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Disclaimer: All characters belong Marvel Comics. They are being used for entertainment only and no money is being made. The story belongs me, Magik, the author.

One Starry Night

by Magik

    I used to think the world was wonderful. I used to know that nothing in the world could hurt me as long as big brother was there to protect me. I should have known I was wrong.

    It hurts so much. There's so much pain. Piotr says it's something called the "Legacy Virus" but I don't know what that is. All I know is that it hurts and I was wrong.

    I can no longer remember whether it is summer or winter. If it's winter, the night air will be crisp and cold, a lot like home. And the stars will be burning high in the sky. Waiting for me.

    Sometimes I feel like I'm never going to die. It hurts but I don't know...Every once in a while I feel really good. But everyone around me is so sad. I wish Katya was here. Where is she?

    I wonder is the stars are out tonight? I love the stars. Some of them call to me and I feel like I've been out there before. Maybe in a dream or something. Maybe before. It hurts so much and they won't let me move. I just want to see the stars. I want to say goodbye before I leave them. For something tells me deep inside my heart that there is no hope for me. But I've been in hopeless situations before.

    Something is wrong with me. I should be older. I know that. I've seen my birth certificate. I lost a year or two somewhere down the road. That doesn't matter now. Because now I'm going to die.

    I wonder who I was when I wasn't here. I've seen pictures in the Professor's study of a group of students called the New Mutants and one girl looks a lot like me. Only she's older and colder. I can tell by her eyes that she knows death but she also knows the stars. When I ask no one will tell me about her. I think they're afraid. Somehow I am linked to this girl. Somehow.

    I'm so cold and I wish Katya was here. Jubilee can't speak Russian. I know she's trying's just not the same. She's a simple girl, Jubilee. She know only one thing: I will live. I have to live because the X-Men won't let me die. Jubilee is more of a dreamer than I am. I have become jaded like the girl in the picture. I can see death and I have dreamed of the stars.

    I wonder if the stars are out tonight? Orion is the mighty hunter. I know he protects me. He protects all lost souls. I am a lost soul as is the girl in the picture.

    The pain is more than I can bear. Finally...

    "Katya!" I shout as she walks in. The shadow of death hangs over her face as she looks at me and she clutches her star of David.

    "Hello, Illyana," she says in Russian. She tried to stay calm but her voice is shaking. Jubilee looks jealous. I don't want her to be mad at me.

    I continue to talk to Katya and through her to Jubilee. It's like a funny, twisted game we're playing. Jubilee's catching on fast. She's already picking up a good deal of words.

    Then the pain comes back and I can't breathe. I'm struggling and the only thing I can see is the girl in the picture. She looks at me with blue eyes and shakes her head and whispers, "Time we meet in hell."

    I don't understand what she means and I can't breathe. The room grows dark. There are stars all around me. Katya has disappeared and all there is of Jubilee is her voice reading something in English.

    Then there is a staircase of light and at the top stands the girl from the picture. Her hair a billowing blond cloud. A shiny, silver sword in her hand and armor on her body, she is beautiful. "Come. Join me," she says.

    I walk towards her. I am no longer in any pain. I am free.

    "Now you know that there are stars out tonight," she tells me as she takes my hand and we walk across the sky.

    "Now I know there are angels as well," I tell her and all she does is laugh.

    "Don't worry," she assures me. "Death never lasts forever."

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