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This story is inspired by the strange couples challenge. All characters are property of Marvel Comics. This story has no continuity. It takes place before Scott and Jean's wedding. I'm not making any money from this.

Untouched Now Touched

By Maria Cline


Scott and Rogue are exhausted. They have been fighting Mr. Sinister's latest creation for over a day. The other team members had been unavailable, so they are alone. They couldn't let the monster go out. Scott had used up his vast solar energies on the monster several minutes ago and Rogue had also been driven to her breaking point. The monster opened his large mouth to reveal a large cannon. They screamed in unison as they trade blows with the monster. The monster went down, but the cannon's blast hit Rogue and Scott and they vanished.


Part 1

Sheriff Gordon was doing his daily patrol along the road. His eyes scanned the road for anything that could be troublesome: potholes stranded cars, anything that out of the ordinary. Then, he noticed two figures waving at him trying to get his attention.

He pulled over to find a man and a woman standing in tatters of clothing. The woman is tall. She had green eyes that will stick out in a field. Her long red/brown curly hair is touched by a white streak. The man is slightly taller than the woman is. He had brown hair and brown eyes.

Sheriff asked, "Are you two all right? Were you in a accident?"

The woman said with a worried southern voice "We are all right. But we didn't know wha happin."

The man with the same worried voice added, "We don't know who we are. Can you help us?"

Gordon nodded. The two appeared to be confused, but unhurt. But they need to be examined and helped. They are, from what he could tell, also unarmed and not hiding anything. He got out and helped them in the car.

The town he drove to was a small town. The type that everyone knows everyone. He drove the two back to the station. There, the local doctor examined them.

Dr. Friday told Sheriff Gordon after the examination, "They are very healthy people. They are probably athletes or even models. The woman certainly had a body of a model. There is no brain damage or trauma in the two people. There are several cuts and nicks and signs of exhaustion. But other than that and the amnesia they are unhurt."

Gordon nodded and asked, "Are they able to recollect on what happened?"

"No." Dr. Friday replied, "They are still amnesiac on their lives. They didn't even know their own names."

"May I see them?"

"Of course."

Sheriff Gordon followed Friday to the lab where the man and the woman sat waiting. "How you're feeling?" Gordon asked.

"Better," Scott replied.

"Thank ya fo' takin care of us sheriff." Rogue said.

Scott said, "We thought up some names for ourselves to use until we could remember our real names. I want to be called 'Charlie'."

"An I wanna be called 'Raven'."

Gordon asked, "Why the names?"

'Charlie' replied, "They seem nice. And besides John and Jane sounds too common. They make us sound like a couple of unidentified corpses." Gordon and Friday laughed at the joke.

Gordon said, "I will help you two find out your real names. I promise. In the meantime, I know some people who will help you settle here temporarily. Get you some clothes, a job, and a place to stay."

'Raven' went up to him and kiss him lightly on the cheek and said, "Thanks, sugah." The kiss didn't affect the sheriff, except for the fact that he blushed.


Part 2

Sheriff Gordon had kept his promise. At least, he gave Scott and Rogue now known as 'Charlie' and 'Raven' a place to stay, in his own home, and a job. They are now working at a small diner called Sally's. They had been working there for a month. There, Charlie worked as a grill cook. He was a fast learner and soon can grill as fast as his more skilled co-workers. His politeness and good looks cause every single woman's heart to go aflutter for the mysterious man with no past.

Raven is the waitress. Her southern accent and gorgeous appearance cause men to stare and fight for her. She constantly makes peace among the gentlemen. Between tables she often had to settle fights, with the help of Charlie. She is the want of every man and the envy of every woman.

Charlie and Raven slowly but surely was getting closer. Everyone knows it. Charlie and Raven walk in the park for long periods of time. They talk about various things. They talked about the various sorts of days they have. They tried to dream about the lives they had. The possible jobs they had. They even tried to figure out what sort of families they had before. They decided that they weren't related. They didn't resemble enough and Raven's southern accent were the main reason that they decided that they aren't related.

