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All characters are property of Marvel Comics and not used without their permission.

This story was inspired by a round robin I tried to start.

Jubilee and Cable's temporary teamup

The Long Week

By Maria Cline


It all started on a clear summer night. Generation X had came to the X-Mansion in Westchester to visit. Jubilee was excited about the trip. She was eager about spending time with her Wolvie. At that same day, Nathan Summers was also visiting the mansion. He decided to visit his parents after not visiting for a long time.

The mansion was attacked by a group of FOH members. The teams were split up and went to search for the intruders.

Jubilee had gotten separate from the rest of the Generation X group and went out on her own. Her senses had gotten sharper and sparks started to jump from her hands. A branch broke behind her and she turned and paffed at the source.

The figure dodged the paffs and said, "Relax, I’m on your side."

"Cable! What’cha doing here?!"

"I sensed a presence. You better go to your team. I heard those FoH members have some soffisicated equipment."

"Hey, if there's an intruder, I could handle it."

Nathan frowned at the young girl's brashness. He said, "Fine. But you better get back with the others just in case."

Before Jubilee could retort, a shout was heard, "There's that mutie!"

They turned to see ten men with guns leaping out of the woods. Cable cursed himself for not seeing them earlier. He noticed that they were wearing some special telepathic cloaking devices that cloaks a person's presence from a telepath.

He and Jubilee fought them. Cable grabbed his psimatar and used his telekenisis to disarm some of the men and fought a great deal of them hand-to-hand. Jubilee used her paffs to blind the men and blast them with just enough strength to knock them down.

As they fought, another shooter in a tree were aiming his rifle at Cable's head. Jubilee had just fought off the last of the attackers when she saw the shooter up in a tree. "Cable, behind you!" she yelled as she lept up instinctly between the shooter and Nathan.

The man fired at Nathan and Jubilee got inbetween them and took the blast. Nathan's eyes widen as Jubilee's body fell. He lashed out at the man and the man got knocked out of the tree and landed far away and he escaped. Nathan colapsed to the ground with his eye glowing as he reached out to Jubilee's body.


Logan heard the shots and the fireworks from the distance. He ran to the clearing where he saw two bodies lying on the ground. He recognized one of them and yelled, "Jubilee!" He ran to her body and searched her for any sign of life that could be there. There were none. Logan felt tears running down his cheeks and he pulled Jubilee's dead body close to his and whispered, "I'm sorry, Jubes." He wanted revenge, he wanted the man who did this to pay, and most of all he wanted to make up for what he did.

"Sorry about what, Wolvie?"

Logan growled and looked at Nathan who looked disorented. He wanted to kill him for what happened to Jubilee. He knew that Cable should've protected her. Then, he noticed Nathan's confused look in his face. He never saw that look before in all the time he had known the man. Logan could smell a different scent, Cable's heartbeat was faster, and that look in his eyes.

Cable cocked his head curiously and asked, "Com'on what's a matter?" He looked at a bloodstained Jubilee and screamed, "IIIIIEEEEE!!! That can't be me!"

Logan studied Cable and realized that Jubilee was alive in Cable's body. His jaw dropped and Jubilee asked, "It is... is... me... me? And I'm in... here?" She looked down at Cable's body.

"I'm 'fraid so, darlin'." Logan said as he lowered Jubilee's body down carefully slowly comprehending what was going on.

Jubilee looked around and asked, "Where's Cable then? He can't be in my body." Fear overtook the young girl’s new body. What if he died in her body? How will she live as an old man who is older than his father? How will she be in Generation X as an adult? What will Cyke say? And how will she explain to Ev that she’s now a he?

**I'm not.** A clear telepathic voice reached out to the stunned duo.

Jubilee sighed in relief. Nathan’s still alive.

Logan asked, "Nate? Where are ya?"

**I'm here with Jubilee. I have to keep control of the virus since Jubilee doesn't have the experience to control it.**

Jubilee asked, "You mean I hafta stay in control of this body... ALL THE TIME!"


