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Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel comics. they are being used for entertainment only and no money is being made. This story belongs to me, The Spitting Dragon, the author.

The Truth About Me

by The Spitting Dragon

Day One

I don't know why I started this biography about myself. Maybe when I die, people read this and see that there was more to me than the Darkchilde.

Hell, all I see anymore is the Darkchilde. Daughter of sin. Queen of demons. Empress of the nether realm, Limbo. I'm rotten inside... Dead.... Empty.... A pretty package full of maggots.... That's me....

Everyone sees it... Rahne... Bobby... The rest of the New Mutants....Piotr ignores it, Kitty faces it full on and takes me as I am.

Sad isn't it. Everyone is so afraid of me... Me,who always feels lost and alone, who can't let anyone in.

I'm so afraid....


Day Two:


Sometimes, when I'm lonely or feeling lost, I look up into the sky and wonder: "Who am I? What am I doing here? What is my purpose?" I've always felt lonely since I came back from the Limbo three years ago. I know I don't fit in here. I don't even know where I fit in it all.

I've always known what sets me apart from everyone else. Its more than the evil that taints my soul. More than the Darkchilde who haunts me constantly. I think its more the guilt over what I am and who I've become. I have never revealed everything that happened in the Limbo to make me the way I am now. I probably never will.

(To be continued)

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