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Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel Comics and are being used for entertainment only. No money is being made. The poem belongs to Morpheus, the author.


by Morpheus,

I'm scared.

I'm crouched down here,
I can't look up there.
His eyes ablaze,
With rage.

Please go away
Oh God, go away
What will he do?
What will I do?

The rain slams down.
I close my eyes,
And pray,
For an angel.

His claws strike.
I feel numb.
Pain like fire.

But no more hurt.
I look up there,
And see the devil,
Yet an angel.

His eyes blood red,
But heart of gold.
I praise the Lord,
For this saviour so bold.

He reaches out to me,
With touch so tender.
I'm not scared of him,
But what about *him*?

He says
"Don't worry."
I don't.
