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Disclaimer: Characters are not mine, but Marvel's.

Continuity: Takes place after sometime after Warren gets his real wings back. Vague enough for ya? ;-)

Feedback adored. Constructive criticism welcome.

Poi could always use some constructing


by PoiLass  (

Beautiful morning. Beautiful sky. Warren Worthington the third rolled on his back, flattening his wings, and stared out the curtainless window from his bed. The sky was calling to him. His delighted smile broadened.

~Why not?~

"Betsy?" He touched the shoulder of the woman sleeping next to him.

~She's so beautiful too...~

"Love? Wake up." She blinked awake with a start, looking annoyed as she slowly sat up and glanced at the clock.

"God. Don't tell me we've got a mission..."

"Uh -no. No. I just thought - you might like to come flying with me. Watch the sun rise...?" his voice tailed off as she glared at him furiously.

"Warren, you _do_ know what time it is?" Her voice was cold as she pushed her hair out of her face.

~Maybe not such a good idea...~ he thought, his heart falling.

~But we've been so distant lately. I thought - maybe spending some time together- she used to love flying with me...~

"It's just - going to be such a beautiful day -. Sorry. I didn't think." He swallowed bitterly, turning away. The joy he'd felt on waking, on seeing the clear sky, and the first light drifting into the room, seemed to dissipate under her angry stare. He left the bed softly and went to the window, although he no longer really felt like flying. He was tired of flying alone

.~Screwed up again Wings. Idiot. Should've suggested a picnic or something, not a pre-dawn swoop...~

"Sorry." He said again, trying to keep his frustration out of his voice. "Go back to sleep."

Betsy watched him turn away from her, sensed his deep disappointment, and suddenly found herself wondering just why she was being such a bitch

.~Yes, so it's an ungodly hour to be feeling romantic. But it seems like ages since there was any romance between us at all. So why am I stomping on it? Bound and determined to ruin your relationship, are you Braddock?~

She made her decision suddenly, and hoped it wasn't too late.

"No." She came up behind him, and put her arms around his waist, hugging him in apology.

"No, _I'm_ sorry. Let's fly. Just let me put something warm on first, okay?" He turned and looked at her, his mood rising again.

"Are you sure...?"

"Yes. Why not? I think I've lost my sense of spontaneity Mr. Worthington. Although, then again, it could be that it just isn't working properly at _5 am_..." She couldn't keep a small measure of sarcasm out of her voice, but her tone was warm, and she smiled as she said it.

He ducked his head, mock wincing in embarrassment at the dig.

"Okay, okay..." he looked at her from under the tangled blonde hair that fell over his face, and smiled his love at her

.~I love you too.~ she thought, feeling it, and wondered why neither of them seemed to say it out loud anymore.


He held her close as he flew through the cool morning air, treasuring every second of it. The feel of her body against him, and the scent of her hair, and the sound of her delighted, breathless laughter as he flew circles high above the school.

For once he felt he could put away all the troubles that plagued them on the ground, their fights and their pasts; his depressions and her mood swings, her anger and his angst. He smiled again, unable to stop, finding it suddenly all so easy to ignore.


Leave it on the ground. Just love the sky.


Because it was going to be such a beautiful day.

Such a perfect day.

He whooped for joy and threw himself higher, stretching his perfect wings through the perfect sky, holding the perfect woman - who wriggled and gasped at his antics.

"Warren!" Betsy protested, half laughing, half angry. He glanced down at her and grinned infectiously.

"Ah, relax, why don't you Ms. Braddock. I'm not going to drop you, I promise."

She glared at him, her hair a whip in the wind, but her mind brushed against his affectionately. He closed his eyes a moment, leaning into holding her, opening his thoughts to her.


Leave it on the ground. Love the sky, love.


They spun through a cloud of birds, scattering the flock in all directions, then slowed a little, gliding on winds so soft it felt for a moment he was drifting on the pale sunlight that was gently filling the air. He never wanted to go down again.


Love the sky.


But then suddenly there was static in his head, painful noises that he could make no sense of, messages he couldn't translate, too many voices speaking at once, too much, too much, and he yelled for Betsy to stop, and then realised it wasn't Betsy, and then stopped thinking at all.



He screamed without hearing his own voice.


Betsy slid into shock as she felt his arms drop from around her, hands going to his head as he suddenly swooped downward. She stifled a yelp, and tightened a death grip around his neck as her body fell from his strong embrace.

~Oh my God... he let me go...~

<<Warren??>> she yelled telepathically, but she couldn't touch his mind. Some sort of static seemed to be clouding it, and he answered none of her calls.

"Damn it Warren. You did just promise not to drop me you know..." He ignored her, screaming again as he dived through the sky at a sickening speed. She held her breath as she altered her position, swinging her legs around his waist and clasping her hands around her wrists firmly. She breathed a sigh of relief, feeling slightly more secure, and tried once again to reach Warren's mind. He continued to fly his strange patterns, his attention utterly taken up by whatever was attacking him, his arms flailing wildly about his head.

