A & A : Aiding and Abetting
Adifax : Expensive and addictive serum prepared from corpses of Stookies, which stops the aging process in humans.
Aeorball : Once fashionable cross between basketball and kung-fu, played in the air using personal jetpacks.
Airbus : Commercially run hover bus, running a prescribed route between Blocks.
AGC (Anti-Gravity Chute) : Clear plasti-glass tubes used for fast travel between the floors of the tall City Blocks.
Aggro Dome : Mega City recreation centers, where citizens could work off violent tensions against robots and machines.
Anarchopolis : Mythical commune of free-thinkers and exiles from Mega-City One, said to exist beneath the Undercity.
Andean Conglom : South American counterpart of Mega City One.
Apocalypse War : Attempted invasion of Mega City One in 2104 by East Meg, which devastated most if the population and the city.
ARV : Armed Robbery with Violence.
Atomic War : World wide nuckear war, started in 2070 by President Booth, which destroyed much of the USA, USSR, and Europe.
Auto-key : Hand held electronic lock opener.