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The New Mutants and I

Part 1



Disclaimer: I do not own The New Mutants nor any of the characters that appear in the comic. They are property of Marvel Comics and the genius Stan Lee


It was possibly the worst day of my life.

I had missed the bus, gotten yelled at by all my teachers, forgotten my lunch money, failed my math test, and to top it all off I got in a fight with my best friend Sydney.

So, in other words, I was really looking forward to going home and trying to relax and forget about my day.


When I arrived home, mom and dad were in a rush to go out to dinner. It was their anniversary (which I had forgotten all about, meaning no present and me feeling horrible for not getting one).

So I'd be home alone.


My mom gave me a hug and replied hurriedly as she ran out the door,

"I got you a present to keep you occupied this evening. It's on your desk in your room..."

I was intrigued by this so I went to my room.


I looked in the mirror before walking over to my desk. What I saw was a horrible sight.

There was a 16-year old girl, wearing a dirty white top and pair of blue jeans with her curly brown hair frizzing out of her ponytail and tired green eyes behind huge glasses.


"Am I the same Sarah Dillion I was when I woke up this morning?" I asked myself in a whisper.


I let out a sigh and went to my desk where my frown turned upside down when I saw what my mom had gotten me.

The latest issue of my favorite comic,"The New Mutants",issue 60.

I was happy, but found myself feeling a bit disturbed at the cover, where one of the charcters,Mirage,was crying over the body of some new mutant team member with their head crushed under a rock.


Is someone going to die this issue?,I wondered.

I pulled the comic from the plastic wrap and started to read.

Then I let out an anguished cry as my question was answered.

Douglas Ramsey. Cypher. My favorite character was killed off. He died by throwing himself in front of a bullet to protect the life of Rahne Sinclair,the mutant known as Wolfsbane.


Why of all characters did they have to kill Cypher? I really liked him!

I found my sorrow and disappointment replaced with anger. As if my day couldn't get worse, they murdered my favorite character in my favorite comic.

I plopped my head down on my desk and sighed agian.I found myself drifting off to sleep when I heard a weird buzzing noise.


I looked up to see an odd creature standing in my room.

He had a rubbery look about him. All thin and wobbly. He wore a long, red robe and had a large, opal shaped head the color of gold.

His eyes were a lighter gold and he had a small mouth. He had no nose and I noticed oddly that he appeared to have numbers around his face like a clock.


I was terrified and whispered, "What do you want?"


"There is a lesson to be learned," he said in an odd voice, "You must learn it..."


"W..who are you?" I managed to ask.


"I am the entity known as Timeslip." he whispered, then waved his hand and a giant portal opened behind him.

The light pouring from it was blinding and I found myself being sucked in.

I let out a scream as I was sucked into the portal, the blinding light enveloping me.


All was black for a second. Then there was an explosion of color. I could hear my heart pound, yet could not see myself. Only the colors. Then the white returned and I felt myself falling.

I opened my eyes to see trees and the ground several feet below me.


I managed to scream again as I fell through the sky and landed on a soft pile of ... something.

I blinked and discovered I'd landed on a large leaf pile, and leaning over me were four familiar faces.


"Is she all right?" the Indian girl asked, her lovely black hair pulled back in a braid.


"Ah don't know," replied the gangly looking boy with a southern accent and short buzzcut blonde hair and blue eyes.


"Maybe we should ask," said another boy with dark skin and jet black hair.


"Are ye all right miss?" asked a gentle Scottish voiced red head.


I knew all four of them but couldn't believe my eyes. They looked so real but I knew them better as fiction-made comic book charcters. The Indian girl was Danielle Moonstar, the gangly southern boy was Samuel Gurthie, the dark skinned boy was Robert DaCosta, and the Scottish red head was Rahne Sinclair.


All four of them were New Mutants.


"What a rush..." I mumbled before passing out.


I woke up and found myself before the audience of the mutant team known as The New Mutants.

