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Here is a sequel to 'Lost Twin is Here'.

All characters are property of Marvel Comics and used without their permission. I am not making any money for this. So just send lots of comments and I will be happy. This is a sequel to 'Lost Twin is Here'.

The Summers Family Reunion

By Maria Cline

Part one:

His name was Remy LeBeau. A few days ago, he was your average mystery Cajun ex-thief. Now he's a Summers, a member of a family that was similar to all of the soap operas on TV. He tried not to show his anger, his confusion, his sorrow, and his...happiness?

He was the man whose very name could be a fake. He is now the twin brother of Cyclops the leader of the X-Men. Scott Summers, the first X-man, the role model of all the future leaders of the X-Men, the man who can be trusted with your life. Remy well he's the opposite. However, he can be trusted. He had been trusted many times. True, his life was a secret to many that meets him.

Nevertheless, the X-Men trust him, especially the X-Ladies. Remy remembered his flirtations with Jean Grey. It was before he felt cupid's arrow hitting him with his eyes on Rogue. He loved those green eyes, the red hair, and the figure that would drive men crazy. However, her heart was already taken by Scott Summers. In addition, not so far behind was Logan it became obvious that he will set his sights on another.

Rogue, a woman who could be seen but never touched. A woman who's very kiss can put any poor soul to a deep slumber. He never kissed her before. (This story was taking place before the AOA storyline.) In addition, he will probably never will.

He sat on top of the roof. He liked it on the roof. There, he can be alone with his thoughts and brood. The last few days had been a living nightmare for the Cajun. News spread fast among the X-folk. Especially news concerning Remy's past or a new edition to the Summers line, and it had to be both. All of a sudden, letters came in addressed to either Scott LeBeau or Remy Summers, letters from Excalibur, X-Force, Generation X, and even several anyomous ones. Jean often had to sort all of the mail to prevent any exploding letters or blasted packages.

Then overnight, Remy's, and Scott's clothes in the closet were switched. They often had to switch clothes back. Even then, sometimes the clothes would still be switched. Piles of the books, _Sweet Valley High_ showed up. They are okay for reading but it was getting out of hand.

Remy picked up a book and used his kinetic charging abilities to fire up the book. He tossed it high in the air and it exploded with a bang. "Keep it up and you're going to wake up the entire mansion." A deep voice stated. Gambit grabbed one of his charged cards and flung it at the source. The figure telekinetically flung the card off and it exploded harmlessly.

Remy growled, "What is it do you want, Cable?"

Nathan answered, "To talk to my uncle".

Remy turned at the remark. "Do not call me dat. Or Gambit will start calling you neveu."

"What's a matter, Gambit?"

"Noth'in a matter! I just need to be alone!" Gambit yelled. He put his hand to his head and groaned.

"Are you alright?" Cable asked.

"Oui, I'm fine." Remy said, "Just a slight headache".

"Let me guess. You're upset because Scott is your brother. I felt the same way when I discovered that he was my father."

"Heh!" Gambit muttered, "Well you two seem pals no?"

"We share a unique relationship. It's awkward I know. But it works."

Remy looked away and he said, "I do not want to be a Summers."

"Why?" Nathan asked.

Remy looked at him with a look that said, "As Jubilee would say, Duh!" He said, "The Summers family es a tad odd, no?"

"Odd? Us?" Nathan asked in false ignorance.

Remy counted off, "Well, Let's see. We have a space pirate, a son who is _older_ than the father, and a man who worked for the government, a mad pair of clones, and now a thief. Dat is a perfectly _normal_ family."

Nathan rolled his eyes, "Fine, the Summers family are a strange breed. But what about _your_ family?"

"My family es as normal as a family of thieves could be. I have not talked to dem yet. I didn't know how ti tell dem."

Nathan looked confoundedly at Remy and asked, "What is it about our family that makes you ashamed? Oath! I admit I don't like being a Summers sometimes myself but I admit the Summers family's a loving family."