Logan shook his head and asked, "What happened? How did Jubilee get in yer body?"

The voice sounded hesitant. Finally it said,**I... don't know. It was an impulse.**

Jubilee asked, "Impulse?"

**I couldn't let you die, Jubilee. You saved me.**

"Ah... Thanks. But, I don't wanna spend the rest of my life in here in control of this body." Jubilee said as she tried to picture herself rollerblading in Cable’s larger than life body.

**I'm not to fond of this... arangement myself. I have no control over the body except for the virus control and telepathy.** Cable sounded a little sad at the end of the sentence.

Jubilee remembered about the time Stryfe, Cable's insane clone, took complete control over Cable's body and nearly killed X-Force. Nathan losing virtually all of his control to another even though it’s a friend this time must be hard. She said, "Sorry, dude. I know how this is probrably freaking you out, not bein' in control over your own body and all. But, I'm not like Stryfe. I won't hurt any of your friends. Hell, the worst I could do to ya is embarrass you in front of others. And it might be kinda hard for me using the bathroom and taking a shower."

**Good point.**

Logan picked up Jubilee's body and said, "Come'on Jubes, Nate. We better go back to the mansion. Cyke just called and said that the intruders are gone. Maybe Hank could help you two."

Jubilee nodded and slowly got herself up. "Yeah, Hank. He could help."

**I hope.**

Just then, Cyclops, Jean, Emma, and Sean ran into the clearing to see a dead Jubilee in Logan's arms and Cable who was leaning on a tree for support. Emma couldn't sense anything from the dead body and yelled out, "No! Not again!" She went down on her knees and felt a sudden sense of deja’vu. Another student is dead and she couldn’t do anything about it.

Jubilee, stunned at Emma’s reaction, said, "Relax, Frosty. I'm not dead yet. Wellll, maybe techneclly. But, hey, isn’t dying regular in the X-Men?"

Scott looked at Jubilee. His eyes widen and said uncertain, "Nate?"

"Err... not really. It's me, Jubilee."

Emma took a look into the girl's mind and sighed in relief. She regained her composure and asked, "Where’s Cable?"

**Right here with Jubilee. I must control the virus all the time so it won't kill the both of us.**

Scott asked, "What happened to you both? And why is Jubilee in your body, Nathan."

Cable and Jubilee explained to Scott and the others about what happened as they walked towards the mansion. Sean who was quiet the entire time asked, "So, how will we tell the others?"

"About what, Mr. Cassidy?" Ev asked as he and the other Generation X members went towards them. Everyone gasped as they saw Jubilee's dead body in Logan's arms.

Paige cried out, "No! She can't be dead. She just can't beh!" Her voice was turning thicker with the Kentucky accent she constantly tried to hide.

Angelo wept and start cursing in Spanish. Monet and Jono just stared.

Angelo trying to regain himself, "Jubes, why must it be her?"

Emma calmly stated secretly smiling at the students’ reactions, "Do not worry. Jubilation is fine. To the most part."

Paige asked with her accent, "How? She's not immortal."

Jubilee said, "Well, maybe she would be sucked into a certain telepath, like Nate...."

Everyone did a double take at Jubilee. Angelo swollowed and asked, "Jubica?"

"Yep. I'm right here." She grinned and looked at Angelo and said, "I didn't know that you care so much."

Angelo cleared his thoat and said, "Well... ah...I just felt that I had seen too much death."

"Uh huh." Jubilee said with her eyebrow rose in intrest.

"It's true."

"Yeah right."

"It’s true."

**Will you two shut up and we could go to Dr. McCoy so we could find out if he could turn us back to normal?!** Nathan yelled out mentally giving everyone headaches.

"Sure." Logan said as he carried Jubilee’s body, "I don’t like seeing

Jubilee in that body of yours. No offence, Nate."

**None taken.**


Jubilee, Nathan, and the rest of the two teams went to the med lab where Hank examined Jubilee's body. Hank said, "Well, she's dead."