~Nada. Well. Time to call for some help, I suppose.~

She sent her mind call out to Jean, sleeping in the boathouse, far too far below, and shortly saw a streak of red come barrelling up from the ground. The woman called Phoenix kept pace with them for a moment, looking astonished at Warren's bizarre behaviour, and Betsy's ungainly hold on him.

"What the--. No, never mind. It's not as if this sort of thing is rare around here..." The other telepath grabbed Warren and Betsy both in a telekinetic hold and began to pull them towards the ground.

"Ahh - no -. I -. Oh my god. My god. Betsy?" Warren's arms came around her frantically and held her tight. His fierce embrace cut off her air, but she welcomed it.

"What - what the hell just happened?" his blue eyes looked panicked as he stared wildly between her and Jean.

"You tell me love." She managed to say lightly, not letting go of him.

He seemed himself again, but she had no intention of releasing her hold until she was safely on the ground again.

~Even if it was rather exhilarating...~

"How about we wait until we're down, okay?" Jean said calmly. "I'll take care of it Warren, you - you just lie back and think of England or something." Despite the situation, Betsy almost snorted with laughter at Jean's slight, knowing smile. She'd often wondered if any of the others knew how many times she and Warren had made love in the sky over Salem Centre.


But Warren was entirely too shocked to be amused.


"What do you mean _`you don't sense anything'_?" He demanded angrily of Jean twenty minutes later.

"There was someone - some - thing, in my head! _Something_ --" he stopped in frustration for the countless time in the those twenty short minutes, trying to find the words for the `something' that had invaded him with such ease, and words for the invasion itself.

"Warren, all I said was, that I can't find any trace of someone having been in your mind recently. _Or_ anyone nearby - and neither can Cerebro. If some telepath attacked you -"

"I said it wasn't a telepath!" He snapped. "I've _been_ attacked by a tepe before Jean, I think I know what it feels like! I told you, it was _nothing_ like that!" She paused a moment before continuing.

"Okay. So what was it like?" Her tone was calm, but seemed to suggest, very gently, that if he didn't change his, she'd soon change hers, and that he probably wouldn't like that. He stopped again, and tried to stop taking his anger and fear out on her. He hated the idea of being violated like this all over again. Hated even more the thought that neither Jean nor Betsy had felt anything, and still couldn't. And therefore, could offer him no protection if it happened again... He threw himself down on Jean and Scott's sofa once again - and then jumped up again, to wander their living room restlessly. Something out there had attacked him. Only...

"It didn't - really - feel like an attack." He mused slowly, trying to recall the sound of it, the feel of it. "It was more like... I don't know. A... message. Or something. Only it hurt, because... I don't know. But - I don't think it was _meant_ to hurt me."

"A message?" Scott frowned, entering the conversation for the first time in some minutes. "But if it was intended to be heard, if someone wanted to communicate with us, then why didn't Betsy hear it too?"

"It wasn't _meant_ for her -" Warren dismissed him irritably, caught in his thoughts - and then stopped yet again, hearing his own words. "...It was just meant for me..." he continued slowly, to himself.

~Meant for _me_...~


For a moment he thought he heard static.


"Sorry, what did you say Scott?" He turned to the other man absently, shaking the noise away again. Scott looked at him curiously, but repeated his question.

"What did the ...message... sound like? Could you get any sense from it at all?"

Angry words leapt to his tongue at the doubtful tone in his friend's voice. He knew Scott was simply being typically circumspect, trying to get all the facts, and wasn't questioning that he'd experienced something. Nonetheless, the sceptical note irritated him. But he felt Betsy's hand on his arm, and held the words back, for once.

"It didn't sound like anything." He simply said shortly. But in his mind he turned the question over and over, and tried to answer it again.

~But it _didn't_ sound like anything. Except - sort of - ... hello...?~


The discussion went nowhere after that, and there was little else that could be done. Warren was quietly watched for a while, and the house stayed on careful alert, but the days went past without incident. And if Warren occasionally heard things that weren't there, he passed it off as stress and his imagination, and told himself he was ignoring it, because to do otherwise would mean telling the others.

And, for some reason, he found he didn't want to do that.


Scott took him off active duty for a few days, `just to be sure', and Warren didn't make a fuss about it - at least not after Betsy had telepathically made a few suggestions of what they could do with the time. But she was spending the morning in a training session, and so he wandered the house, feeling restless and jumpy, knocking his wings into walls and doorways with unusual clumsiness. They felt like lead on his back today - which was frustrating, but not especially unusual. Though he'd long since come to adjust to the weight, there were still, rare days when it felt alien and distant from him once again. A throwback to the early days, when his wings had been new to him, and dealing with them had been a full time occupation.

