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All characters are trademarked and copyrighted to Marvel Comics. They are used without permission and no money is being made on this work.

Ack, a story written in the second person narrative! Saints preserve me! All right, it's not so bad, and if you like it, please tell me so. Feedback makes me a robust, virile writer with strong bones. Wait, that might be milk, but feedback does it, too. (Psst, it's  :)

Special thanks to queenB, who not only came up with the title but read it over for me since I thought it was too crazy to post. She's the sweetest dear when it comes to encouragement. This one's for you, E!

Ah, yes, it gets a bit racy, but I really don't describe a lot. PG-13 maybe? If acknowledging two characters make love causes you discomfort, skip this one!

One last thing: if you don't read it slowly, you risk getting lost. :)


The Greatest of These

By: Tangerine

I watch you with a dedication only a lover can have then I blush when you catch me, laughing lightly because you say I am acting like a schoolgirl. I protest, asking if you think I am old, and you apologise with a grin, humouring me.

Your laugh is music to my ears. I pull you closer, assuring you that you are not old, and if you are, then with age comes beauty. You are beautiful. You looked at me skeptically, your mouth curved in that suspicious smirk. I kiss those lips to make you smile. I love you.

You always know the right thing to say. You always know what I need to hear, and this time is no different. Your kiss brings a shiver to my skin, and I pull back, looking at your face. I put my fingers to your cheek, tracing the sharp bones. Why do you think yourself ugly, lover? You are beautiful to me.

In spite of myself, I pull your hand away as if that somehow hurt me. I hurt you when I do it, but you know how unsure I am. I used to be beautiful. People used to stare at me wondering why I was the lucky one. Now they pity me. Do you know what that is like?

I lay my head against your chest. I know what that is like. You forget how much we are alike. This face is not mine. How many times did I awake screaming because I had forgot that? How many times did you take me in your arms, your naked body curled around mine, assuring me I was who I was supposed to be? How many times?

Too many times, but it so easy to forget. I know your face, lover. I know the gentle curves of your dark yes, the orbs beneath the violet lashes staring at thing I cannot see. I know the subtle slope of your small nose, a slight bump on the ridge where it had broke. I know the fullness of your lips and the smile they are so reluctant to give. I know the softness of your skin. I know the arc of your jaw. I know the bend of your brows. I know the soft texture of your hair. If I was blind, I would still know it all.

I crawl into your lap now, sitting across your thighs. You lean back, your arms straight against the ground, and I smile at you. I want to smile for you because it makes you happy. You make me happy. You make me feel beautiful.

You are beautiful.

I don't think so.

I don't know what to say, and you know it. You look away from me as if you are suddenly uncomfortable where you sit. If you want to move I will not be hurt, but I like the feel of you on me. It makes you more real to me. Sometimes I think you are only a dream. It is only in my dreams that I am happy.

I wish this was a dream, but I would be afraid to wake up. It is probably worse out there.

I frown though I try to remain frozen. Why do you say such things to me? If you are unhappy, why can you not tell me? Pretending happiness is an addiction. I was addicted to it. I almost lost myself. I worry now because you have said it. Why do you do this to me?

Because I am afraid.

We all fear. You do not like this idea, and you turn away from me a second time. I put my hand on your back, feeling the soft ridge of your spine, and you look up at me, sadness in your beautiful eyes. Do you not realise that I am sad, too?

I put my hand to your face again, but this time you do not move my fingers. I push your golden hair from your eyes, letting that cold, cold blue shine. Love for you rushes through my body, and your eyes cut through me, stripping me of my clothing. Yes, you are sad, lover, but you are also at peace.

Is this peace? Is this warmth in my chest peace? If it is, I will take it. I lift my thighs, your body falling clumsily against mine, and I bury my face in your hair. I sniff the fragrant scent of your hair, letting it take me away from this awful place, this terrible reality that threatens us daily. I want to live with you and without fear that I will lose you.

That fear is always there. We cannot escape it.

I want to ignore it. I want to be a normal man. Not this hero. Not what I am.

Then you deny yourself again. I say this and you recoil, thinking somehow I mean it against you. Why can we not escape these unhappy thoughts even for a day? I ask this and you can give me no answer. I didn't think you could.

I would give my life to answer that question for you.

Don't say that.

It's true.

I push my cheek against your chest, the soft thump of your heart exciting me. I fear that too, I tell you, running my fingers over your abdomen. Without you I would be so lonely. Without you I would be so afraid. Without you. Without you. Never without you.

Don't cry, my love, don't cry. I brush your tears from your cheeks with my lips, using my body to shield your from this harsh world. You look up at me, looking young, looking lost, and I wrap my arms around you, holding you to me as if I fear I will lose my grip.

Never let me go.