"When was de last time Corsair, your grandfather, visited here? Did he attend his own son's wedding? Oh, and when was the last time you and Scott played catch?"

"Two years ago, not at Jean's wedding, and last month". Nathan replied.

"You two played _catch_?"

"Yea, in the danger room. We played in our uniforms."

"I don't remember Jean talkin' about it."

Nathan leaned down and whispered, "It's a secret."


They looked down at the school. "You know Remy." Nathan said, "Corsair had been contacted. He didn't know about you, yet. He will be surprised."

Remy asked, "Oh and I am sure dat he will be as surprised as de time he found out about you being his grandson."

"I remembered his expression on the screen. He stared out for a second and fainted."

"He fainted?!"

"Oh yeah, he called up later and apologized for fainting. Now, everyone on the ship is calling him 'Gramps'."

"What do you call Corsair?" Remy asked curiously.

"Corsair, I feel a tad funny calling him 'Grampa'."

"Oh." Remy said as he looked out again.

Nathan asked, "Are you going to be there when Corsair comes?"

"Of course!" Remy exclaimed, "I might as well meet my true father." Remy sighed and added, "Scott and I are goin' to Alaska tomorrow to speak with his...I mean _our_ grandparents. Dey may be able to explain dis." Remy stood up and stretched, "Oh well, I must go to bed. Goodnight Nathan".

"Goodnight...Uncle Remy."

"Now, don't you dare call Gambit 'Uncle Remy'...nevue."

Part two:

Scott flew the aircraft smoothly though the air. He, Jean, Alex, and Remy were going to Alaska to visit their grandparents. Scott looked calm but inside he felt a tremendous battle raging inside him. Questions were flying though his mind. What do they know? Why didn't they tell him about his newly discovered twin brother? What happened to Remy back when they were babies? Scott felt a lightheaded feeling in his head. It had been coming to him for a while. **Don't worry about it Scott.** He told himself, **you're stressed.**

Jean looked at him and said telepathically, ~I'm sure that Phillip will be able to tell you.~

Scott replied to the comment, ~But what if they couldn't tell? I mean I'm still confused of the fact that me and Remy's related.~

Jean nodded sympathetically, ~Don't worry hon. I'm sure that they will explain everything.~


Alex stared out of the window. His mind was still reeling at the revelation a few days ago. Gambit, his brother, his other _older_ brother, that was too much. Remy was more charming, more athletic than he was. Alex shook his head in disgust. He shouldn't be jealous. Should he?


Remy watched his brothers in confusion. He still felt somewhat angry about the revelation. However, there was one good thing about being the third Summers brother, he now have a family within a family. The thoughts of his conversation with Cable last night still echoes in his mind. He's a Summers now. He might as well accept it. His head hurt. His hands started to lace with pain. He ignored it and presumed it to be stress.


They landed on the nearby field. The four stepped out into the cold air. Deborah came out to greet them, "Hello! Alex! Scott! Jean! It's been so long!"

Scott smiled, "Yes had been too long".

Remy got up to her. Deborah eyed the Cajun, "And who is this gentlemen?"

Remy smiled his special smile and replied, "I am your long lost grandson, Chere."

Deborah looked confused and repeated, "Grandson?"

Scott explained, "This is Remy LeBeau, my fraternal twin brother."

Deborah blanched, "Twin brother?" She started to faint. Jean and Alex immediately caught her.

Phillip walked in and asked, "Did I hear right? Is this Remy the twin brother?"

Alex nodded, "Yep, they're twins".

Deborah stuttered, "B-but that's impossible".

Jean said, "It's not. Hank did the tests himself. They are twins."

Phillip astounded, "We didn't know that he was even alive".

"Why?" Scott asked, "What happened?"

Phillip went to comfort Deborah and explained, "It all began when you were born Scott. Annie and Christopher were vacationing. It was when she got into labor it was a month before the due date. They were in New Orleans at the time. Chris told me that one of the twins died. They made us promise not to tell you Scott or later you Alex about the dead baby or even his existence. I'm sorry."

