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DISCLAIMER: Marvels owns the X-Men. Making no profit - nothing to sue for. At least guess who this is about before you stake a claim, hmm? Maybe a little feedback? Wouldn't hurt. ;) Publicly or privately at .



By Pebblin

* * *

I love you, but you don't.

So I weep.

I look at you and I don't know you anymore.

And it burns.

Your eyes don't show your soul - they hide it.

Shutters it in.

Cold, empty and grey...

So easily mistaken for warmth when you smile.

It's just the guile.

I see it, now. What you are - what you will never be.

Like me.

I could cry.

Wrapped up in the envelope of yourself, you arms embrace you far better than

I ever could -

That's made me think.

And when I see you, I'm not seeing you - only the husk.

Inside is different - marred and misshapen.

You're perfect -

Perfectly unlike anything I ever thought you might be.

It rains; my tears fall on my head.

I hate you...

It makes me laugh.

I run in the moonshine alone and it's the same as if you were there -

Just me speaking with no one listening.

Eyes of the wolf - that's what you have.

Impenetrable, nebulous - inhuman -

That's what you are.

I howl.

I swoon, I wretch, I buy ice cream at the cart.

You stare, you shrug, you didn't help that little boy who fell off his bike

on your yard.

I refused the realization and denied the obvious truth.

I can love you, but you can't.

I moan in terror.

I can look at you and only recognize you by your cap.

I cry out in elation.

You don't see me for what I am, though - fooled into believing otherwise.

It's not Sunday - it's Monday - and you owe me breakfast, stranger.

I sigh in pity.

For myself - you don't need it 'cause you've got your own.

I'm better than you are; I just don't believe it.

I die.

You are reborn to hunt, capture and maintain.

I see you from the other side -

With someone else.


I am alone and sick.

Health and companionship - that's you there, if you were to be defined by

what you have -

And not what you want others to believe.

You're dead -

Inside, not without.

I'm alive!

But only inside...

And without..?

Without, I died - don't you remember?!

That burns.



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