"Well, duh!" Jubilee said rolling her eyes. "Can ya, like, get me back to that body? I know it’s small but it’s mine."

"Yes, I will heal the body in the med lab, but it will take aproximately a week."

*"A WEEK!?"* Both Jubilee and Nathan yelled simotaniously.

Beast winced at the simotanious mental and physical yell. He said, "I don't wish to rush the process. Your body have been greatly injured and needs time to recuperate."

"A week. Swell." Jubilee muttered sitting down on a cot.

Logan put a supportive arm around Jubilee's shoulders with slight

hesitation. "It's only a week, Jubes. I'm sure that you and Nate could handle each other for that long."

"Yeah, well lucky thing that this is summer vacation. I don't think that I could blend in the school with all the human students and all." Jubilee said as she looked at her techno-organic arm.

Scott suggested, "Jubilee, Nate, you two better stay here for the week. So, we could keep a close eye on you two."

Everyone nodded in agreement and Emma said, "Jubilee, you must train with Nathan's body. He is a highly powerful mutant with abiltiies that you are not familiar with."

**Don't worry, Emma. I'll teach Jubilee about my body.** There was a pause and then Nathan said privately to Jubilee, **Jubilee, I know that you have to use the bathroom.**

Jubilee looked in surprise and blushed. She muttered as she hopped down and walked out of the lab, "Why didya drink lots of water before this?"

**I was thirsty.**


"Alright, here I am, in a guy's body needing to use the bathroom."

**We will have to do this sooner or later, Jubilee. I can't control the body for a week. Remember that.**

"Okay. I saw this sort of thing in the movies. No prob."

**We'll take this thing nice and slowly.**

As Jubilee was being taught the art of relieveing one self as a man, several curious people listen carefully.

Bobby snickered as he heard a "I don't wanna touch it!"

He said, "Poor Jubilee."

Paige whispered, "Keep it down! If Jubilee or Cable overhear us..."

"What is going on here?" Emma asked as she walked to see several of her students and X-Men standing at the door.

"Nothing." Monet said.

Jubilee got out zipping her zipper and yelled, "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE? WERE YOU LIKE SPYING? YOU'RE DEAD! KAPUT! DEAD MEN AND WOMEN!!!" She instinctly fired paffs surprising everyone including herself and Nathan.

**Jubilee, stop!** Nathan yelled telepathically, **You still have your power.**

"Whoa!" Jubilee said as she looked down at her hands, "Didn't know you could do that, Nate."

**Oath! I didn't know myself.**

"Wonder what else I or shall I saw we can do?"

**We better control that power. In my body, it would be very dangerous.**

"No prob."

Emma said, "It’s getting late. I suggest that you go to bed, Jubilation."

"Aw but, its only ten."

"Jubilee, Nathan, you two had a busy day." Scott said, "Perhaps, it would be best if you rest for tomarrow. I have a feeling that it will be a long week."

Jubilee scowled and said, "Yes, Dad."

Scott glared at her and then smirked. "Just go to bed."


Jubilee laid on Nathan's bed. She tossed and turned to find a comfortable position for herself to sleep in. Cable’s huge frame felt odd on her. And the techno-organic virus was causing her pain.

**Can't sleep, Jubilee?** Nathan asked softly.

"Just the different surroundings, Nate. And the different body."

**I understand. It’s somewhat hard to sleep with your mind in here. You have alot on your mind.**

"I’m so sorry for dragging ya into this. I appreciate that last ditch use of that weird psiconic power."

**I owed you, kid.**

"What’s it like in there? I mean, not controling your body and all."

**I’m fine. Besides, it’s only a week. And at least you’re not Stryfe.**

"Stryfe must’ve been one bad dude."

**He is.**

Logan walked in and sat down beside the bed. "Hey, Jubes, Nate."

"Hey, Wolvster." Jubilee said as she tried to put both hands under her pillow, "Whatcha doin' here?"