One lonely night, the Charlie and Raven was closing up the diner. It was a long process filled with cleaning and stocking up. Raven looked at Charlie and smiled. His tall frame and his muscles make him so handsome. Raven said, "Charlie?"

Charlie looked up from packing some meat and asked, "Yes?"

She hugged him; "Ah must say this. Ah love you."

Charlie looked stun and said, "Raven, I...I...don't know what to say."

"Don't act so stunned. Ya act the same way."

Charlie smiled and said, "I did. I love you too."

Raven said, "Ah wish that we know who we are."

"Me too." Charlie said. The two looked at each other in the eyes. Green eyes staring at brown eyes. The lean toward each other and kissed. They kissed long and hard.

Raven looked at the window to see a group of gawking men and women. "Charlie look!"

Charlie yelled, "Go away! Can't you see that we're kissing?!"

The group scattered. Raven glaring said, "Honestly, they acted like they never saw a couple kiss before."

Charlie said, "Ignore them." They kissed again under the pale moonlight.


Part 3

Remy, Nathan, and Logan were driving down a road. The X-Men picked up a tip about a pair of people matching Scott and Rogue's descriptions. The three volunteered to go there via car. The Blackbird was taken on an another mission.

Remy decided to take Nathan and Logan since they could verify the two. Now, he's wishing he 'd chosen someone else.

"We're lost!" Remy exclaimed, "You're reading that map wrong!"

"I'm not!" Nathan said, "We're on the right road!"

"Will you two, shut up?!" Logan yelled. He pulled over to a nearby diner. "We will stop here and asked for directions."

Nathan and Remy looked down, Nathan said, "Sorry, I'm just worried about Scott and Rogue."

"Me too."

Logan said, "We're all worried. Let's just go inside and asked for directions."


Nathan, Logan, and Remy were looking at the menus. A familiar southern voice asked, "Ya all want anything?"

They all looked up to see Rogue standing there in a waitress's uniform.

Remy exclaimed, "Rogue!" He went up to Raven and hugged her.

Raven shoved him. "Back off! Ah got a boyfriend!"

Remy said, "Chere, it's me, Remy." He went up to her and touched her bare arm hoping that his memories will spark something. Nothing happened. Raven pulled herself away. He immediately apologized, "Sorry, Chere. I thought you were someone else."

Logan sniffed, "It's her."

Raven yelled, "Charlie! Come here!"

Charlie ran in and asked, "Are these men bothering you?"

Nathan cried out, "Scott! Is that you?"

Logan asked, "Where's the sunglasses Cyke?"

Charlie looked at him strangely, "Who are you guys?"

Raven said as she started to cry, "This man," she pointed to Remy, "grabbed mah arm. He called me 'Rogue'."

Charlie angrily said, "Leave us alone. Or I'll call Sheriff Gordon on you."

Remy pleaded, "Rogue, Scott, don't you remember me? Scott, you got a girlfriend at home and are part of de X-Men. Rogue, you and me belong together."

Raven kept on crying and Charlie was holding her and comforting her, "It's okay Raven." He gently lifted her head and said, "I'll make sure these men leave." He kissed her passionately.

Everyone gasped. Logan, Nathan, and Remy realized that not only Rogue and Scott now have no memory and no powers. But, they have fallen for each other, hard. Remy yelled angrily, "Dat's it! I waited for so long to touch her and you had to ruin it!"

He angrily attacked Charlie. Fortunately, Nathan held on to him telekinetically. Logan grabbed the Cajun and knocked him out, "Sorry to disturb ya." They left the confused couple behind.


"Why did you do dat?!" Remy yelled as they were cruising down the highway. Remy awoke from his 'nap' to discover that he was knocked unconscious.

Logan explained, "You nearly attacked Scott. If a fight broke out, we're would've been in allot of trouble. And it wouldn't help us getting Rogue and Scott back."

"Den we're gonna do nothing?" Remy asked.

Nathan said, "Don't worry, we'll get the others. Hopefully, we can get somebody more diplomatic to help us."


