zapped his teammate, "I'm sorry. But I must do it."

Logan let out his claws and leapt at him, "No way bub!"

As the two fought, Jean's restraints got destroyed. She lashed out. "I'm free!" She cried out.

Scott pleaded, "Jean! Control it! Please!"

"No!" She refused reveling in her cosmic status.

Logan ran to get Dark Phoenix down.

Jean teleported the group to a field. Where she could kill them off in secrecy and get the others.

Scott grabbed the device and with a much needed speed he got to his wife and attached the device to her. They screamed in agony.


The minister asked, "Does anyone here have any objections to the wedding taking place?"

There was a stillness in the air. Even the hawk stood still. All eyes turned to Nathan and Jean said telepathically, **If you say one word...** Nathan shook his head and waved his hand forward.

"Do you Logan? Take this woman to be your loyally wedded wife? To have and to hold...For richer or poor...In sickness and in health...till death do you part?"

"I do."


An eternity passed as Scott absorbed the energy from Jean. "Scott!" Jean cried out. Dark Phoenix was gone, Jean was alive.

"Jean," He said as the energy overtook him. His ruby quartz visor shattered to reveal his eyes. The energy was keeping the optic blasts from firing, "getting those optic blasts was the best thing that ever happened to me. They brought me to you."


"Do you Jean Grey? Take this man Logan to be your loyally wedded husband...To have and to hold..."


"I can't go on without you!" Jean cried out.


"For better or for worst..."


"Yes you can!" Scott cried out, "You're the strong one! You can go on without me!"


"For sickness and in health..."


Scott's eyes glowed in a fiery way. But nothing but light got out.


"Till death do you part?"


"You must go on without me. You can go on. Find someone else to spread your love. There will always be a piece of me in you. I love you." Scott said as the energy consumed him. In a blast he was gone. Nothing except a broken visor remained. Jean collapsed on her knees weeping for her now dead husband. Logan stared at the rising column of smoke.


Jean looked over at Logan and whispered, "I do."

"And now you may kiss the bride."

The two lovers kissed and everyone applauded.


Later at the reception, everyone was dancing outside with the hawk still watching. Jean was dancing with Logan, **How are you handling this wedding Logan?** She asked telepathically.

**Fine Jeannie. No supervillians attacked. I 'saw' what you were thinking when we were saying our vows.**

**You did?!** **Hey they didn't call it a psychic rapport for nothing. Scott would have been happy for you.**

Jean lean closer to him and said, "I know."

The hawk went up closer and flew overhead. He landed on a nearby tree and watched the couple held each other closely.


The two went up to the grave that night. It's a promise they made to say good-bye when they wed. Jean laid a red rose down at the stone. Jean smiled sadly, "Sorry, I dragged you here."

Logan leaned down on her, "It's okay Jeannie. Ya hafta make peace with Cyke."

She said, "I'm hope you're at peace where you are at right now. I still love you. But, I will go on like you told me to all those years ago. Rachel never even get to see you. I...we all told her about you. I wish you can see her. Maybe you could. Good-bye Scott."

They bowed their heads in respect.

Logan put his hand on her shoulder and said, "Jean, we gotta go."

They left the grave alone.


A few minutes later, the hawk landed on the tombstone. He looked around and hopped down to the rose. He stared at it and thought, **I did saw her. She looked so much like you. I wish she saw me as a human like you once did.** He grabbed the rose with his talons and flew off.

**I love you Jean.**