Logan could see Jubilee's sparkle in his rival/friend/former enemy's face. He also noticed that Jubilee’s right eye was sparking in a multicolor way much like her paffs. "Just seeing how you're doing. I don't feel too comforable knowing that you are sleeping in the same bed as Nate." he said as he chuckled.

**I'm not going to take advantage of her. I can't move this body.**

"I know." Logan muttered as he got up to her. He held her hands in a comforting way. "If you need anything, just let me know."

"Okay." She said as she looked away and tried to sleep. "This thing is going to make my stay here, like, really odd."

"We’re X-Men. We’re used to it." Logan said.

He could tell that she felt awkard being in Nathan's body. They need some support. Logan sighed and used his other senses as he hugged Jubilee. She grinned and hugged back. Nathan thought, **This is the oddest moment of my life.**


It was a bright morning as Cable struggled to open his eyes. **What a dream,** he thought, **Jubilee stuck in my body and I couldn't control it.** But then he realized that he couldn't sit up. **Jubilee?**

"*Yawn* Yeah, Cable?"

**Oh no. Please let this be only a dream.**

"Nope. It's real."

**Get up! I don't like lying down this late.**

"Aw, but it's so nice and comfy in here."

**Jubilee, please get up.**

"Fine. *Grumble grumble.*" Jubilee muttered as she rolled out of bed and stepped off. She draged herself to the bathroom where she stared at her reflection.

"You look like shit in the morning." Jubilee comented.

**I haven’t got my morning caffeen yet. And don’t use that language.**

"Okay, you look like flonq in the morning."

Cable frowned in her mind and said, **You don’t use that word like that.**

"Then what does flonq mean?"

**It means... no I’d rather not say.**

Jubilee scratched at her face and said, "Your face itches too. Where’s the razor?"

**Left hand cabinet. You know how to use a razor?**

"Well, duh! I shave my legs lots of times." Jubilee said as she reached into the medicine cabinet and took out the shaving foam and razors.


Sam and Domino stopped by the X-Mansion to visit their old mentor. Scott answered the door and grinned, "Hello."

"Hi, Scott." Domino said as she entered the mansion. "How are you?"

"Oh, I'm fine." Scott looked away for a second and said, "I better tell you something. Something happened yesterday..."

"Does it have anything to do with Paige?" Sam asked nervously.

"No. Nothing at all. It involves Nate and Jubilee, a group of FoH members attacked and there was an accident. And Cable will not be able to talk verbally for a week."

"What the hell happen?!" Domino demanded.

Scott sighed and gestured, "You better come with me."

The group followed and saw Cable eating some cereal with Logan. Domino noticed that he had several patches of toilet paper all over his face. Cable took his coffee and made a funny face. He grabbed the sugar bowl and started scooping the contents into the mug. After the tenth scoop, he said, "That's not enough sugar, Nate!" He looked distant for a second and said again, "Look, I know the deal. Sugar Bombs for coffee. But, like, yuck! It's so disgusting. How do grownups even think about drinking this mud? Why not some nice chocolate flavored capachino?"

"It jumps start Cable." Logan replied, "It's a necessity."

"Why not some superjolt cola instead? It got twice the caffeine as coffee."

"Nate?" Domino asked knowing that something weird had happened to her former lover.

"Er...nope. Jubilee."

Sam and Domino's jaws dropped and Domino asked, "Wha- ho- happened to him?" **Great, the first time I get to see the big lug in a long time and he had to be possessed by that teenager.** Domino thought, **At least it’s not Stryfe this time.**

Nate's psionic voice rang out, **Right here with Jubilee. It's a long story.**

As Nathan tells his tale, Jubilee kept on eating her Sugar Bombs. After he was done, Domino asked, "So, what will you two be doing?"

Jubilee answered, "Oh, hang around. Train in the Danger Room with the others. That sorta thing. I won’t let the fact that I’m in another body bug me."

Sam asked, "Did ya hafta...?" he looked embarrassed away and made a 'you know' face.

"Yes, I did used the bathroom."

Domino curiously asked, "What's it like?"


"Welllll..." Jubilee said trying to think up the proper way to answer the question, "It was interesting. Kinda disgusting, but it was ummmm okay."