Raven and Charlie held each other in the back room, recovering from the incident. "There, there, Raven. Those men are long gone."

Raven still sobbing said, "But Charlie, that man with the coat said that we're part of the X-Men. The X-Men are a group of mutants, terrorists. We're not mutants. Are we?"

"I don't know. Dr. Friday said that we're normal human beings. Those guys are probably part of some sick practical joke."

"But-but what if they're right? What if we're really this Rogue and Scott? Ah don't know if Ah can handle this."

Charlie stroked her hair. "Others came and tried to claim us. But, they never had proof. This is no different."

Raven sniffed and said, "That one with the coat, Remy, seemed awfully angry at the fact that we were kissing."

"So's half the men in this town."

"Good point." They kissed again confident that they are right.


Part 4

Jean and Bobby sat in the Sheriff's office. Sheriff Gordon walked in and said, "You two must be here about a couple of amnesiacs."

Jean nodded, "We lost a couple of close friends a few months ago. We had been searching high and low for them. Scott meant the world to me."

"Yeah," Bobby said sadly, "when we heard about a couple of people who matched Scott's and Rogue's descriptions we came right over."

Sheriff nodded, "I need some proof that you know these two. The two we called, 'Raven' and 'Charlie' was shook up from an unfortunate incident concerning three men who claimed to know who they are."

Jean and Bobby winced since they knew about the incident at the diner. She took out several pictures and lay them out on the desk. "We have photographs of them." Sheriff Gordon looked at all of them. There are several pictures of Rogue in her horse-riding outfit. Pictures of Rogue in a bikini. There are pictures of Scott wearing his ruby quartz glasses. He recognized them from the pair he founded earlier when he was investigating the area he founded Charlie and Raven in. He sighed, "Well, the pictures prove it. I'll call Charlie and Ra- I _mean_ Scott and Rogue."

Jean and Bobby smiled, "Thank you so much." Jean said.

Sheriff Gordon looked at the redhead and asked, "Were you and Scott close?"

Jean nodded, "Yes, I love him."

Sheriff sighed, "I must warn you. Scott and Rogue had been close. They love each other now."

Jean closed her eyes and started to cry, "I will find a way to get him to remember. Me and my friends will take care of them."

Sheriff picked up the phone and make a phone call, "Hello, Sally? This is Sheriff Jim Gordon. I got a couple of people who know and proved who's Charlie and Raven really named. Could you send them here immediately. You will? Thank you, Sal." He hung up the phone and said, "They're coming this way."


Sally hung up the phone. She smiled and cried out, "Charlie! Raven! Come here!"

They came to her and Raven asked, "What is it, Sal?"

Sally smiled broader and replied, "Great news, Jim just called. There's a couple of people in his office who knows who you are."

Charlie and Raven gasped, Charlie said, "You mean we will finally know who we are? We will finally know where we came from?"

Raven exclaimed, "Of course that's what it means! Oh, Charlie! That means that we're not part of this X-Men team!"

Charlie returned a big grin, "You're right!"

Sally said, "Well, I go ahead and get a couple of replacements. You two go ahead and find your true selves."

Charlie noticed Sally being sad, "What's a matter?"

"I will miss you both. You two are incredible. Although, I will be glad when the number of fights lessen again."

Charlie hugged Sally, "It's okay. We'll keep in touch."

Raven added, "That's right, sugah. We'll write to ya."

"Thank you." Sally said, "You two better go."


Bobby and Jean paced back and forth in the office. Bobby impatient asked, "What's taking them so long?"

Jean replied, "Sheriff called them only five minutes ago."

"It's only been five minutes?!"

Sheriff Gordon said, "Don't worry. The diner is a short distance away. They'll be here."

"We are here." A male voice said.

The three turned to see Scott and Rogue standing there. Jean exclaimed, "Scott!" She ran up to him and hugged him. Scott stood there stunned. Jean stopped and looked up to see his brown eyes, "Where's the glasses?"

"Glasses?" Scott repeated.

Bobby went up to Rogue, "Rogue! Wow! You look great."