They consisted of Illyana Rasputin better known as Magik, Danielle Moonstar a.k.a. Mirage, Samuel Gurthie the mutant known as Cannonball, Robert DaCosta the hotheaded Sunspot, the techno organic alien being known as Warlock, Rahne Sinclaire or as she was called Wolfsbane, and far off leaning in the infirmary doorway by himself was Douglas Ramsey or Cypher.


Watching me most intently was Charles Xavier, or an everyone called him, Professor X.

His presence was a mystery to me because last I checked the ole' Prof had run off with that Lilandra chick...then again last I checked Doug was dead, and there he was, standing in the doorway alive and well.


I rubbed the large bandage that rested on my forehead, that covered the cut I'd received from the fall, took another sip of the hot chocolate the Professor had given me and said,

"Look..for the last time, I can't explain how I got here..or how I know all your names."


I had been up long enough for them to discover I knew all of them in and out(after all, I had been collecting "New Mutant" comic books since issue number one) and they found that very disturbing (I don't blame them). But how could I tell them that they were all comic book charcters..that they weren't least not where I came from.


"This Timeslip you spoke have no idea why he sent you here?" the Professor asked.


"No.... just said I needed to learn a lesson of some kind...and as I've told you..I'm not a telepath or anything..I'm not a mutant at see..uh..where I come from..there are NO fact there's nothing..strange at all..just a bunch of boring, powerless people running around..not at all as fun as here," I sipped my hot chocolate again and noticed everyone's eyes glued on me.


I felt so stupid with so many people looking at me and me wearing these dumb,dirty clothes. I also felt so weird to be hanging in the X mansion with the New Mutants.


"How are we sure she is not an enemy ? " Illyana asked, eyeing me suspiciously.


She was perhaps the most beautiful girl there. With her golden blonde hair and her icy, cold blue eyes.

I was still scared though that any second she'd call up her soul sword and chop my head off.


"Och. But she seems so sweet!" Rahne said in that adorable Scottish accent of her's.


"I'm not here to harm anybody..I'm..well..just sorta stuck here until I find that Timeslip guy and go home." I said.


I suddenly noticed that Doug was looking at me. Staring actually. But unlike the others..the way he looked at me made me feel strange..something in his eyes...

I found myself blushing.


Comic book guy or no, he WAS a guy. And when ANY guy stares at me like that I blush madly.


"I guess it's all right for you to stay here for now.." Professor X mumbled thoughtfully.


"I'll take her on a tour around the mansion." Doug piped up, suprising me.


"Excellent..I'm sure you'll be comfortable here Miss...?"


"Oh..sorry..Sarah.Sarah Dillion."


I walked next to Dough through out the complex and felt so guilty. I wanted to tell him...what?

That he died?

It was just so strange to walk and talk with someone you saw die.

Then again it was strange to walk and talk with a comic book character who you best know as fiction.

What was really strange was finding a guy you know as not real and dead attractive.

I knew better.

I mean we're from two different worlds..and he's Rahne's guy.

Then again if Professor X was here and Doug wasn't dead maybe Doug wasn't with Rahne and that made him free for...

I shook my head, get a grip Sarah.


But he was cute in real life..that casual blonde hair...those blue eyes.

He had such a nice, calming voice.

I found him to be more human...more realistic than the others..More like someone who could be from my world.

Ha! My world.


"'ll be staying in the room's near there.."


I saw him wince, as if saying that had been extremely stupid.

I couldn't avoid a giggle,

"Thank you Doug...For the tour and all..By the you think Illyana hates me?"


"No..that's just Illyana's way..she just wants to protect the people she cares about is all." he said with a grin.


It took all my will power not to melt at that grin ," No wonder I like her."


Doug's grin widened, causing my knees to grow weak, "How DO you know us all so well?"


"That's my little secret.." I whispered and went to my room.


The New Mutants and I

Part 2


I woke up and let out a horrified scream.

"Where am I ! Where am I !" I screeched as I searched the dark room blindly.