In his mind, Nathan groaned and he said, **Dom, Sam, we will be like this for a week. I appreciate it if you understand.**

"Oh we understand." Domino said grinning. **This is interesting.**

"Great!" Jubilee shouted as she got up. She looked at the clock and said, "Ooh, better amscra. Gotta practice in a few minutes. Danger room stuff. See ya!"

Jubilee ran off. Sam and Domino stared at each other and started to snicker. Which the snickers turned into laughter. Sam guffawed, "Ha! Ha! Ah feel so sorry for Jubilee!"

"I feel even more sorry for Nate. Hearing himself talk like that."


"Okay, Jubilee." Scott said from the control room with the interested X-Men and Generation X teams watching. "Now we're going to go with the basics. Your powers are obviously altered along with Cable's. Nathan, you help Jubilee control your powers. Jean, Emma, keep track of their telepathy."

"Gotcha!" Jubilee said as she clicked her heels together and did a smart salute.

**Jubilee, I’ll be loaning you my parts of my own telekinesis. You will be able to learn how to do this.**

Scott shook his head and rubbed his temples. Seeing his own son act like Jubilee was so...strange. He clicked on some controls and holograms appeared.

Several robots attacked the one-person duo. Jubilee splayed out her hands and a bright multicolor array of fireworks shot out of her hands and destroyed the attackers.

"Wow." Sam murmured, "Ah didn't know Jubilee's powers were that bright."

"I don't think that Jubilee and Cable knew that either." Emma commented.

Hank explained, "I figured that those seemingly pyrokentic blasts are in reality Cable’s own telekinesis. Jubilee’s mind caused the telekinesis to appear mulitcolored."

"Fascinating." Scott murmured.

**Jubilee, the psimatar.** Cable reminded as several more androids appeared.

"The what?"

**That spear you got with you.**

Jubilee nodded and dove for the psionic weapon. It glowed with power. She could feel the energies being focused. "Cool." she muttered as her eye glowed.

A group of robots came toward her. She rose her palm out and did a small shove. The robots flew back and crashed into a wall.

**That's an impressive psionic move, Jubilee. Where did you learn that?**

"Star Wars Phantom Menace." she answered as she grabbed the psimatar and charged it up with Cable's power and started to slash at the attackers.

**That's not a lightsaber.** Cable reminded.

"I know. But, it's sure does act like it." she said as she grinned maniacally. After a few minutes, Scott turned off the simulation. Jubilee posed and put the psimatar over her shoulder and said, "Call me... Luke Skywalker."

There was a sudden barrage of laughter from the control Room. Cable groaned and Jubilee blanched. "Whoops. Sorry, kinda forgot that I had a body mate."

**'Luke', remember, I'm in this body with you.** Cable reminded as they exited the control room.


After an interesting workout session in the Danger Room, Jubilee and Nate walked into the bathroom. "That was way weird."

**Tell me about it.** Nathan agreed. **Seeing my own hands blasting out fireworks.**

"Yeah, did you see the look on Sammy's face?"

**Of course I did.**

Jubilee turned on the hot water and put the plug in. Nathan asked, **What are you doing?**

"Getting the tub ready, Nate. _You_ told me to get cleaned up."

**I was talking about a shower. Not a... is that a bottle of bubble bath?**

"Uh huh. I like taking bubble baths. Really relaxing." She grabbed the small cup with one hand and carefully poured the liquid into the cup. In her mind, Nathan watched as Jubilee dispensed the soap into the water.

She took off his clothes quickly. Avoiding the mirror's reflections and ran to the tub. She slowly let herself sink in as Nathan felt the hot water creep on his skin. **Jubilee.**

"Relax. This is going to be fun."

They sat in the tub and several minutes passed. Finally, Nathan asked, **What are we supposed to do?**

Jubilee rolled her eyes and answered, "Just let your mind drift. Well, I never took a bubble bath with a bodymate before. But, it's worth a shot. You don't rust right?"

