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Marvel Comics Group 1939-1980

All Marvel characters and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof are Trademarks & Copyright © 1941-2001 Marvel Characters, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Application to become an official "Authorized Fan Site" has been mailed in.

Introductory Remarks

Tales of Suspense #46 Fantastic Four #22 Daredevil #1
Tales to Astonish #55 Fantastic Four #27 Sgt. Fury #8
Journey Into Mystery #107 Spider-Man #16 Spider-Man Annual #1
This website tracks developments and changes in the Marvel line from Marvel Comics #1, 1939, through the end of December 1980, with special emphasis on the Silver Age. The Silver Age was an important period in Pop Culture history, and it's rightly regarded as pivotal to every change or improvement that comic book literature has gone through since then.

Titles are discussed in the order they went on sale, and not series, title or by the date that appeared on the cover. This may be confusing to some; but, once you get used to it, will provide a more realistic view of the titles under discussion.

For instance, if you want to look up The Fantastic Four, you would go to the 1961-1970 Section, and then look up the 1961 page, and progress from there.

Information and data on this site have been compiled by members of the Silver Age of Marvel e-group, among others.
