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Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel Comics and are being used for non-profit entertainment purposes only. The poem is mine.

Note: I don't know what this is. Some kind of alternate universe or something.

The Paths We Walk

by Magik

She is small.

She is quiet.

She huddles in the corners

Watching the world with wide eyes

That have seen more than any can write.

She has bleed and cried

As her innocence was pulled from her

And a sword took its place.


There is a taint on her soul

Black enough to evoke the image

Of the shruken mass of a demon's heart.

She has seen the heart of a demon

For she carries one in her breast

And continues to walk under its burden

With her head held high, eyes to the sky,

Because giving in isn't an option anymore.


Once there was a simple time

When she was safe and sound at home

With her parents and her older brother

But things have to change and alter.

All her paths led to evil of some kind

And she still questions her choice of roads

Wondering if maybe there was a better way

A forgotten path that might have saved more of her.


The door to her room is closed, locked,

Just like the entrance to her heart.

And she sits behind the sturdy door

Head in her hands as the blond hair forms a veil

That hangs over her eyes and hides the tears.

Today she will cry, today she will mourn

The loss of everything that she had in the past,

And the destroyed pastel package that was her.


This day she vows to burn the past

And leave it behind her, smoldering

As she walks away from the lies that cling to her,

That drag her down and crush her spirits.

She wants to find a place where the sun shines,

Where a tattered soul can find peace and understanding.

She hoped it would be within his arms.

But, just like everything else, that was another lie.


So now she huddles, small and afraid,

Behind her door, in the darkness, and listens.

She hears the footsteps go past her door

And knows that she was never as strong as she thought.

The sword hums in her hand, alive and ready

But she wouldn't have the stomach to use it

Not against him, never against him

And as the door shatters under his fist, she screams.


A scream torn from her throat by an unseen hand

While she pushes away from the door in fright.

He peers in at her through the hole,

His black eyes so dark and hollow that she shivers.

The sword glitters in the darkness, burning her skin,

Ready to protect its mistress, its fallen heroine.

But she knows that there is no other way to win

Besides giving in to what is coming for her.


So as the sword is knocked from her fingers

And the dark hand covers her mouth to hold back her sobs,

Illyana curls into the farthest reaches of her mind.

She's been hurt like this before, violated,

But it was never this bad, it never hurt this much,

For the demons were only demons, evil incarnate,

This man was her friend, her teammate, her `Berto.

All paths to power led to evil, some are just worse than others.

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