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Title: When You Say Nothing At All

Author: Raye

Characters: Gabrielle, Joxer, Xena

Pairing: G/J

Rating: G

Archive: Sure.

Summary: Too short to summarize ;)

Author's Notes: I don't have to tell you this was supposed to be a lyrics challenge, do I? *Ahem* This is a piece inspired by lyrics sent to me by way of a challenge at ES (how's that?)

Thanks: To Tabs for the great lyrics! I loved this song in college. *sings* Thanks for the memories :) And thanks to Chris for the commas ;p


When You Say Nothing At All

(Don Schlitz and Paul Overstreet) (c) 1988


It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart

Without saying a word, you can light up the dark

Try as I may, I could never explain

What I hear when you don't say a thing


The smile on your face lets me know that you need me

There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me

The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever ever I fall

You say it best when you say nothing at all


All day long I can hear people talking out loud

But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd

Old Mr. Webster could never define

What's being said between your heart and mine


The smile on your face lets me know that you need me

There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me


The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever ever I fall

You say it best when you say nothing at all


The smile on your face lets me know that you need me

There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me


The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall

You say it best when you say nothing at all



The tray slipped from the girl's hand, dropping to the floor along with the wooden tankards she'd just retrieved from the long row of tables that lined the center of the tavern. The resulting clatter went unnoticed in the din that the villagers seemed intent on making, and would continue to make, until they were good-naturedly shown the door shortly before dawn.

Outside, three figures made their way from the tavern toward the outskirts of town, where they would set up camp after their successful campaign to rid yet another seemingly helpless village of yet another seemingly undefeatable warlord. The figures were not alone on their short trek, but were accompanied by two horses, one fair, one dark, each a contrast to the woman it carried. A man walked beside them, his gait unsteady from the ales he had consumed in celebration of the village's victory.

The trio made camp just beyond the edge of trees that bordered the town. A quiet, bred of familiarity, surrounded them as they set about making a fire and laying out their bedrolls. The man mumbled, "Good night," as he lay down, falling asleep almost before his head hit the makeshift pillow of his leather pack.

"We'll let him sleep in, Gabrielle. He's more than earned his rest," the dark-haired woman said as she crawled beneath her own light blanket.

"He did hold his own today, didn't he?" the blonde responded; but the other woman could not confirm nor deny the observation, as she too quickly fell under Morpheus' spell.

"Goodnight, Xena," Gabrielle whispered.

The soft sounds of the night filled the air as she tried to find her own rest after their long day of fighting. Her body began to relax, tired muscles loosening, but her mind continued to hum with activity. She looked toward the cause of her unrest, toward the man softly snoring beside her. She envied him then; he looked as if he had found the peace, the calm which she always seemed to be working so hard to gain. She wanted to reach over and shake him, wake him and force him to tell her the secret to the ease that surrounded him.

She didn't reach over to him. She didn't wake him. She didn't demand the answers she already knew. Instead, she turned onto her side, pushing an arm under her head so she could watch him from a more comfortable position. She watched his chest slowly rise up and down. She watched his hand move up to brush aside a small, brown leaf that fell onto his forehead. She watched as her own hand hovered near his face a moment before tracing the length of his check with her fingertips.

"So you love me, Joxer. You're in love with me." Her face creased. "Are you? Could you?" Her whisper barely registered above the breeze that pushed through the trees.

He turned on his side before she could bring her hand back. She held her breath for a moment and she waited to see if she had woken him.

His eyes opened as he reached out a hand to her and mirrored the caress she had given him; then he slid his hand down her arm letting it rest on her waist.

Gabrielle lowered her head to his chest as she finally exhaled.

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