Doug ran in,"Sarah! Sarah!" he rushed up to my bed and put his arms around me, "It's's all right.." he whispered into my hair as I clung to him, burying my face in his shoulder.


The thoughts flooded back slowly, I remembered he brought me here. To this other world, where the New Mutants existed.


I realized slowly, that I was pressed tightly against Doug..and he had no shirt on..

I gasped as I realized my nails, though short, were digging into his skin and that I was resting my face against his bare shoulder.

I blushed and pushed him away," I'm sorry..I.."


I'm sorry what? That I was touching you without your shirt and liking it?

I blushed harder and grappled for an excuse," Have you ever woken up some place and not recognized where you are?"


Doug grinned that adorable grin of his,"Actually..That happened to me the first time I stayed here..but I didn't quite scream as loud as you..."


"Do you think I woke anyone up?" I asked, noticing for the first time that the time was 11 at night,close to 12.


"Nah. Sam snores to loud,'Berto falls asleep to music, and the girls are too far away from the infirmary as for 'Lock..He was awake and was going to come here and check on you, but I figured you may have had a nightmare and his presence wouldn't help so I said I'd check on you.."


"Thank you...I'm sorry I woke you up..." I reached out for my glasses but Doug snapped them up and handed them to me.


I slipped them on and found myself blushing again.

Why was it that even though he wasn't "real" he had such a great body?

I lifted my eyes up and tried my hardest not to focus on his bare chest.


He must have noticed because he looked down and saw his lack of a shirt,he let out an embarrassed laugh," sorta don't sleep with a shirt on..I get hot and..."


He blushed himself and I found it so cute.


"Thanks again." I said and kissed him on the cheek impulsively.


His eyes widened and he let out another embarrassed laugh,"Thanks..I uh.."

He got up," I'd better..uh..go..I'll..uh..I'll see you tommorrow...,"he said as he backed up to leave, his eyes still on me.

So much so, that he didn't see where he was going and he hit the back of his head on the infirmary door post.


"OH! Are you okay!?" I asked alarmed.


He rubbed the back of his head and winced,"Yeah..See you tomorrow.."


He left and I went to back to sleep, thinking of him.


The next day, I decided to get to know the other New Mutants better.

It was so cool meeting them in person, as it were.

I wondered if there was information, even the comics didn't tell you.

As I looked at it, after you create a story or charcter,they take on a life of their own..thinking thoughts that some writer didn't sit down and write.


Illyana was training in the danger room and Rahne was visiting her adopted mother Moria MacTaggart, So that left only Dani.

I found her in her room, writing in her diary.


"Uh..Hi Dani..I was wondering if maybe you'd like to..I don't know..hang out.."


Dani smiled,"That sounds great..I'd love some companionship..I've been pretty lonely this,"she patted the edge of her bed,"Take a seat..I'll braid your hair."


I smiled,"That sounds great..."


I sat on the edge of the bed as Dani grabbed a brush and a rubber band.

She got behind me and began to brush my hair out.


"You have such lovely hair..all thick and curly..." she whispered almost to herself rather than me as she brushed.




"So..tell me some more about your sounds so fascinating.." she said as she worked


"Fascinating!?," I laughed," It's as boring as'd think without mutant powers the world would be easier..but it isn't..people still hate other people for stupid skin color,sex,race,religion..and some people hate other people for no reason at all..just to hate for the fun of hating..What's it like being a mutant?"


" depends on who you are...I mean for Rouge it bites...she can't touch anyone..for others, it's fun..a rush..Me, I enjoy my powers a bit..I can make little illusions when I'm bored, gift..the death horrifying...knowing someone may die and being able to do nothing.." she whispered


I could tell she was growing uncomfortable with the subject. I found myself thinking about Doug, how her death sight had not helped he had died....


I shook my head, trying to forget.

I almost wanted to tell her.

Instead I said," That would be horrible..then again a lot of horrible things have happened to you..but you're strong've overcome it.."


Dani's smiled returned,"What exactly do you know about me ?"


