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The pic on the right is a particular of Botticelli's painting "La Calunnia" which is in Florence, Italy. Mick was photophobic, but this could have been his portrait. The face is so very like Mick's as to be shocking. But what is even more true to him is the expression, hope and pain and the refusal to stop hoping and living, the refusal to lose humanity, the gentleness and high flying spirit... they are all Mick.


Holding him tight into my warm embrace
I feel a man, I feel I all can dare.
I hold the world, the sun, the stars and space
Fast in my arms, riches beyond compare.
Watching him move I can't but see his grace
And his slow liquid moves my heart ensnare.
I love, and loving so I can but fear
The end of joy, the end of hearts entwined,
The end of all the things I now hold dear
And fearing thus my heart won’t be denied
The solace of his warm breath in my ear.
I spurn the past, all that is dead and done,
And spurn the future ever out of sight.
I hold the moment, I am not alone
And love holds me in his sweet arms tonight.