Rogue and Scott smiled uncomfortably to each other. Scott said, "Er...I'm sorry, Miss. I don't know who you are. I obviously meant a lot to you. What's your name?"

Jean's face became lined with shock then she said, "My name is Jean Grey. This is Bobby Drake. We're your friends. Don't you recognize us?"

Rogue and Scott shook their heads. Bobby sighed, "Don't worry. We'll help you regain your memories."

Rogue smiled, "Thank ya sugah. We're so glad to see ya. A few days ago some creeps came to the diner and claimed that me and Char- I mean Scott are part of the X-Men."

Scott added, "Yeah, us X-Men. I know we don't know anything about our pasts. But, we know that we're just a couple of normal human beings."

"That's right. If there's one thing we know about us is that we're not a pair of dangerous mutants."

"Yeah, Ah mean do we look like a pair of dangerous mutants to ya?" Bobby and Jean looked at each other with uncertain looks. Rogue continued, "Ah mean we don't have anything against mutants. As long as they aren't evil."

Scott added, "Or with uncontrollable powers. That's the worst kind of mutant. A mutant who can't control something deadly. That's like giving a gun to kid who doesn't know what to do." He noticed the alarmed looks on Bobby and Jean's faces, "But, mutants are okay."

Rogue asked, "What's our names?"

Jean answered, "Your name is Rogue." She pointed to Scott, "And your name is Scott Summers."

Rogue confused asked, "What's my last name?"

Jean stuttered a little, "Er...ah..."

Bobby answered quickly, "It's Darkholme. Your real name is Rogue Darkholme."

Jean telepathically yelled, **Robert!**

**We can't tell her that we don't know her last name. Besides, it's as close to the truth as we can get.**

Scott asked, "Why are you two looking at each other like that?"

Jean looked at him and replied, "Nothing. We must get going. Your family is worried about you."

Sheriff Gordon said, "I'll call home and prepare your suitcases."

"Thank ya, Sheriff." Rogue said.

As the group went to the house to pick up their luggage, Gordon whispered in his radio. Jean could sense people inside. As Rogue and Scott entered the house, A chorus of, "SURPRISE!!!" echoed throughout the room.


Part 5

Everyone gasped. Their was a banner of 'Good Luck Whoever you are' along the wall. It seemed that the entire town was there. Dr. Friday, Sally, and all of the male and female suitors were there.

Rogue exclaimed, "Ya did all this for us?!"

Sheriff Gordon answered, "Hey! We felt that you would want a party to celebrate you two finding out who you are."

Scott smiled, "Thank you. But, you planned this ahead?"

Sally replied, "Yes. Finding out who you are is very good for you both. We are so happy for you."

Scott kissed her lightly, "Thank you."

Dr. Friday asked, "So what's your real names?"

Rogue introduced, "Whal, mah name is Rogue Darkholme." She gestured to Scott and said, "And this fine fella is Scott Summers."

Daisy, one of the women who flaunts after Charlie, said, "Scott Summers. That sounds so cute."

"Thank you." Scott said.

Barney (No, not the deputy) said, "Rogue Darkholme. That sounds so nice. But, I prefer Raven."

Everyone gathered around them. All of the excited townsfolk asked all sorts of questions. Johnny asked, "So, what's their real jobs?"

Jean replied, "We all go to a school in Westchester, New York."

Donna asked, "Studying in what? Modeling?" She eyed Bobby.

Bobby pulled his collar, "Er...special skills. Scott and Rogue in flying things."

Rogue exclaimed, "Meh? Flying?"

Jean nodded, "Yep. You two fly all the time." She didn't tell her that she didn't need a plane to fly.

The party lasted all night. Everyone had a good time. Bobby and Jean watched Rogue and Scott dancing close to each other. Jean wanted to cry. Her long-time boyfriend was in love with a different woman. Bobby held her hand in comfort.