"Well..I know your parents were killed by a bear..I know your best friend is Rahne and you often share a mind link with her..I know that you were the first New Mutant to pass the danger room program...," I said


"That's amazing..are you sure your not a telepath?"




"Your hair's done.." Dani said and backed up to admire her work.


I looked in the mirror at the thick braid I wore, I looked like Dani.

I smiled and wondered if Doug would like it.


I coughed and said,"Dani..does..does Rahne have a thing for Doug?"


"Not that I know of..Rahne's had a "thing" for a lot of guys..Sam and 'Berto..Whoops! I shouldn't have told you that..then probably all ready knew...why?" she asked and eyed me, amused.


"No reason..just asking." I said, trying to play it cool.


"Do you like Doug?" she asked with a laugh.


"No!," I snapped," What a silly I like Doug..of course not..."


Dani smiled knowingly,"Doug is a nice guy..and he's not bad looking..not that I've been checking..but..."


She giggled," He's really sweet..and I think he likes you.."


"You think?!," my voice betraying my coolness by sounding so hopeful," Ah who cares.." I tried to cover up miserably.


She sighed," Your pretty cool Sarah..I hope you stick around for a while.."


I went around the school, looking for Doug.

I just want him to see my hair is all, I assured myself, not because I have any interest in him.


I didn't get far before I heard Professor X talking to Sam.

"So..she just fell out of the sky?"

"Yes,,Dani,Rahne,and 'Berto were raking leaves. 'Berto had gotten a big pile when we heard a paper being torn, we looked up and a white hole popped up in the middle of the sky, it looked like one of 'Yana's portals and for a second we thought it was her...porting a bit above the ground..that's when Sarah fell out and on to Berto's leaf pile..." Sam explained


" far she seems to be no threat..but how she knows so much about you and the X-Men troubles me...we'll have to keep an eye on her..rather you and the rest of the team will..I'll be using cerebro to search for this..Timeslip..although if what Sarah says is true...he may not have a mind I can read..."


I turned away.

They didn't trust me..I thought bitterly.

They did have every right..but still, my feelings were hurt.


I walked on, heading toward the danger room.

When I reached it, I was so upset about the Professor's and Sam's lack of trust in me that I missed the door's computer reading "Program In Process" and just walked in.


Big Mistake.


A large robot raced toward me, ready to attack.

I let out a gasp of alarm and rushed to the right.

The robot was unable to command it's self to turn and ran smack into the wall.

Destroying itself.


Illyana stood in the center of the room, fighting off demons and robots.

She looked magnificant while doing it too.

Her blonde hair waving in the wind.

She was the ultimate warrior.



I watched in awe when a demon saw me and rushed over for an attack.

I looked around desperate and tugged my shoe off,aimming it at his head.

It bounced off his head and he looked stunned.

Oh, I sure was a great fighter, I thought bitterly as he took up in his pursuit.

Followed by others.


I searched and found a piece of the robot that I had inadvertently destroyed earlier.

It was a large, heavy arm.

I swung it at the one demon.

Taking him out.


I fought the best way I knew how.

Swing the robot's discarded arm like a bat.

I was actually pleased to discover I was winning when one large demon lunged at me.


I fell backward, holding back a scream when I heard a commanding voice shouted, "COMPUTER! END PROGRAM!"


The demon vanished and Illyana stood above me, holding out her hand to help me up.


"A fighter. I like that. You're very inventive too...using a discarded robot's arm."


I took her hand.

I was being complimented by the leader of Limbo, Magik.

It felt great.


"Thanks." I said


"How are a bit dumb..entering the danger room while it's running a program? You're smarter than that..after all,you know all about us.." she said and walked toward the shower room.


I figured she wanted me to follow, so I did.

"I didn't mean to run in here..I was just upset.."




"The Professor and Sam. They don't trust me...they think I may be an enemy.."


Illyana's cold, beautiful eyes ran over me,"It's possible..I saw you fight in there..for a're rather good....however..I do sympathize..after all..I'm sure the team holds certain suspicious of me..."