"Dat's it?" Remy asked, "Dat's all you know?!" He got up to leave angrily.

Alex said, "Gambit, come-on maybe there's a explanation for all this".

Remy shot a harsh glare, "I d'ink it is! Corsair and Annie abandon me! Dey probably d'ought dat two babies was too much for them to handle at de dime!"

Deborah told, "Chris and Annie was distraught. They mourned you so much."

"Den why?! Why didn't dey dell you?!"

Scott said, "They probably had a good explanation."

"I must leave." Remy said harshly, "Goodbye". He left the five behind.

Part three:

After an uneventful plane trip back home, Remy got out a bottle of aspirin.

Scott asked, "Can you get me some too?"

Remy shrugged and gave him a couple, "Here you go."

Scott thanked, "Thanks, I've been getting these unusual headaches lately." he popped a couple of pills.

"You too?!" Remy surprised asked, "I've been getting this unusual aches too".

He popped a couple of aspirins. "If the others knew, they will probably have a field day with this."

"Oui," Remy agreed, "did you talk to Henri about dis?"

"I just think its stress. I have been getting these headaches ever since I founded out about you."

"Me too."

They were silent for a while. They had been somewhat avoiding each other ever since the revelation occurred.

"I contacted Corsair." Scott said, "He will be coming in a couple of days".

"Good," Remy said as he held his head, "I can hardly wait for him to explain dis." He looked down and said, "I'm sorry about yelling to your grandparents. I know dey didn't know."

Scott sighed, "It's alright. You were upset but you had better apologize to them anyway."

"I will." Remy rubbed his head, "My head still hurts".

"Mine too." Scott muttered.

Part four:

Corsair was watching the stars flew by as his ship traveled towards his home planet Earth. He had been meaning to visit. However, he had to travel from one world to the next. He still should visit anyway. He wondered what happened that would make Scott called him. It must've been important or he wouldn't have called. A deep worry started to settle, did he know? Did he found out about the other brother? He prayed that not to be so. If Scott knew and has found out about his brother...He shuttered at the thought.

**Please god. Don't let him find the other brother.***


Meanwhile on Earth, Scott and Remy had been waiting anxiously. Scott held on to his side. Jean asked telepathically, ~Scott? Are you all right?~

He nodded, ~I'm fine, Jean. It's just indigestion.~

Remy also clutched his side, she asked, ~Are you all right Remy?~

Remy looked at her and nodded, "Please ask me verbally."

"I'm sorry." Jean said, "but you two seem uncomfortable".

"I'm fine." Remy said.

The spaceship arrived from the sky. Corsair got out and Scott greeted, "Hello, Corsair".

Corsair nodded and asked, "So, what's the reason for the call?"

Scott explained, "This is Remy LeBeau, my twin brother."

Corsair blanched, "Oh god."

Remy asked, "What is it? I am not that bad eh?"

Corsair shook his head furiously, "No". He looked at the two and asked, "Have you two been feeling okay?"

Scott shook his head, "Not lately. I've been feeling a little funny lately but I've thought it was stress."

"Me too."

Corsair sat down and shook his head, "No, it can't be".

Scott more concerned asked, "What is it? What is a matter?"

Corsair looked at Remy and Scott and said, "I'm sorry. You must know this. I tried to hide it for your safety."

"Hide what?" Remy asked.

Corsair looked at them and sadly explained, "It all began in New Orleans. Annie and I were vacationing there when she got into labor. She was sent to a nearby house. Their two baby boys were born. We noticed that one of the babies have a pair of red eyes. But, we didn't care. I watched them as they sleep. Annie was exhausted. I watched them closely. That was when a thief entered the place to kidnap one of the sons. I defended them with my life. I killed him. I never killed before. It was before I became Corsair. Annie saw it and cried. It was self-defense. We stared at the body. That was when a woman appeared out of nowhere. She was the thief's lover. She was a sort of voodoo witch. She knew about what happened.