Jean telepathically said, **We've been lying through our teeth. I don't know how they will react to that?**

**They'll understand.**

**They hate mutants with uncontrollable powers. I don't know if I could find the strength to tell them that they are mutants.**

**We have to tell them. You know that.**

Meanwhile, Scott and Rogue danced happily in each other arms. Rogue looked over at Jean and Bobby, "They're doing it again." She whispered.

"I know." He whispered back, "Jean and me must be close."

"What we're gonna do? Ah love you."

"I love you too. I felt that I had some relationship before. I always thought it would be with you."

Rogue suggested, "Why don't cha ask her fo' a dance?"

Scott surprised said, "A dance?!"

"Yeah. We'll separate our feelings later."

Scott let go and went up to Jean, "Er...hi."

Jean looked at him and explained, "Hi. We have to leave soon."

"I know." He said uncomfortably. "Would you like to" he asked nervously.

Jean smiled a little. She remembered that awkward Slim Summers that was ridiculously shy. "It will be an honor to dance with you, Mr. Summers."

They danced slowly. The song 'When you Believe' played over the speakers. She tried to lean closer to him. But, he moved back. He was nervous. He was confused. She could sense it. "It's all right to be confused." She said soothingly.

"I'm sorry." He said, "I wish I could say that I love you. But, I couldn't feel it. I don't understand. You're beautiful, understanding, caring, and brilliant. You have incredible eyes though. I could stare into them forever."

The two eyes started to shed tears. "You used to talk about my eyes all the time."

"I'm sorry to upset you." Scott apologized as he looked away ashamed.

"You're not. You seem so different. We'll get through this. I promise."

The party was over. Everyone went home. Before they did, they cleaned up the house. Scott and Rogue packed up their bags and left with Bobby and Jean.


Part six

Rogue slept soundly in Scott's arms as she unconsciously embraced him. It had been a long trip and it had been even a longer trip for Jean who was sitting up front watching the couple. She sighed loudly. Bobby looked at her from the driver's seat and said, "Jean. It's okay. The Professor will help them."

Jean watched as Scott's hand rubbed Rogue's face, "I hope so."

They pulled into the driveway where the entire X-team was waiting in anticipation. Bobby reached back, "Scott...Rogue...wake up!

"They jerked up. Rogue looked out of her window. "Wow. It's huge!"

Scott looked out the same window. "A mansion. Is this the school?"

Bobby nodded as they got out, "Home sweet home."

They all got to the front door. Jean telepathically told the others that they were coming and Scott and Rogue didn't know yet what they truly are. They hid. Professor Xavier was the first one to greet them, "Welcome home. Scott, Rogue, you look great."

"Thank you sir." Scott said as they shook hands.

Jean looked at him and sighed. She might as well tell the truth, "Scott...Rogue...there's something you should know."

Scott looked at her and asked, "What is it Jean?"


Suddenly a figure in a trenchcoat appeared and yelled, "YOU!"

Charlie recognized him and repeated, "You."

Jean glared at Gambit. He had several cards in his hand and she said, "Gambit! Not now!"

Scott and Rogue gasped. Scott yelled, "He lives here?! You two are Muties?!"

Gambit apparently drunk nodded, "Dat's right mi hombre. You two are Muties too."

Scott turned to Jean and accused, "You _lied_ to us! You said that this is a school!"

Xavier explained, "This _is_ a school. It is a school for gifted people."

Jean said, "I'm sorry for lying, Scott, Rogue. But, there were too many people around. We couldn't just tell you there." She angrily looked at Gambit but he had vanished.

Rogue exclaimed, "We _trusted_ ya! Ya lied to us!"

Xavier could sense the fear in his students. "This is the secret headquarters of the X-Men. We couldn't let everyone know about this place."

Scott asked, "Are _we_ mutants?"

Jean nodded, "Yes you are mutants. Or were mutants. You two lost your powers when you lost your memories."

Rogue slowly sat down in shock. Tears came to her eyes. "Ah-we- mutants? What kind?"

Xavier answered, ""


Jean pointed to Scott, "You can fire laser blasts out of your eyes." She pointed to Rogue, "You can fly, are invulnerable, superstrong, and...that's it."

