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Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel Comics and are being used for entertainment only. No money is being made off their use. The story belongs to me, Magik, the author.

The Truth Isn't Always Pretty

by Magik

    I sit on the edge of a cloud and watch Magik from a distance. She's talking to something. Probably something nasty. My mind dives back to everything she's told me about her and all the things she did while she was alive. I'm not sure I trust her anymore.

    I sweep my blond hair up into a bun and pretend like I'm a princess. It's fun to pretend but I like it better when other people play with me. "You think I should cut my hair? Well, Mrs. Dolittle, I'm not sure," I say to an empty patch of air. With a coy smile I then brush at imaginary dust on my dark blue dress.

    I hear quiet laughter and turn to find Magik watching me a sad sort of whimsical smile on her face. My mouth falls open as she walks towards me. I hate doing that. I hate being caught acting like a baby in her eyes.

    "Hey, kiddo. Who's Mrs. Dolittle?" she asks.

    I stay quiet staring out at the endless reaches of space. I will not cry. Slowly I take my hand off the bun and my blond hair tumbles down over my face and covers my blue eyes. Magik laughs again. I whirl on her. "Don't laugh at me! I hate that!"

    "I wasn't laughing at you, Illyana. Really I wasn't," she urges.

    "I get bored sometimes," I start to explain. "When you're busy making arrangements, I get bored. I need something to do."

    "I understand, really I do. The whole reason I became the Darkchilde was because I was bored and wandered off," she admits and rubs her temple. "I wish I'd had the chance to be like you. To be a child. I had to grow up too fast and you died."

    "You said there was a chance for me!" I suddenly scream at her. "You said I might live again! You said you'd make it alright! But you never do anything! All we ever do is wander the universe making plans that you never follow through on! I hate this! I hate you! I want to die because death means peace! I hate this!!" Now I'm standing up and I'm hitting her and kicking her. I'm crying the whole time, sobbing with rage and pain, but she just stands there and holds me. Finally she lets go and I drop to the cloud, curled into a little ball and crying.

    Magik leans down next to me. "I'm sorry. I know it's been so long for you. I know how torn your heart must be because I've been right where you are now. I know what you're going through and I'm sorry that you have to. But I promise you that I will finish this quest. You will live again. I swear, Illyana. I swear," she promises and hugs me.

    I throw her arms off and walk to the edge of the cloud leaving her just sitting there. She draws her sword and looks at it. "Do you know what this is?" she questions.

    I look at her, wipe my eyes and shrug.

    "It's my Soulsword and I fought to get it back! My soul is in this. It's mine and one day it'll be yours."

    "If you succeed," I mumble and her face drops into one of her strange smiles.

    "I don't know where I went wrong, Illyana. Where I lost your trust, your respect. I would do anything to get it back because I can't do this without you, without your cooperation..." she trails off and looks at me.

    I sit at the edge of the cloud looking over it's side pretending not to listen to her. A couple tears slide down my face but I know they're not mine. I turn to look at her and yes, she is crying.

    "Don't you want to live again!" she screams.

    Something inside my heart begins to wilt as I see the tears drip down her face. My strong older self, crying because she might not be able to save me and through me herself. I get up and walk over to her and hug her. "Of course," I say. "I'm sorry. Let's go." She takes my hand and we continue on but it's so quiet now. So quiet.

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