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Disclaimer:I do not own these characters. They belong to Marvel Comics and are being used for entertainment purposes only. No money is being made off their use. The story, however, belongs to Fenix, the author.


Triple Date

by: Fenix

    "Come on guys! Let's do SOMETHING!" Jubilation Lee was sitting on a log in the biosphere. In the same area was: Monet, M, sitting on the highest branch on the large tree behind Jubilee. Paige, Husk was on a homemade swing attached to Monet's tree. Jono, Chamber, was standing silently as usual. Everett, Synch, was lying on his back in the soft grass. And Angelo, Skin, was sitting next to Everett. "What exactly would you like to do chica?" Angelo asked. He too was bored. Jubilee scrunched up her face and then said, "Hey I know! Why don't we go out?"

    This was met by groans from all. Angelo laid back and said, "We go out all the time." This time, Jubilee gave them all a animalistic grin.

    "I mean GO OUT. On dates. Together."

    There was a moment of stunned silence. Ironicly, Jono was the first to say something.

    <What the Heck are you talkin' bout, Gel?>

    "I mean the six of us pair up and go on a triple date and see what happens. Are you guys game? Or are you chicken?"

    All the students paused and then took Jubilee's challenge. "Alright guys. Go back to the main grounds and live the day out. But sometime today, you have to either ask someone out or have them ask you out. We meet tonight at 7:00 in front of the garage to go out. Good Luck." The students filed out and went to their respective rooms. Soon, the chaos would begin.


    Everett wasted no time. He knew who he wanted to go with him. He found her,in the front lawn sitting in the tall oak tree writing in a pink book, presumably her diary.

    "Umm... Monet? Who are you going with tonight?" Ev said literally shaking in his boots.

    "As of now Synch, I have no plans in Jubilation's little game to disrupt our nerves. How about you?"

    "Actually, I was wondering if you would maybe, kinda, possibly, come with me?"

    "Well I must say, Mr. Thomas, this is surprising. I believe I will take you up on your offer."

    "Really? Thanks, M! I'll come get you at your room at 6:45! See you later!"

    Everett ran towards his room and when he thought he was out of earshot, let out a collossal WHOOP that filled the crisp autumn air. Monet looked down at her diary and said, "Boys."


    Jubilee dashed into Angelo's room. Angelo was sitting on the couch with only his school pants on and a dirty tank top. He looked at Jubilee in surprise and looking at his attire yelled,"Chica, what the heck are you doing here? I'm not exactly dressed for company!" He ran into another room and came out in his red and gold school uniform. "Now, girl. What is it you needed?"

    "Well, Ange. It's like this. Everett is going with Monet, and I'll be danged if I'll go with Starsmore, so you're left. Unless you want to go with Hayseed."

    "Nah Chica, why would I pass up a chance to go out with a human sparkler?"

    "If you don't watch it you walking pile of epidermis I'll...."

    "You'll what?"



    Jono crumpled up a piece of paper that he had been writing music on. At this rate he would never finish his song. He was about to get a fresh piece of paper when someone knocked on his door.

    <Door's Open. Come on in>

    His spiritual heart leapt out of his chest and did a dance around his head when he saw her.

    "Hello Jonothon."

    <'Ello Sunshine>

    His nickname for her had always annoyed her, but it was true. In his Dark world she was the only ray of light left in it.

    "Jonothon, Ah-I was wondering if you would like to take me out tonight on triple date?"

    He was stunned. He still couldn't figure out why she could like a creature like him. He thought to himself, "Starsmore, I swear if you screw this date up, there'll be hell to pay." He regained his composure and psionically said, <Gel, I would be honored to take anywhere, anytime.>

    He made a low, flowing bow to her. She was caught off gaurd. This was probably the nicest thing He had ever said to her.

    "Jono, do you think you could pick me up at the dorm at 6:30? We could take a walk before we meet Jubilee?"

    <I'll be there.>

    "Goodbye for now Jono."

    <Goodbye for now Sunshine.>


    For the first time in her life, Monet St. Croix was worried how a member of the male gender would think she looked. To anyone but her, she would have looked like a godess. She had tied her dark hair in long ponytail with a shiny silver ribbon. She wore a chinese-looking kimono dress that left everything to the imagination. Also for the first time in her life, she was wearing high-heeled shoes. A very curious piece of attire. She put no makeup on her chocolate skin save for dark red lipstick. She smoothed out her dress and prepared for the inevetable first impression. The doorbell rang and she gracefully opened the door. At that moment, Everett Thomas was the most handsome man she had ever seen. He wore a black dress shirt under a red woven sweater jacket Monet had given him for Christmas last year. He stood,his mouth standing open at Monet. After he came to his senses, he said, "Are you ready to go, Monet?"