**I don't rust.** Nathan sighed mentally and relaxed. He thought about everything that had occurred to him over the past year.

"Who's Stacy?"

Nathan sent a mental image of a frown at Jubilee and she said, "Sorry. Kinda overheard your mind a little."

**She's a friend of mine.**

"I didn’t know." Jubilee said, "By the feelings I'm feeling right now, I could tell that Stacy meant more to you."

**She's a waitress I met in Devil's Kitchen.**

"Is she a mutant? Or an alien?" There was a brief pause and continued, "Or an alternate version of a relative?"

**She's a _normal_ human being. She's studying at a college and wants to be a doctor.**

"Did she knew about you being..."

**A mutant? A timetraveler? A superhero?**


**She knew that I'm a mutant. She saw my techno-organic arm and didn't care. Much.**

"A normal waitress that knew that you're a mutant and didn't care. That's so...weird."

**What do you mean 'weird'?**

"She's not a mutant or an alien or anything like that. Didn't you once have the hots for Storm?"

**I'm capable of having a normal relationship with normal people. And Ororo and I never had a loving relationship. What about you?**


**Yes, are you seeing anyone?**

"I wish." Jubilee said as she poured some more bubble bath solution into the tub. "For a while, it's been me and Ev. But, we drifted apart. He's been eyeing other girls. Like Gaia."

**Who's she?**

"Oh, she's this thousand year old mutant who looks my age. She had weird powers and had been chained to some artifact for eons. She was from another universe that got destroyed. She left after a while after meeting Nate Grey. Now, Ev and Monet are closer than we were!"

**Jubilee, don't worry. There will be other men.**

"I know. But, Ev was the first guy that ever paid attention to me. He really liked me."

**And he won't be the last. What about Angelo?**


**He seemed fairly upset when he thought that you died.**

"So was everyone else."

**I think he cares about you.**

"Yeah right."

**I'm serious, Jubilee.**

"Let's talk about something else, 'kay?"

**About what?**

"What's the deal with you and Wolvie? I mean every time you two see each other, you two seem to want to rip each other apart."

**It's not like that. I have a great deal of respect for him.**

"Oh puhleeze!" Jubilee said, "Since when's the last time you two were in the same room and there was no property damage?"

There was silence.

"Told ya."

**Jubilee, Logan and I have a difficult relationship.**

She snickered. "The way you make it sound, it's like that you two had a past."

**Of course we had a past, but... It's _not_ like that!**

"Oh really?" Jubilee asked, "When, Wolvy hugged me last night your heart pounded."

**Oh course, my heart was pounding. Logan was hugging my body and I couldn't control it.**

"I mean, you like him. You really like him. Ewwwww."

**Jubilee, I don't love him like that. That is disgusting.**

"Okay, lets drop the subject. Just one thing, what happed at the first meeting?"

**You don’t want to know.**


**NO! It happened a long time ago.**

"Back when you use your feet to move the car?"

**I’m not that old. Logan. Maybe.**

"Okay, can you tell me?"

**No! Why don’t you ask Logan?"**

"He didn’t want to talk about it."

**Maybe later.**


After the bubble bath, Jubilee and Nathan went downstairs to watch some television. The rest of Generation X was sitting there. "Hey, guys." she said softly.

Everett looked at her and remembered that Jubilee is Cable. He said, "Hey, Jubilee. How are you feeling?"

"Oh, okay for a girl trapped in a man's body." Jubilee replied as she sat down on the floor Indian style.

Paige said, "We barely see you. You still wanna do it?"

**Do... what?** Cable asked. He heard about teenagers doing strange stuff together. After all, he had played mentor to an entire group of them.

"Oh just hang around." Jubilee said as she took off Cable's gloves.

"Come'on hayseed."

Paige stood up and sat in front of the girl. Jubilee began to paint Paige's fingernails. Cable could see Jubilee trying to hold the small paint brushes with his huge fingers. Paige flinched slightly at Jubilee’s grip on her hand. Cable asked, **Why don’t you just ‘husk’ your fingers so they will be painted?**

"’Cause this is more fun." Paige said

**I will never understand teenagers.** Cable thought to himself privately. He glanced around telepathically to looked at the other students.