He smiled slightly. They'd made his life hell in many ways; he'd been forced to bind them tightly down under his clothes, and avoid close friendships and relationships for several years for fear of being found out. It had been uncomfortable, and frightening, and very, very lonely.

And he would never willingly have given them up, even then.


Still, he shrugged his shoulders in irritation, feathers rustling at the movement. The weight felt too heavy and the noise felt too loud. Days like this, the only thing that helped make them feel natural again was flying - and he realised with a start that it had been days since he'd done that.

~No wonder I feel weird. How long has it been since I spent this long on the ground, on purpose? I'm not sure I ever have...~ He paused, oddly reluctant, for once, to leave the house

.~What's the matter?~ he asked himself mockingly, ~You frightened? Gonna add flying to your little list of things to have nightmares about?~

The thought was repugnant, alien.


No. No way. He was not, would never be, frightened of the sky. He wouldn't know how. It was his home. It was who he was.


And if there was something the slightest bit odd about that thought, something the slightest bit out of character, he didn't notice, only went to the nearest window and threw himself out. And up.


The flight left him refreshed - after he managed to relax and stop expecting to be attacked at any moment. He glided to the ground near the lake and sank to the grass to catch his breath. His breathing slowed quickly, but still -

~Out of shape already? This is ridiculous. I can't believe I've over-reacted so badly to one weird little... incident. I'm telling Scott to put me back on active duty, and he can stick his `sensible precautions'.~


He looked up, feeling better now that the decision was made, and watched a flock of birds circle the mansion in less than geometric patterns. He found himself wondering why they flew that way: around and around, sliding through and over each other but never colliding, in long, loose ellipses. After he watched them a while, he thought he could see patterns in their movements, amused himself trying to predict where they would go next. Lazily traced the lines they made with a outheld finger. Lost himself in those hypnotic, soothing, erratic shapes. Stretched his body, and his wings and threw himself gracefully into the sky to make a few more of his own.


Heard static.


"No - " He cried out - and it stopped. And started again, fading in and out, as if the source was moving closer and further away from him. For a few brief moments, it was bearable, and the noise hovered on the edge of his mind, waiting for him to understand it. And he felt he _could_, that he could tune into it, if he could just find the right - frequency, that he could decode it if he could just find the right - way of thinking.


But then it got louder. Bigger. More urgent.




"No - d-don't -" He lost words again, lost control again, lost himself in the noise and the cries and the pain and the message that he couldn't understand and -


~ -I'm trying, I'm trying, but I can't understand- ~

Someone heard, the static shifted, someone tried again.




~I can't I can't _I can't_ -~

Then it shifted once again, the static seeming suddenly to coalesce, the multitude of voices settling on a single, clear message - that he _understood_.

*Hello welcome to the sky*

"Welcome to the -?" he started uncomprehendingly, and then suddenly his gaze flew up, and focused on the circling birds.

*Welcome to the sky*

~They can't - they _can't_ be talking to me...~ he thought, staring longingly at them - and knew suddenly that they weren't. They weren't _talking_, he was making the words to stop himself going crazy - but they were, oh they _were_, he realised, addressing him. And he was hearing, for the first time.

That they liked him. Were glad to see him. Were glad to welcome him to the sky.

"Oh." Warren breathed, his eyes shining as the message of interestaffectionwelcome shifted and slid through his mind, beautiful static.

"Oh god I'm so dumb. Ohhhhh. I get it, I -" he tried to move but realised, finally, that he was held. He frowned impatiently at Jean, who was staring worriedly at him. Where had she come from? What was she _doing_?

*Welcomewelcome to the sky*

"Warren? What's going--"

"I'm fine. Finefinefine. Let me go please. Now_now_ please." He tugged anxiously at the telekinetic cocoon he was encased in, needing to be free, needing to fly -

*Welcomewelcome tototo the sky*

Jean let him go, still trying to talk to him, but he ignored her, sweeping up to the flock, through them, he and the other birds avoiding crashing into each other with ease. They swooped and soared; he could feel the rush of air through a hundred sets of wings and hear a hundred delighted `voices' chattering to him in static and sensations - sending him the sense of air through feathers, the joy of soontobe hatched eggs, the delight in flight from predators, in being predators, of morningsandevenings and swoopinganddiving and having the wind as the most intimate lover, as a friend, as an enemy, as a parent.

*I knowIknow!* Warren told them, excitedly, *I knowknowknow - except abouttheeggs...* They laughed at him in the way of birds, and he laughed too, like a chick fresh out of shell, new come to the sky.

*Hellohellowelcome* they offered him with much kindness.

*Thank you* he sent back, laughing breathlessly with joy again, ecstatically feeling the distance between himself and the ground as the distance between himself and the most hated prison.






Does anyone else remember that Archangel: Phantom Wings one-shot? Just FYI, this was kinda sorta partially inspired by that. Kinda. Sorta. Originally.

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