Scott and Rogue looked at each other. Scott looked at a chair and squinted, "I can't fire the lasers."

Rogue went to the sofa and tried to lift the edge. "Ah can't lift it."

Bobby explained, "You lost your powers."

Xavier said, "Bobby, Jean, why don't you take Scott and Rogue to their bedrooms. It's getting late. We could continue this tomorrow."

Jean and Bobby nodded. Bobby gestured, "Come-on guys! Your rooms have been prepared."

Rogue followed Bobby to her room. She entered the place. It was filled with stuffed animals. She slowly entered her former room trying to remember. Bobby asked, "Brought back any memories?"

She shook her head. "No. Ah'm sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry for Rogue. You can't just get your memories back instantly."

Rogue sat down on her bed. It felt comfortable. She inquired, "So...what's your powers?"

Bobby looked at her in surprise. He rolled up his sleeve and his forearm turned into ice. "I can create ice out of thin air." The forearm turned back to normal and he rolled it down.

Rogue gasped and grinned. "Sounds handy if you want a cold soda."

"Yeah." He said as he left. He turned and said, "If you need anything just ask. Jean's bedroom is just down the hall."


He stopped and asked, "Yeah?"

"That man with the eyes. Remy. Ah'm scared of him. Is he dangerous? Would he kill me or Scott?"

He shook his head. "No. Gambit's a good man. He loves you. He will not do anything to you both."

"But-but, he nearly attacked Scott in the diner."

"He was jealous. He was jealous of Scott. Don't worry. He's probably on the roof right now brooding."

"The roof!" She yelled as she got up.

"Whoa!" Bobby said as he held up his hands, "Don't worry about him. He does it all the time."

"Oh." Rogue said as she lower herself back on the bed. "Thanks Bobby." She said as he left.

The door closed. She lies down and looked at a teddy bear. She asked it, "What's yor name? Should Ah ask the others about you? Nah." She held the teddy close to her.


Scott and Jean entered his room. It was tidy. The bed was made and a pair of red and gold goggles lay on the dresser next to the bed. He looked around and said, "You cleaned the room?"

Jean smiled a little and answered, "We didn't touch it. You were always tidy."

"Me? Tidy?"

Jean looked at him strangely and answered, "Why yes. Aren't you tidy?"

Scott looked at her and laughed, "HAHAHA!!! Just ask Rogue. She always complained about the way I left things around."


He sat down on the bed and nodded. "Nice and firm. I like it." Jean watched Scott looked over everything.

She asked hopefully, "Anything?"

He shook his head. "Nothing. This is so frustrating." He looked at the dresser and held up the goggles. "What are these?"

She answered, "Special goggles you used to wear due to your powers. You don't need them now."

"Goggles for someone with eye lasers sounds reasonable." He said as he put the goggles down.

"You call them 'optic blasts'."

"Op-tic blasts. Sounds nice."



"Yes, Scott?"

"What's your mutant power?"

She smiled and looked at the bookshelf. A book floated out of it and flipped pages on its own. "I'm a telekinetic. I can move objects around mentally." She said telepathically, **I can also read minds.**

He gasped. Jean reassured, "Don't worry. I try not read them. I won't pry into your thoughts."

"Okay." Scott said uncomfortably.

"If you need anything..."

"Actually, I was wondering where's Rogue's room?"

Jean gave him a harsh look. Scott put up his hands in defense. "I'm worried about her. That mad man with the eyes, Remy, might do something to her."

She sighed and patted him on the shoulder. "I understand. Remy tends to be a little... odd. But, he's a good man. He won't attack you or Rogue. He's probably on the roof brooding. If it makes you feel better you can stay in her room." She said that last sentence with bitterness.

Scott looked at her eyes. "Jean. We never did anything together. Rogue and I held hands, kissed, and even made out, but we never had sex. I'm sorry to upset you. We must've been close before. I don't know you. You're a stranger to me now. We can talk about this tomorrow."

"Yes, we will." She said. She gestured out of the door, "Her room is down the hall and to the left. You will see a teddy bear on the door."