Monet was painting the 'fingernails' of her sisters Penance. Angelo, Ev, and Jono were choosing the movies and watching Jubilee with interest. Angelo said, "You know. I don't know why, but I feel like watching an Arnold Swartzenagar movie."

Jubilee scowled at them and Nathan sighed mentally. **Why do people always make Swartenagar references to me?**

"No comment." Jubilee said as she worked Cable's huge, but quick fingers to Paige's nails.

Sam walked in and noticed Jubilee working on Paige's hands. His eyes widen slightly.

Jubilee shot a look and said, "Don't worry, Hayseed. I done this sort of thing all the time."

Sam kept on staring trying not to snicker. **It's _not_ funny.** Cable sneered.

Sam went into a full-scale laughter. Everyone started to laugh as well. Jubilee went up to Sam and lifted him up with ease. "Wha-?" he muttered.

Jubilee said, "Don't cha know that I have Cable's strength." She tossed him out of the living room and reentered grinning. "So, what should we do?" she asked.

"Truth and dare." Angelo said evilly.

Monet scoffed, "It is a childish game."

"And too bizarre." Paige added.

**I agree.** Cable injected, **I don't want to do anything 'embarrassing'.**

**Me too.** Jono said.

"Oh please." Jubilee said rolling her eyes, "I would be forced to do the actually stuff. You will just watch."

**But, who will be embarrassed? And I heard that some of the X-Men were taping this week.**

"Who would do such a thing?" Jubilee asked. Unknown to them, in the dark corner, a hidden video camera was taping.

Ev with a mychifious grin said, "Why not?"

Everyone looked at Everett in surprise. Jubilee said, "My my, aren't we being daring?"

Ev said, "We could play truth and dare. We just have to watch ourselves. No nudity."

"Oh foo." Ang said, "I always wanted to see Cable naked."

Everyone gave Ang an odd look. "It's a joke." he insisted. In her mind, Jubilee could see Nathan staring in shock.

Ev continued, "Nothing too out of line. No gambling, sex, time travel...." Everyone glanced at Jubilee who was looking away whistling.

"What?" she asked innocently

**Don’t worry. I can’t time travel anymore.** Cable said to the other teenagers.

"Let's start!" Jubilee said as she rubbed her hands and laughed in a generic supervillian fashion. "MWAHAHAHA!!!"

**What have I done to deserve this?** Nathan asked to himself.

Ev looked at Angelo and said, "You first."

"Why me?" he asked.

"It's _your_ idea." Jubilee blamed.

"Fine." Angelo said.

Ev said, "Truth or Dare? Do you love anyone here besides Paige?"


Jubilee, Penance, and Monet looked at him interested. Angelo sighed,


Jubilee pouted and muttered, "Coward."

Ev said, "Your dare is to..." he looked around and said, "talk with a Cajun accent for the rest of the night."

"Cajun accent? With Ang?" Jubilee asked, "This should be interesting."

Angelo said with a bad Cajun accent, "'kay. For ids Angelo chose Jubilee. Truth or Dare? How did your hair grow so fast and yet you do not age?"

"Dare." Jubilee answered.

Angelo gave a evil grin and said, "Angelo dare vu to kiss Ev!"

**WHAT?!** Cable yelled giving everyone a headache.

Ev paled. Jubilee looked down and said, "But, Ang. I'm... not in the right body."

Angelo said, "So?"

"Good point." Jubilee said grinning. She went up close to Ev and kissed him on the lips.

Ev synched with Cable and telekinetically pushed himself away and spit. All of the students were laughing. "You should've at least shave." Ev rubbed his arm along his lips.

"Okay, my turn." Jubliee anounced.