I never will, I promise. I wish I could sound sure. I wish I could erase all your worries. But my voices shakes, and I sound uncertain. You dig your fingers into my back, your nails pinching my skin painfully, but it reminds me I still alive, so I do not say anything. I feel your pain. That is the way it should be.

I hear your heart again, the ever steady beating, and I push my face against your chest, unbuttoning your shirt with blind fingers. I do not even notice the difference anymore, the soft blue. I know you worry I do. I don't. I can't imagine anything different.

I don't think I can either. I forget.

I kiss the swell of your muscle, one kiss, one kiss. I forget my eyes, I confess to you with a whisper, I forget my eyes. It is hard to say, but I force my words out slowly, knowing you listen to them. I push the shirt from your body, remembering with a rueful smile when that had not been as easy.

I laugh gently. You had cursed both me and the wings when that happened. You were so used to the metal wings. The feathers had frustrated you. I had laughed at you, laughed because it meant so much to you, laughed because I was giddy knowing you loved me enough to care. I see you smile now because you know what I remember. You know my mind as well as I know it.

It has not been an easy road.

I run my hand over your back, under your shirt and up your spine. You smile and pull your shirt over your head, letting the soft hair cascade back like snow upon your body. You saved me. You saved me, my lover. It had been a barren road.

I lean forward, my thighs still laced over yours, and I fell your hands moving over me. You are always so gentle to me. I didn't know it could be like this before you. I didn't understand pleasure before you touched me. I didn't.

I smile when you gasp, arching your back. I run my hand over the blades of your shoulders, tracing them with dry fingers. You look at me, never understanding why I am so drawn to them, and I kiss them lightly, my hand splaying across your belly. You laugh because that is the one place you are ticklish. I know your secret places.

I looked at you, and I know that is true. I take you for granted now, and you do me, but that is what happens to all lovers as time passes, and we are old lovers, my angel. We have conquered. We are here now because our love was stronger than them. I tell you this. I see the tears spring to your eyes. I wrap my arms around your head, cradling your face to my breast. I feel you, my love, I feel you.

The words catch in my throat, and I cannot speak them. I love you with all that I am and more, I love you with the sun and the stars and the moon and all that is greater than me. I look at you, catch those gorgeous eyes, and hope this is what you see in them. I lay my cheek against the swell of your breast, laying my lips against your warm flesh.

I push you back, careful of your wings, and I unbutton your jeans with

nimble fingers, suddenly shy, suddenly innocent. It is always the first time with you. My nerves are always on fire with you. My heart always beats with yours. My body wants your whenever you are near. I love you so much. Oh how I love you!

I catch you as my tears spring to your eyes, and you understand why I weep. Our love is too great. Love like this only brings pain, but this morning, this morning I look at you, I admire you, I worship you. I love you still. I will love you forever.

Forever is a long time.

Forever is not long enough. I do not want to lose you so soon. It is too soon. I whisper my words, and you look at me, holding my hands to your body. I slowly pull the fabric from your hips, revealing inch by inch of marble skin. So perfect you are for me, so beautiful you are to my eyes, so right you are for my soul.

I blush when you put your hands on my hips, and I watch with bated breath, watch your hands move down my hips, slowly, teasingly. I bit my lip when you raise your head and kiss the flesh of my thigh, trailing your wet lips against my skin. In a blink, we have changed positions, and I catch a glimpse of your body. So male, so strong, so weak, but always beautiful, all beauty, my precious heart. You are my angel.

I kiss you with a passion that makes me young again. I feel like I did ten years ago, when I was new, when I was innocent, when I was wholly untouched by this world, and I gather you in my arms, twining my body with yours. I love you, I love you, I kept whispering, and you echo my words, taking me for all that I give. Take me.

My breath sails on the wind, and I love you more. I love you more than I did one hour ago, one minute, one second. I love you more and more, and it scares me, but it frees me, too. I tell you this, I confess this wondrous discovery after in your arms, and you smile and say it is the same for you. You and I, one soul, forever. Warren?

I look in your eyes at the mention of my name. Yes?

I love you.

I smile and kiss your head, taking you in my arms and watching the sun rise steadily over the horizon. Another day, we've made it to another day, and all is right with the world. I hold you until I must let go. We are late already.

I look for my clothes.


I raise my eyes, and our meet once more, purple melding into blue until they are one. You have your uniform on now, that striking contrast of white and blue with that halo, that symbol of you. You look so right in it.

Betsy, I love you.

I finish dressing, and you kiss me once more, pulling away with tragic

reluctance. I wish we could, too. I wish we could stay in each other's arms all day and make love until our bodies grow weary long before out minds give in, but we are X-Men, my love.

I take your hand. What a perfect start to a new day. I want you to know that.

I do, Warren, I do.




~On the Wings of Mental Butterflies~

A fanfic archive dedicated solely to ANGEL and PSYLOCKE!

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