"Thank you for trusting me." Scott said.

Jean nodded and walked out of the room.


Remy, like Jean and Bobby said before, was on the roof. He looked up at the stars wondering what he did wrong. Rogue can be touched now. She could kiss, wear skimpy clothing, and even...oh merde. She is not Rogue now. The woman that is sleeping in Rogue's bedroom is no longer the woman he knew. She loves Scott. And Scott loves Rogue. He wondered which is worst. Having an untouchable Rogue or a touchable Raven. Rogue is happy. Why shouldn't he be happy for her?

"Why me?" He muttered as he looked at the stars.


Jean ran to her room. Tears came down her face. The man in Scott's room is not Scott. He was Scott Summers; a leader, a mutant, a man of dignity. All that's left is 'Charlie'. She wanted to re-established the psychic rapport between them. She couldn't. She wouldn't. She sighed, "Scott. I will get you back."


Rogue couldn't sleep. The room was errie and the thought of a drunk madman on the roof frightens her. A knock came from the door. She got up and answered it. Scott was standing there. They kissed. They took comfort in each other arms in response to the confusing day they had.


"Yeah, Scott?"

"Did _he_ visit you yet?"

"No. Bobby said that he wouldn't hurt us. You?"

"No. Jean said the same thing."

They stare at each other for a second. Scott suggested, "Want to talk about it?"

"Ah'm tired." She said, "Ah'm confused. They _lied_ to us."

"I know." Scott nodded. "We better keep our eye out on these mutants. They may not be totally honest with us."

"Alright." She said as she held up her teddy, "What'cha think?"

"Cute. What's his name?"

"Don't know."

They stared at each other for a second. Scott stood up to leave, "I better go back to my room. We're going to be busy tomorrow. Are you alright here?"

"Ah guess so." Rogue said reluctantly.

"Goodnight, my Raven."

"Mah name is Rogue."

"I know."

"Goodnight, Sugah."


part seven

The sun slowly rose in the east to greet the sky and the new day. Scott and Rogue were already awake due to the lack of sleep, caused by fear. Scott carefully entered Rogue's room.

"Hi, Raven... I mean, Rogue."

"Scott!" she greeted. They kissed long and hard. Rogue pulled out her pepper spray and said, "Ah still got our presents from Jim."

Scott smiled and said, "Good. If any of those mutants, especially Remy, get any funny ideas, we'll give them a good spray in the face and run like hell."

"Sounds likea plan to me."


The X-Men gathered carefully in the living room. They were nervous about how Scott and Rogue would react to them. Xavier explained to his teammates, "Scott and Rogue, as far as they are concerned, are normal human beings. They lost their past and their powers. Scott and Rogue will not trust us so easily as before. They will react to us like a couple of strangers would, because they considered us to be strangers. And we must respect their unusual behavior."

Jean looked harshly at Gambit. "Gambit, don't hurt Scott. He and Rogue got scared by your appearance last night."

Gambit's red eyes glowed eerily. "Fine. I not gonna hurt Scott. I jus' gonna make my Rogue remember who I am."

Betsy looked at Jean and asked, "How differently does Scott act?"

Jean sighed and put her hand to her forehead. "He is different. He is more emotional now and he will show his anger more."

Hank and Warren looked at each other and Hank said, "Perhaps it would be prudent to use our image inducers around our amnesiac friends."

Xavier shook his head and said, "Don't Hank. We have lied to them and deceived them far too many times. They are having trouble trusting us as it is."

Warren sighed and said, "I bet that they will faint when they see us."


Scott and Rogue walked slowly to the kitchen. They could hear the conversation going in the dining room. They entered the room and all talking stopped. Scott and Rogue walked bravely to a pair of empty chairs at the table where the rest of the team sat. They looked at the assorted X-Men. Many looked like average normal human beings and several looked like that they were dressed for a costume party.

The X-Men looked anxiously at Scott and Rogue, hoping that seeing them would spark some memory. Professor Xavier asked, "How did you sleep?"

Rogue yawned and lied, "I slept just fine."