Her eyes glowed angrily and declared, 'You killed him and you shall suffer!'

I asked 'Why?'

She said 'Eye for an eye. Life for a life.'

I looked at her and asked, 'Are you going to kill me?'

She laughed and said, 'No, one of your newborns will do.'

Annie clutched on the twins and said, 'Over my dead body.'

I begged, 'No! They are innocent children. Kill me! Let them live.'

She looked at the babies and said, 'I will let them live. But one shall come with me.'

'No!' Annie and I yelled.

She waved her hand, one of the babies appeared magically in her arms. I tried to get him back but an unknown force held me down.

She said, 'Dis baby will replace the one I loved. He will be an excellent replacement.'

'I will be hunting him to the ends of the earth.' I warned.

She declared, 'Dis baby will never know his true birth. If he and his twin ever knew each other as blood relatives, then only one will live. Dey will die slowly and painfully. Only one will live. Only one heart will beat and only one set of lungs wills breath. If he ever knew you as a father den de two shall die. You will never see him again without killing him! BWAHAHAHA!!!!!'

In a blast of smoke, she was gone, along with the baby. We cried and vowed never to tell this tale. When I thought that Scott and Alex was dead I was tempted to find Remy. Nevertheless, the words repeated in my head and I knew that if I were to found you and reveal to you how we were related. Then, he will die. I knew that that probably sounded stupid. However, it is true. Now, you two know and you will die because of what I did a long time ago. When I first saw you Gambit, I recognized those eyes of yours. I couldn't tell you."

Remy and Scott stared a Corsair for a long second.

Remy spoke up, "Dat's stupid! You could've at least try to see if the curse was real!"

Scott asked, "Did you know any witches growing up Remy?"

Remy pondered, "Oui. I know of dis old woman that died recently. She taught me a great deal about stealing. She was said to have dis lover who died from an attack by a visiting man...Merde!"

"But that's ridiculous!" Jean exclaimed, "How come Remy and Scott hadn't died yet? Or even show signs of death."

Corsair looked down in realization, "The witch also said, 'When you tell this tale the twins will disappear at sunset and only one will live.'"

Scott stood up solemnly and said, "It will be sunset in about five hours". Remy stood up as well and ran off. Rogue flew after him. Jean held Scott's hand as he tried to comfort her.

Scott said telepathically, ~We had better talk to the others.~

The responses were various. Hank denied the fact of a voodoo curse on the Summers family. Bobby cracks a joke about how the curse explained about the fact of the complicated family tree. Jean could sense his worry behind the lightheartedness. Some are in complete denial. Others were saying how much they would miss Scott and Remy.

As sunset approaches, Remy sat on the roof as usual watching the sun setting. Rogue approached him and said, "Remy?"

Remy looked at her, "Hey Cherie."

"How are ya feelin?"

He answered, "I feel pain in my hands and my head. It's getting worst. I'm scared."

Rogue refused, "Aw com'on Remy! It's just some crazy talk from an old woman!

Tomorrow we will be gathering around the table and be talkin about all the crazy stuff that happened to us."

Remy reached out and held her hand, "Sunset will come in two hours. I want to say dat I love you. And if I'm de one who dies, don't try to absorb me."

Rogue said, "Even if that curse is true. You still have a chance."

"Fifty-fifty chance, Rogue. Dat's bad odds". Remy said as he flung a couple of uncharged cards to the ground.

Rogue asked, "Remy? Do ya truly think that this curse is well true?"

Remy replied, "There's a lot of things dat go on in de Bauyo dat defies explanation."

"Whana come inside?"

"In a second, Cherie. I need to d'ink." Rogue left Remy alone. Then he heard another footstep behind him. "Not now, Chere". He muttered.

"I'm not Rogue." He said. Remy turned around to see Scott in his civilian clothes. "Scott? What are you doin' here?"

"We need to talk."

"About what?"

Scott answered, "About this. Do you think that this curse will come true?"

"Don't know." Remy said, "I hope you get spared. I do not d'ink dat I should live."

