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I sit atop a mountain of skulls, listening to the howling wind that blows across the blasted wasteland that once upon a time was known as The City Of Angels.

There are no angels now.

Only ghosts.

The war saw to that.

Why I was chosen I will never know.

Out of all the people slain by that terrible, insane, genocidal war, why was I chosen to return ?

I wasn’t important.

I don’t even know who caused it.

Whose finger pressed which button.

Who the monster was that is to blame for the death of an entire world.

What I do know is that I live, and yet I should be as dead as the skulls I sit upon.

Who made this pile, I wonder, this cairn to the human race ?

Not I.

And I have not seen a single other living human since the day I clawed my way out of the ruins of my apartment and into Hell.

The only other things I have seen alive are cockroaches.

I lie: there is one other thing that lives.

It sits on my shoulder, huge and black.

Were I a superstitious man, it should probably have robbed me of the last of my sanity the first day it did so.

It caws once in a while: maybe it is lonely.

If I knew what it said, I should talk back, for I am lonely, too.

I am the last human, I am sure of it.

Tears run down my cheeks, streaking the dirt there.

One day, I assume, I shall die.

I shall welcome that day with open arms.

But assumption can be a dangerous thing.

The human race assumed itself immortal.

What if I never die ?

I shall sit here atop my skulls, lord of all I survey.

Guardian of hell.

I shall lead it into forever.



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