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Disclaimer: Not mine, Never will be.

Catagory: Vinegrette

Rating: G

Spoilers: Gethsemene

Keywords: Mulder/Scully UST, Character Dies

Summary: Scully puts on her other side

Archive: You can, but it's already in Gossamer and on my homepage. Please let me know if you like it enough to post anywhere else.

In the Box In My Closet (1/1)

by Aimee Cronan


Suits. I've always love suits - the stiffness of the material, the classic cuts, the straight fowardness of the design. They are easy to define, easy to figure out. The person wearing a suit has an agenda, a direction.

I was addicted to suits. Even when I wore casual clothes I sported a blazer. I couldn't, I can't, let down my guard. Even my pajamas are cut with a collar and pants.

I keep a secret in my bedroom. In a box in the bottom of my closet I keep my clothes for him. For the one day I let down my guard and let him see the side of me that I have no control over. The side of me that loves him.

The dress has no definition. It flows from my shouldars to my calves. The shoes that go with it are simple sandals with no heel. I want to be honest with everything, even my height.

There is no place for my gun, no place for my badge. I want to go as Dana, not Scully. The only pocket holds a crystal that Missy gave me. She knew and saw so much more to me that I thought it fitting she should be with me. No jewelry except for my cross. No makeup to hide anything on my face.

There are even night clothes in the box. A beautiful emerald, satin nightgown that flows all the way to the floor. The bodice makes me feel like a woman with the lace. There are a couple of unburnt candles in the box as well, just for the mood.

I opened the box today. I take out the same dress I wear everytime I see him like this. The candles remain unused and the nightgown has never been worn. But I wear the dress every time I visit him.

It's cold today, and so I add a light sweater - my only addtion to the outfit. The grass is wet and my feet are quickly soaked and frozen, but it is ignorable. The only cold I allow myself is in the wee corner of my heart I allow him to occupy. It has never, and will never be filled. Only cold tears numb my heart as the dew numbs my feet.

"Fox William Mulder - Beloved Son, Friend and Seeker of the Truth."



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Aimee ;)

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