"Why?" I asked


"Oh come on..I'm a demon!!! I am the Darkchilde!!! At any moment my darkness could consume me!! I could betray the entire team!!! Kill them!"


My thoughts rushed to Doug.

Illyana hadn't killed him.

A bullet had.

The guilt of knowing was beginning to eat me alive!

I was desperate to tell someone! To save Doug!

But the question was..

Was that the right thing?


"'ve been through a've suffered things no one should...Deep down that darkness..there is a light...I know it."


Illyana actually smiled,"In a way my and I are alike..not fully trusted..."


"Friend?" I asked, a smile touching my lips.


She laughed, not cruelly, but with her heart, I couldn't remember a time Illyana had laughed happily," could be a friend..just don't go telling anyone I've gone soft on you.."


I grinned, to happy to speak, but said, "Your secret's safe with me.."


The New Mutants and I

Part 3


After hanging out with Illyana some more, I decided to continue my search for Doug.

I passed a rec room with a T.V and VCR in it where Roberto sat glued to a past episode of "Magnum P.I",Warlock was with him and asking questions.


Rather annoying ones I'd guess by the look on Roberto's face.


"Selfriend Sunspot..I do not understand..."


"Of course you don't!! You're a techno-organic being from another planet! Now shut up!!! So I can watch!! I love this episode! That's why I taped it!" Berto shouted when he turned and saw me.

"Oh look..if it isn't our other alien friend."


I frowned," I'm not an alien..I'm just from a parallel shut your mouth!"


He flashed me and angry look,"Don't talk to me like that! Or I'll fry you!"


I gave him an innocent look," Who me? Why would I be rude to someone who isn't..."

I avoided saying "real" because, here he was real.


"What?!" he asked, just daring me.


"Nothing..Magnum P. I, huh?" I said,changing the subject and sat down on a chair across from the couch where Warlock rested.

Bobby sat on the floor.


"'s the best show on the planet I'll let you know..."


"Was I arguing?" I laughed


I actually caught him smile," You better be carefully may start to like me..."


He returned to his frown and I burst into giggles," Oh come know I'm not that bad..."


He went back to his smile," I guess...but the way you know so much about everybody still creeps me out..."

He looked up with a concerned face,"You don't..uh..know anything about me do



I grinned wickedly, and taunted ," Maybe...."


"I like Dillion,Sarah very much!" Warlock piped up cheerfully," I would like Dillion,Sarah to be self's new selfriend."


I smiled," I'd like that very much can just call me Sarah..."


A strange,mishaped grin pulled on to the black,techno-organic being's face," Okay,Selfriend Sarah..."



I left a little while later.

Well, now I was friends with Dani,Illyana,Roberto,and Warlock.

That was good, maybe soon they'd trust me...enough to believe me when I warn them about Doug....

I found my thoughts growing darker, would they believe me?

Even if they did...

How could I tell them? What if I ,by changing the past, I endangered the future?


I was so caught up in my thoughts I walked straight into Rahne,who had just walked in through the front door.


"Oh! Sarah! I'm sorry! Did I hurt ye?" she asked as she helped me up.


I shook my head," No..I'm fine..."


I felt so guilty...I mean here I was, looking for Doug, her boyfriend..

Well, there's no proof they're going out..,a voice in my head nagged.


" was your day out with Moria?" I asked


Rahne looked shocked," Are you sure your nay a mutant? I did ye know I was going to see..."


"Dani told me..don't worry Rahne....I'm not reading your mind..I can't..I just know everything about you is all..." I laughed, I was beginning to enjoy this upper hand I had, by knowing everyone in and out.


"What do ye know about me?" Rahne asked with a gulp.


"Well..I know a bastard named Reverend Craig raised you..and when your powers manifested he said you were a spawn of Satan and sent a mob after you..but Moria MacTaggert saved you and became your adopted mom...I know that your best friend is Dani and you've had crushes on Sam,Roberto,and...." I dropped Doug immediatly,I was too scared to even insinuate.