"Why?" Scott asked, "You're a good man, better than me."

Remy shocked said, "Better dan you? You must be mistaken Scott. De others dey consider you to be da best. You're de role model of all future X-Men leaders."

Scott agreed, "You're right, I am considered to be a role model. However, you managed to redeem yourself. You have done allot of good ever since you joined the X-Men. All I did was maintain my level of goodness."

"Heh, well you had kept a high standard of goodness." Remy pointed out.


"Could you do me a favor?" Remy asked.


"Could you take care of Rogue after I die?"

Scott shocked said, "What makes you think that you will be the one who dies? I could be the one who dies."

"Maybe, but who could take de chance?"

"Sure, I promise. I'm sure that Rogue can handle it. But only if I die that you will help Jean."

Remy grinned, "Sure ting".

Scott frowned, "As a friend. Not as a lover".

"I promise only as a friend."

They shook hands. Scott got up to leave, "I have to go and take care of some things".

Remy stood up too, "Me too. I had to go and call our grandparents to apologize."


They looked at each other again, "Scott?"


"I just want to say dat you're a good leader. And I'm proud to be your brother."

"Me too." They left the roof.

As last rays of sun vanish beneath the earth, Scott and Jean was in bed praying that the curse was a joke.

Remy and Rogue (who was wearing a Genoshian collar) was also praying the same prayer in Rogue's bed. The rays of the golden disk slipped under the horizon. Everyone in the household fell asleep as one as a mysterious cloud swept over the mansion.

Part five:

It was sunrise. Jean's eyes opened to find nothing except a pair of goggles beside her. Fearing the worst, she scanned the area to find nothing.

Rogue awoke as well to find a deck of cards beside her. She yanked off the collar and flew off to find the others.


In a dark alley, a man awoke. His head ached so much. He looked down to find that he was wearing a pair of pajama pants. "Where am I?" He wondered. He staggered out to attract the eyes of many people. He looked in a cracked mirror to see the reason. His eyes were red; a red that glowed with a light of its own. He tried to remember his name but several came to his mind. All of them was familiar but does not feel quite right. He went up to a nearby phone booth. He could call somebody by calling collect, but who?


Meanwhile, the X-Men were in frenzy. They had been searching for Scott and Remy for two hours straight. Rogue was flying all around the place. Jean had been searching by Cerbreo for her husband. Corsair and his Starjammers had been searching using the ship's sensors. He felt great guilt for what he did, for starting the fateful death of one of his sons.

The telephone rang, Bobby ran out and answered, "Hello? Xavier School for Gifted Students?"

"Hello? Can you help me?" The voice asked. The voice sounded somewhat Cajun.

"Gambit?! Is that you?" Bobby asked.

"I don't know. I woke up in an alley and can't quite grasp who I am. I felt my mind shifting back and forth. I am so confused. I remembered this phone number well. I thought dat perhaps I know someone d'ere."

"Hang on for a second." Bobby yelled out, "Guys! I think I know where Gambit or Scott is!"


After a while, the man came to the X-Mansion. Rogue and the others picked him up and took him there. The man did not looked exactly like Gambit. However, he did not look exactly like Scott either. Jean scanned his mind carefully; "Your mind is mixed up. It's a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions."

The man agreed, "I feel that way, Jeannie." He smiled an all too familiar smile. It was the smile of Scott Summers.

"Please come with us to the Med. Lab." Dr. McCoy said, "Do you know where it is?" The man nodded. He walked off towards the Med. Lab with the X-Men astounded behind him.


Later, as Dr. McCoy was looking over the various tests. He gasped and rechecked them. Corsair and the others were waiting as Hank walked out.

Storm asked, "Well, do you know who he is?"

He sadly nodded, "Yes, I do." He took a deep breath and said, "This man is the complete combination of Scott Summers and Remy LeBeau. They have merged both physically and mentally."

Everyone gasped at the thought.

Then, a ghostly voice said, "And only one will live. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

Not the end!

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