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Disclaimer: All characters belong to Mattel and are being used for non-profit entertainment purposes only. Carl, Barbie's mother and Angela Christe, as well as the story/poem itself belong to me.

The True Confessions of Barbie

by Magik

Hello mother

It's your daughter Barbie.

Now it's a Wednesday but

It feels like Monday again.

Oh yeah, I just broke up with Ken.

You see, he was really a

Homosexual closet case and

We were both tired

Of pretending.

Skipper's still in rehab

But they say she's doing better

And, if she keeps it up,

She'll be home for Christmas.

I had the doctors pull the plug

On Todd and Stacie

Because I couldn't let the cancer win.

Sorry, Mother, there was something in my eye.

Please come to the funeral

We're having it this Sunday.

I've got to go, Mom, and get Kelly her shots.

Hello Mother

It's me again.

I called to tell you Midge dropped in.

Seems that she and Roberto are

Applying for a divorce

Because the tests show the kid

Isn't his.

Kira says it's about time

And Midge should go back

For her law degree.

But, you know Mom, Kira's one to talk.

She now works as a waitress so

Her boyfriend can go through med. school.

Kelly's gotten sick again, Mom,

I have to go.

Hello again Mother.

We missed you at the funeral.

Even Theresa came.

And if they hadn't found that

Needle in Skipper's clothes

She'd have been there too.

Courtney brought her baby,

Kevin is its father,

And they both just cried.

Where were you?


Hello Mother.

Guess what came in the mail?

I got a letter from my father

Who you said had died.

He said he missed me and

He's been thinking of me all my life.

Why the hell did you keep

Him from me?

He said he'd call and you'd just

Hang up the phone.

I'm meeting him next Thursday

Please, don't try to stop me.

Don't you dare yell at me.

He's my father and I'll meet him

If I want to!

And, God, I want to.




Hello Mother

Just thought I'd try and reach you.

You don't return my calls

I wish you would.

As for my father,

I see why you left him,

I see why you hid him.

I wish I had listened.

Please pick up this phone.


Hello Mother

I'm so glad you called me.

Yeah, he's a drunken slob

And I told him to stay away.

It's almost Thanksgiving

Will you drop in?

They said Skipper might be let out.

Don't you care?

No, you don't have to come.

I won't make you come.

I wish you would come

I miss your smile.

Fine, then!

Stay in your apartment,

Drink away your sorrows,

Sink into your depression.

I no longer care!

Hello Mother.

I already said I'm sorry.


Pick up the phone.

God, this is so childish.

Call me later.



It's Skipper.

They let me out for Thanksgiving.

Barbie says you don't love us,

Is that true?

No, Mommy, I love you.

They still say I need rehab.

I can't just leave...

But you could sign me out.

No, Barbie won't

She says I still need it,

Thinks I'm still addicted.

I swear I'm not.


Barbie, don't!

Don't take the phone away!


It's Barbie.

Damn you, stop hanging up.


I called to tell you

To stay away from Skipper.

She needs the rehab

Don't sign her out.



Mother, where is she?

They say you made them

Release her

And now she's disappeared.

Please Mom, I'm worried.

Just pick up the phone

And we'll talk.

I want to help Skipper.

Don't you care about your daughter?

I've got another call.

We'll talk later.

She's dead!

Mother, she's dead!

The police just called me

They found the body.

She O.D.ed.

Are you happy now, Mother?

Shut up!

You don't get to cry!


The police won't release the body

Because I'm not her legal guardian.

It's absurd.

I've taken care of her all her life.

Look, I need you now.

You have to get the body,

She needs to be buried.

Will you get it?

Will you?




Hey, it's me.

Guess what I did.

Followed your footsteps, that's what.

No, I'm not drunk,

I'm plastered.

I was drunk before I met Carl.


My newest squeeze,

My first one-night stand.

Aren't you proud of me?

Listen here, if it's good enough for you

It's good enough for me.

Get off my case.

I got drunk.

Okay, I did that too.

Best I've had in a while.

I'm a what, Mother?

I'm what?!

So are you!

So are you!


No, I refuse to talk to you!


No, this isn't Barbie.

It's Kira.

Don't you remember me?

That's nice of you to say.

She's fine.

I'm watching Kelly, though.

My boyfriend?

Oh, the med. student.

I broke up with him

Too much trouble.



She seems fine, I guess.

The funeral?

Yeah, she's been busy with that.

I'm going.

Will I see you there?


That's too bad.

We'll miss you.

I'll tell Barbie you called.



Bye now.



Mommy, please

I'm scared.

No, the funeral went fine.

No, Kelly's better.


It's me.


Remember that night?

When I got drunk.

Yeah, that night.

Well, I think I'm pregnant.

Please don't yell.

I'm scared.

Don't yell.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

What am I going to do?

Hello Mother.

I'm glad you called me

It's been a while.

Three months.

Yes, I'm really pregnant.

Mother, I'm not aborting it.

It's my baby.

No, I didn't tell Carl.

I didn't even try to find him.


Because I don't want your life.

I'll say what I want.

It's true, Mother.

Its true.

My life won't parallel yours.

No way!


Kelly's fine.

I don't think she misses you.

She calls me Momma.

Oh, I meant to tell you

Ken dropped in the other day.

He hooked up with Steven

A few months ago

Now they both have H.I.V.

No, I said I wished him well

Told him we were still friends

And he left.

Midge and Richard?

They got back together.

Seems he doesn't even care

If the kid isn't his.

Kira's back in college

And Theresa became a model.

Courtney married Kevin

And they called their baby Skipper

For a few months.

Now she's pregnant again

But the doctor's say it

Might go bad.

It seems that Courtney's

Real weak and not well nourished.

I wish her well.

Well, I'd better go

To my prenatal appointment.

Bye Mom.


You have reached Barbie

I'm not home right now

But if you leave your name and number

After the beep

I'll get back to you

As soon as I can.



How are you?

That's good.

I'm glad.

The doctors say you should be out soon.

Real soon.

No, I'm not crying.

Get some rest.


I can't come over.

I'm busy.

I have to get back to work.

Kira's taking care of Kelly.

No, don't bother her.

I can't visit you.

It's a nice nursing home

I checked it out myself.

I won't bring you any booze.


Don't yell at me.

Stop yelling

They might take away your phone.

I can hope.

I didn't say a word


Honest, Mother.


I have to get back to work.

I'm fine

The baby's fine.

Six months.

It's been six months.



Hi Mom.

I wish you could be here too.

Kira's with me.

Midge has Kelly.

Mom, one question.

How much will this hurt?


Why'd you call?

Have you told the nurse?

You should.

They can help you.

I have to go.

I'm sorry.

I have to.

Love you.



It's a girl.

A beautiful baby girl.


Who's this?

Where's my mother?

My God.

My God, no.

Poor Momma.


I'm sorry.


Hey Mom

I don't know if you can hear me

Up there in heaven

But I hope you can.

We all miss you

And we wish you were still alive.

Daddy came to the funeral.

He looked good.

He's sober

Says it's for me and my child.

I named her after you, Momma.

I really did.

Angela Christe.

It's a beautiful name.

I'm not telling Carl about her,

Not ever.

Kelly's fine too.

Just had her sixth birthday.

The years fly, Momma.

I'm fine,

I miss you.



The End

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