Rahne blinked,amazed," sure know a lot about me...."


"Don't worry.. I promise not run off and tell your friends every little detail I know about you..I'm not like that..." I said, brushing my still braided, brown curly hair out of my face.


"Thank ye.I like ye're hair..did Dani do it?" she asked


"Yup..I'll see you later..I'm kinda looking for something..." I said and passed her to continue to look for Doug.


I didn't get far before I heard loud, southern cursing.

I turned and looked into a room, that was pretty much empty, except for Samuel Gurthie,who sat in front of a computer.


"DANG IT!!!!" he growled


"What's up?" I asked and walked in.


"Oh..Sarah...," I saw a look of guilt cross his face.

Probably because only a few short hours ago, he and the Professor had been debating about how they don't trust me and that I should be watched closely.


"Well,...," I said, tapping my foot," What's the problem?"


"The danged computer's eaten mah research paper..." he grumbled," And since Kat's ain't here I ain't got no one to fix it.."


"You use to have a small crush on Kitty didn't you?" I asked


I saw Sam blush and smiled thinking to myself, That's your payback for talking about me behind my back...


"Here..Let me.." I said and pushed him out of the way.


I looked it over,"'s broke.."


"Maybe I could help...." came a voice.


I looked up to see Doug.

I felt my cheeks go red.


He walked over and pressed some keys, listening to the sounds the computer made.

Doug had the special ability to understand all languages...even computers.


"Hmmm....," he mummered under his breath and clicked several more keys.


The computer made a light beeping sound and Sam's paper returned.


"Fixed.." He said and smiled at me, rather then Sam.


My face grew hot.

I felt like I was catching fire.

I wondered if he noticed.

Before anything else could happen Dani ran in.

"Hey guys..time for dinner!"



It was now 11 p.m,hours after dinner, and still I couldn't sleep.

I just sat in bed.

My glasses on, my eyes open and staring at the ceiling.

I listened to the clock tick.


Soon it would be officially two days since I've been here.

I wondered if my parent's missed me.

Not that I wanted to leave...but what lesson was I supposed to learn?

Why did Timeslip bring me here?

Why me of all people in the world?


I heard someone move outside my door and found myself feeling scared.

What if it's some evil mutant?, my thoughts whispered.

There was more danger in this world than mine.


The door opened and Doug walked in, holding a candle.


I sat up in bed,"Doug?"


"Shhh!," he hissed," I snuck out to see you...I'm surprised your up..."


My heart skipped a beat when he informed me why he was here, I managed to answer though," I couldn't sleep..."


"Me either..." he said and sat on the bed next to me, just as he'd done the night before.


"You...," he blushed," You confuse me Sarah..I've never met anyone like you..."


I laughed," Duh! I'm from another universe..."


"No..I have this...way about you..this language I don't understand..yet am desperate to find're such an enigma...I DO you know so much about all of us? About know stuff about me don't you..." he whispered.


"I do..I know that deep down you feel useless in battle..because you can only translate don't have any super power like Sam and Roberto and Dani...they fight while you you don't feel like a hero..but you are Doug! I swear you are! You're so brave and strong and...if only you knew...," I trailed.


All I could think about was how he sacrificed himself..his life, for Rahne.

And here he sat next to me, alive..

I felt tears at my eyes.


Then I felt Doug grab me and tug me closer to him.

Then he kissed me.


My eyes widened.

This was impossible!

He was a comic book character! He wasn't real!


Yet here he was, kissing me.

And I found myself kissing him back.

My fingers boldly going into his golden hair.


I don't know how long we kissed each other.

It seemed like forever.

I felt the electricity when we had first met.

Now it was exploding.


He pulled away gently, breathless.

"I'm sorry....I don't know what came over me....I just..."


"Don't apologize! Please! That was the best kiss ever! In the history of time probably..." I whispered and kissed him again quickly.