    "Yes, I am. Let's head for the Garage."


    Jubilee on the other hand was cool as moose as Sean Cassidy was ofter heard saying. She wore tight navy blue leggings with a pink shirt under a yellow vest. Her hair was done as it is always and she had put makeup everyplace it would fit. She was lounging in the living room of the girls dorm watching television stretched out on the couch. She heard a noise in the chimney. Oh not more bats! I thought Sean had gotten all of them out. She looked at then chimney as a very odd thing happened. A grey object fell down. She saw it was a human foot. Then she saw another one come down. They were attachedto long tendrils of the same substance. When a clothed torso fell down next, she knew that it was her date coming down her chimney in chunks. When his head and hair came down as the last of him he grinned and said,"Well Chica, you know I like to make an entrance."

    "Angelo Espaniosa!! You had me scared to death!!!"

    "I'll take that as a compliment."

    "Well let's make tracks for the Garage."


    Jonothon Starsmore had never been so nervous in his life. He was clad in khaki pants with black dress shoes. He wore a white, neatly pressed white dress shirt. He still wore his trademark leather jacket over it. He combed his hair neatly instead of its usual wild form. His next item of attire was making him very nervous. He had picked it up from The Beast, Dr. Hank McCoy, earlier that week. It was a special jell that could hold his bionuclear core inside. He would look normal. He would look like he did before the accident. McCoy had molded it to look like Jono before he lost his face. His lips would move just out of synch with his words a bit, though. He applied it on his face and chest. It worked. But it would only last for four hours. It would wear off just before midnight. He picked up a package and began the short walk to Paige's room. He gathered his strength and rang the bell. When he set eyes upon her, he froze like a statue. She was wearing a thin pink dress that ended at her knees. She wore only cherry red lipstick on her gorgeous lips. Her amber blonde hair was thrown neatly over her pretty peaches-and-cream face. She must have almost exploded in surprise when she saw him with a face.

    <Hello Sunshine>

    "Jon..Jon..Jonothon. How do you have a face?"

    <Beast's invention. Thought it would help tonight.>

    "You look so happy with a face. Like a wispy cloud."

    <Here Gel. This is for you.>

    He handed her that package he had brought. She opened it and saw its contents. A beautiful long-stem red rose.

    "Oh, Jono. Its beautiful. Thank you."

    <Well let's go.>

    "Huh? Why its not time to go to the garage yet."

    <Thought you wanted to go for a walk?>

    "Oh yes, let's go."

    He took her hand in his and they strolled off, arm in arm around the grounds.


    "Where the heck are they? Did they chicken out?"

    Jubilation Lee paced in front of the van, waiting for Jono and Paige. They were five minutes late. Finally she saw them come out of the woods and walk together towards the rest of the group. After Chamber told them why he had a face, they piled in. Everett was driving. Monet at his side. Jubilee and Angelo were in the middle. And Jono and Paige were in the back holding hands. Everett called to the group, "So gang, what flick are we seeing?"

    "Senior, we have to see 'Godzilla'! That movie has death. My kind of movie!"

    "Actually, Mr. Skin, I don't believe the antics of a giant lizard is appropriate for a date."

    "Aw, stuff it M."

    "Ah-I think we should go see 'Titanic'. I believe Ms. St. Croix would approve?"

    "Yes, that sounds good. Ev?"

    "Fine with me. Jono?"

    <It's a plan.>

    They drove on. Each seat with it's own quiet conversation. Everett and Monet were discussing politics. Jubilee and Angelo the latest fads. And Jono and Paige were discussing Shakespeare:

    <My favorite play was always Hamlet. Horachio was my favorite character. How about you Sunshine?>

    "I always liked Romeo and Juliet. Such a tragedy and such a romance. Juliet was always my role model."

    <Well Gel, I love to continue this talk, but we're here.>

    The gang piled out of the van and bought tickets. They got to their theater just as the previews were over. Skin wasted no time. During the opening credits, he put his arm around Jubilee's neck and drew her close. Synch was too shy to put any moves on Monet, so she handled that for him. She took his hand and held it tight. Much to Everett's relief. Paige had been in Jono's arms since they left her room. In the dark light of the theater, with her stunningly beautiful head resting on his artificial shoulder, her arms around his waist. He was the luckiest man on Earth. He thought about Paige's favorite Shakespearean play. "A Pair of Star Crossed lovers...", he thought.