Nathan was feeling sick due to the kiss. A part of him wondered if he should just move to a distant corner of his mind and stay there for a week. But decided that he was needed by Jubilee and no telling what she would do if he didn leave her alone. For all he knew, he might wake up with an earing and a tattoo around his ankle. **Make it good.** Cable said, **Just not disgusting.**

Jubilee looked over to Monet and said, "Truth or Dare? Do you ever, I mean ever had a crush on Jono as Penance?"


Jubilee took off Cable's socks and said, "I dare you to give me *ahem* I mean Cable a pedicure."

**A pedi- what?**

"Excuse me?" Monet asked indigetly as she stared at Jubilee/Cable’s huge feet.

"A pedicure. You know as in feet?" Jubilee got out the nail painting supplies and said, "Start painting."

**Don’t you dare!** Cable ordered.

"Relax. It’s not like anyone will notice."

**I’ll notice.** Cable thought privately.


Later, Logan was entering the living room. He noticed Jubilee sitting out with cotton in between her toes.

"Hey, Jubes, Nate." He said.

"Hey, Wolverster."

"Nice nails."

**Shut up.** Cable said angrily, **When is the paint going to dry?**

Jubilee looked at the clock and answered, "Just another five minutes, Nate."

Logan grinned and asked, "Where's the others?"

"Oh they're ordering the pizzas. I offered to drive...."

**You are not going to drive in _my_ body.** Cable said firmly.

"I know. I know." Jubilee said rolling her eyes.

Logan got out a box. "I gotcha something. I made it in the clothing replicator. Had a hard time programming the thing."

**What is it?** Nathan asked suspiciously.

"Open it, Jubes."

Jubilee ripped the top off and looked inside. "Ooh! These are so great!!!" Jubilee exclaimed as she hugged Logan.

**Wolverine!!!** Cable sneered as he felt his body doing the hug. **When I am back in control of this body, you and me are going to do a long long danger room session.**

"Glad you like it, Jubes." Logan said grinning obviously ignoring Cable's comment.

Then, Monet and the rest have entered the living room and saw the sight. Paige said, "Now, that's something you don't see every day."

Ev synching with Monet was caring fifteen pizzas. "I hope these are enough."

Jubilee let go of Logan and eyed the pizzas. "Whoa! That's allot of pizzas."

"Mr. Summers said that he wanted several pizzas."

**I have a fast metabolism.** Nathan said. **I eat allot.**


Emma and Sean entered the living room and saw Jubilee and the others eating pizza. "Hello, am I disturbing anything?" Emma asked.

"Nope." Jubilee answered as she ate a slice of pizza, "Just meating pizza."

Cable said telepathically, **Jubilee, could you please stop talking with my mouth full. You're making me look disgusting.**

Sean looked down at Jubilee's feet and asked, "Fuzzy bunny slippers?" he asked staring.

Jubilee swallowed her bite and explained, "Wolvy gave me this pair."

"They're... adorable." Sean said snickering.

**Shut up.** Cable said grouchily.

Emma asked, "What did you do?"

"We played a little truth and dare." Angelo answered calmly still with a bad Cajun accent.

Emma rose a suspicious eyebrow. Jubilee said, "Relax, Frosty. Nothin' illegal happened."

**Jubilee's right. I watched the entire thing myself. The only thing that you might be worried about was when Jubilee kissed Everett.**

Sean looked over at Ev with a shocked face. "Angelo dared Jubilee to do it." Ev explained with haste.

Emma held her head and Jono asked, **Want to watch some movies?**

"Yeah." Paige said, "We got this great movie called 'Terminator 2'."

Everyone snickered except for Cable who said, **What's so funny?**

"You'll see." Jubilee said as she reached out for her fifth slice of pizza.


"What'cha think?" Jubilee asked as she lay down on the bed.

**It... was interesting.** Nathan replied calmly.

"I could see that scowl on your face."

**I know. I'm not a real cyborg.**

"Yeah. You're a techno-organic cyborg raised in the future. I can hardly wait till tomorrow. It will be a blast." Jubilee said as she laughed maniacally.

**Great.** Cable groaned.

To Be Continued...

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