He let out a sigh," Did you feel..did you feel what I did when...we first looked at each other..and the night I held you in my arms..."


"Yes,...I felt all of it...Oh Doug...," I whispered and ran a hand over his cheek softly.


"I've never felt this way before...I mean I had a crush on know Psylocke...and I've always thought Rahne is cute..but I've never felt so...," his eyes locked on me," Absorbed. You're just so beautiful..."


I laughed," Beautiful? Me? With these glasses?"


"Take them off....," he said in a voice so deep I almost didn't recognize it.


I slipped my glasses off.

I could make out Doug's face, because it was so close.

His eyes searched mine, and then we kissed each other again.


When we pulled away gently, he just held me in his arms.


"I wish..." he whispered.


"I know...," I replied sadly.

Here we had found something, something I think we both wanted, and now we'd lose it.

Because I wasn't from his world and he wasn't from mine.

We were a doomed love from the start.




Part 4

The days after the kiss were like some strange spy movie.

Doug and I decided to keep our new relationship a secret, so we often snuck

around the mansion, looking for places to be alone together.


He didn't want everyone to know about us because he wanted to avoid ridicule

from the boys about dating an "alien" or "girl from another world."

And I wanted to keep it a secret because I still wasn't sure if Rahne did or

did not have an interest in Doug.


So it wasn't until one of the many lazy afternoons we spent together that

everyone almost found out about us.


Doug and I had scaled a tall tree and were sitting up in it doing what we

normally did when we could get a second alone.


Make out.


He had these mind-melting kisses..they were so addictive. I wasn't sure if I

was giving him the same sensation back but he seemed to want to kiss me as

much as I wanted to kiss him.


So there we were in that tree making out when...




Doug pulled away from me alarmed and almost fell out of the tree.

Luckily I got a good grip on him and pulled him up.

"Thanks sweetheart...," he whispered and kissed me again quickly before

heading down the tree to see who had called his name.


I could see enough through the branches to see it had been Rahne.

I blushed, I felt so guilty..I mean here I had been...kissing the guy she may

have a big crush on.


"Doug, what were ye doing up there? Me and the others have been looking all

over for ye!" she said in a somewhat exasperated voice.


"I'm sorry Rahne..I was up there..." Doug lied.


"Oh..well the team's about to go on a mission and we'll need yer help." she



"Okay. I'll be there in a few..I uh..left a comic up in that tree..I don't

want to leave it there...." he said and started to climb back up.




"Yes?" he asked Rahne quickly.


"Ye haven't seen Sarah have ye?" she asked


I gulped.


"No...why?" he asked, now interested.


"Well,...we can't leave her alone here while we go on the mission...the Prof

said we might haveta take her....So if you see her tell her to come along..."

Rahne said and ran back to the mansion.


Doug quickly climbed up to where I was.


"So...I'm a form of relaxation for you, huh?" I asked with a bit of humor.


Doug laughed,"I needed an excuse..."


"And the comic book?" I asked


He chuckled, "Well..I needed a reason to come back up here..I couldn't say,

'I need to go back up the tree and get the ravishing girl I was kissing, down'

, now could I?"


"Ravishing." I blushed, "I think I'm far from ravishing...."


"Sorry sweetheart....," he said and kissed me softly, " I'm afraid you're are the definition of ravishing."


I blushed again and kissed him again before we started down the tree.



I stood in front of the mirror in my room amazed. I couldn't believe I

actually managed to squeeze into a New Mutants uniform. I twirled around,

looking at myself in the tight yellow and black suit with red belt.


These things are warmer then I thought..., I mused, as I checked myself again.

At least I don't look as fat in this thing as I thought I would.


"Mmmhm..," came a voice from behind me.


I turned to see Doug.


"The uniform's never looked so good..." he said.


"Flatterer." I mumbled with a wide smile.


"I'm sorry...I couldn't find it in myself to insult such a thing of beauty..."

he said and put his arms around me.