    They remained in this warm embrace for the enitre movie. When it was over, they stood outside. Jubilee told them about the next phase in the date. Each couple had to finish out the date by themselves. As they each walked in different paths, they wondered what the next couple hours would hold for them.


    "You're sure you're not hungry Monet? We could stop by a restaurant."

    "No thank you Everett. I'd rather just walk and talk."

    "Okay then."

    The couple walk down the street talking about many subjects. They talked all night long. They walked down Main Street, They walked down Brook Street. They chatted with an intresting couple at the bus stop about how America was headed for economical disaster. Afterwards, they stopped in a little coffee house on the corner of 10th and 5th.

    "So Everett, what did you order?"

    "Mocoa Creme. How about you Monet?"

    "Bevarian Sprinkles. Very nicley brewed."

    "Geez, those guys over there sure are making alot of noise."

    Monet and Everett were the only people in the bistro except for a table of laughing men. Most of which were drunk and stoned out of there minds. Monet walked over to them.

    "Excuse me, do you think you gentlemen could keep the noise down a little bit?"

    "Babe, I'll give you some noise!"

    The drunken man grabbed at Monet's rear-end. She backhanded him with all her super strength sending him flying across the room. As Everett got in Synch with them and mentally made them slap themselves repeatedly and made them walk out of the Coffee house. Monet and Everett walked giggling into the park.

    "And when the drunked fool tried to grab at me? That was a mistake!"

    "Or when the-"

    Everett was cut off because Monet had pulled him hard to her and they embrace tightly. Then Everett bent down and kissed Monet. And they held that kiss for almost an eternity.


    Jubilee and Angelo were sitting on a bench outside of the convienince store talking. Angelo brought up an idea:

    "Hey Jubes. Why don't we go to a fancy-schmancy restaurant?"

    Jubilee said nothing for second.

    "We couldn't go to a public fancy restaurant. Let's go to McDonalds."


    "We couldn't go anywhere nice because, well you know, the way you look."

    "The way I look? So you're saying I look like a freak or something?"

    "Well you do have grey skin and..."

    "Whatever. This whole idea was stupid. See at the Academy, Jubes."

    As Angelo walked toward the way they came, Jubilee watched him, with tears in her eyes.


    Jono and Paige were sitting in the French Restaurant downtown. The band in the back played slow romantic music. In the candle light, he thought that she must be an illusion for no human could look as beautiful as she did.

    "So Jonothon. How is you're song coming?"

    <Not too great Sunshine. I started over again.>

    "What do you want the song to be about?"

    <Well actually, its going to be about you.>

    "Me? Why me?"

    <Because, you are the ray of light that pierces the Dark of my World. My Sunshine.>

    "Jonothon, I never knew you thought about me like that."

    <From the moment I saw you, Gel. I've always, well...loved you.>

    "I have always loved you too. That time I took you out to Kentucky to visit my family. That was because I wanted to tell you. But I never had the chance."

    <Well, now's our chance. I love you Paige Guthrie.>

    "I love you Jonothon Starsmore."

    "Excuse me Monsieur, Madam. Here is your check."

    <Thanks mate. Here you go, keep the change.>

    The waiter walked away. Leaving them alone.

    "Well, I hate to say it Jono, but It's time to meet back at the van."

    <Yeah, let's go.>

    They walked out of the restaurant into the hustle of downtown. After a long walk, they found the van. Ev and Monet were in the front holding each other. Jubilee was in the seat by herself, trying to hide that she was crying.

    <Hey, Gel. What happened to Angelo?>

    "He left."

    She said it quickly and without emotion. Jono knew better than to pursue the conversation so he turned to Paige and swifty took her into his arms, craddling her. Everett started the engine and they drove to the school. They all said goodbye and left in their seperate ways. Jonothon walked Paige to her door.

    <Well, good night Sunshine.>

    "Thank you for the date Jono."

    Jono couldn't stand it anymore. He took Paige in his arms tightly and brought his fake lips to hers, kissing her. She returned the kiss. And what a kiss it was. It was full of passion and warmth. When they finally did break their steamy kiss, Jonothon turned away to let his fake face crumble away. Then he turned back around to face her with his true form. She took his bandages and wrapped him up. Then she gave him an even more passionate kiss on his "face".

    "Goodnight, Jono."

    <Goodnight, my only love.>

The End

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