Scott attempting to stiffle a yawn himself added, "Slept like a log."

Then they noticed Gambit sitting there staring down at his coffee. Scott asked, "What is _he_ doing here?"

Gambit answered, "Having breakfast."

Jean said, "Don't worry, Scott. He won't attack you."

Rogue reached in her pocket and clutched her pepper spray. **I won't let that red-eyed mutie get his paws on me.** She thought. Jean, Betsy, Nathan, and Xavier overheard the thought and cringed.

Xavier cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. He said, "Allow me to introduce you to the X-Men. You both know Bobby and Jean or their codenames Iceman and... well Jean Grey."

Jean explained, "I don't have a codename."

Scott and Rogue nodded and Scott said, "Yes, they showed us their powers last night."

"And this is Betsy Braddock a.k.a. Psycloke."

Scott and Rogue's eyes widened and Scott asked, "Your name is _Betsy_?"

Betsy nodded her violet eyes flashing and said, "Yes. It is."

Scott apologized when he saw the anger in her violet eyes, "I'm sorry. It's... just... well...."

Rogue finished for him, "He's tryin' to say that ya don't look much like ah 'Betsy' Of course, that accent of youhs sounded don't look 'English'."

Betsy grinned and said, "I wasn't born with this body. I understand your confusion." She looked at Scott and winked. Scott swallowed when he saw her grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Xavier cleared his throat and continued, "And this is Warren Worthington the Third a.k.a. Archangel."

Rogue asked, "Why's yoah skin blue?"

Warren looked at her with piercing blue eyes and answered, "It's a long story."

She leaned away in fear. She was afraid that he would hurt her.

Xavier gestured to a huge man and said, "And this is Peter Rasputin, a.k.a. Colossus."


Xavier introduced, "This is Bishop."

Scott asked, "Bishop...?"

Bishop said, "I don't have a last name."

"Sorry. That's an interesting tattoo." Scott said as he pointed to Bishop's eye tattoo.

Xavier explained, "Bishop is from the future. He was sent here to prevent his future from coming true."

Rogue, confused, asked, "But, won't that cause some weird time travel effect? Like ya not being born?"

Bishop said, "I'm willing to risk it."

Scott and Rogue looked at each other with growing fear. Xavier could sense the confusion. He said, "Are you two all right?"

Scott answered, "We're fine."

"And this is Henry McCoy, a.k.a. the Beast."

Rogue looked at him and asked, "How do ya dry yourself off after a bath?"

Hank answered, "Very, very thoroughly."

Scott looked at him carefully. He had seen the pictures of him and yet Hank's furry appearance was almost frightening. However, Hank was sitting there more relaxed than Gambit.

Xavier introduced, "This is Logan, a.k.a. Wolverine."

Rogue said, "I remember him. Me and Char- Ah mean Scott, met him, that huge feller," she pointed to Nathan, "and Remy."

"Yes." Xavier said as he pointed to Jubilee, "And this is Jubilation Lee, or as everyone calls her, Jubilee."

Scott looked between Logan and Jubilee and asked, "Are you two related?"

Jubilee smirked and replied, "Nope. But Wolvie is allot like a father to me."

"Oh, well, it's just that you two seem close. Like a father daughter relationship."


Xavier looked uncomfortably at Nathan and said, "And this is Nathan... Summers, a.k.a. Cable."

"Summers!" Scott exclaimed as he stood up.

Nathan nodded not knowing what to say except, "Yes. We are related. We are very closely related."

Scott stared at him and studied him. Nathan looked old with the lines along his face and the silvery hair that topped his head. He looked about sixty or maybe even more. Scott slapped himself on side the head and said, "It's so obvious!"

Rogue asked, "What is?" Scott went to the other side of the table to see Nathan closer while hope and joy filled his unshielded eyes. He said, "Don't you see?"

Rogue's face brightened and she said, "Of course! It's so clear."

Everyone else was confused at what the two were thinking. Scott went to Nathan and gave Nathan a huge hug yelling, "Daddy!"

To be continued...

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