"Such pretty words mister...," I said and looked at him, "Will get you in some

big trouble..."


"I like trouble..." he whispered about to kiss me when we heard footsteps.


We pulled away and tried to act casual. It was Dani.

She smiled, almost knowingly. I had a suspicion that she knew about Doug and


She was, after all, one of the smartest of the group.

"Come on you two..were ready to fly out..."


Doug went ahead when Dani grabbed my arm.


"'re smart but you're not from this world..I don't want

you getting hurt out there...." Dani said.


"Thanks..but trust me..I know enough about this world to know that. I'll try

and stay on the sidelines..." I said, beaming over the fact that she cared

enough about me.


"Okay..oh and one other thing..."




"Is Doug a good kisser?" she asked and burst into giggles.


I grabbed a pillow near by and threw it at her,"I thought you knew...."


Soon we were flying out to battle.

I felt butterflies in my stomach.

One because Doug kept smiling at me and two because I'd read all about the New

Mutants in battle..I never expected to go into battle myself.


Soon enough we landed and were in a very familiar spot.


I've...I've been here before, was all I could think..then I realized where we



The Antimator's Fortress.

The place of Doug's death.


No......,my thoughts gasped in horror.

Oh dear god please no....,I felt tears.

I couldn't let Doug die..I just couldn't, but who could I tell? Was there

enough time?


"Come on Sarah..." shouted Illyana as she rushed into battle as she always

did, looking eager for a good fight.


It seemed like only seconds..and there I the Antimator's fortress

watching the others fight off the Antimator's robots and not be able to do a



Maybe this is how Doug feels...,my thoughts said, being so useless in

battle..only able to watch because you're powerless to do anything else.

And that feeling..of being weak and powerless eats you alive..until you feel

you HAVE to prove yourself a hero in someway.


That's when the scene I now knew all too well replayed.

The gun was pulled out..aimmed at Rahne.


Doug saw did I.


The gun went off.


And we both reacted.


Doug pushed Rahne out of the way, ready to take the bullet.


But I was faster and pushed him with Rahne.


I felt it then. The bullet hit me.

My eyes widened at the pain, as I feel to the ground.


"SARAH!" Doug screamed in horror as I laid wide eyed on the floor. In a pool

of my own blood.

The pain was replaced by another feeling, one of happiness.

I did...I saved Doug...


"Sarah..oh Sarah...," he whispered and took me in his arms gently, tears

beginning to stream down his face,"Why did you do that? Why?"


I smiled weakly...feeling so weak and tired all of the sudden," I saved

you...," I whispered, "I did it...I saved know you always were my

favorite Doug...always..."


"Sarah!," he said holding me tighter,"Don't you leave me!"


"Saved you...," I whispered, barely able to keep my eyes open, yet talking

seemed so easy..even now as the sleep of death beckoned me,"

Oh..Douglas....Doug..I love you...Always.." I whispered, knowing it'd be the

last thing I said.


"I love you too....," he whispered back, tears choking him now as he leaned

down and gave me one last,soft,sweet final kiss.







I sat up like a bolt of lighting.


"WERE'RE HOME!!!!!" my mom wailed loudly from the front door as her and Dad

came in from their evening out.


I looked around wide-eyed.

I was home. I was alive.


I looked down to see The New Mutants, issue 60.


Had it all been a dream?, I wondered.

It had seemed so real.


I picked up the comic with a small smile.

If it had been a served it's purpose, I thought, because I did

learn a lesson.

Doug didn't die for a foolish reason..or on a writers whim..he died to prove

how powerful love can be. That's why I was willing to throw my life

up for Doug...because I loved him and because I wanted to be a hero as much as

he did.


I also had learned that my world wasn't so bad after all...I had had a bad day

but so did everyone once in a while..even in the marvel world.


A candle-like glow filled the room, followed by a loud buzzing noise,"You have

learned the lesson...."


I smiled,Timeslip.


Timeslip??!! I thought suddenly startled, It had been a dream....hadn't it?


The End

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